Another Code: Recollection

Another Code: Recollection

released on Jan 19, 2024

Another Code: Recollection

released on Jan 19, 2024

The Nintendo DS game Trace Memory and its Wii sequel are coming together, fully enhanced, on the Nintendo Switch system. A young girl named Ashley receives a letter from her father, who she thought had passed away. Seeking answers, she sets off for a solitary island in search of him. Once there, Ashley encounters puzzles and obstacles that threaten to hinder her investigation. Find the traces of her past and experience the full story for the first time.

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A história não faz o menor sentido (principalmente a do segundo), e os puzzles são bobinhos, mas gostei das vibes (e no fim é isso que importa).

Los dos juegos en general se ven muy bonitos y la banda sonora lo acompaña genial. La historia cojea a veces pero ambos juegos tienen un final muy satisfactorio, y todos los personajes se hacen de querer.

Lo único que no me convence de ambos juegos, sobretodo del segundo, es la poca cantidad de puzles y su facilidad.

A pesar de ser juegos con más texto que gameplay, se disfrutan mucho y tienen la duración perfecta. Cuando los terminas te dejan una impresión muy agradable.

I picked this up as I played the first one on the DS when I was younger and remember loving it. While these are great remakes presentation-wise, there's not a huge amount of gameplay here.

There's a lot of dialogue and puzzles are few and far between, and I seem to remember there being more puzzles in the original; it now feels less puzzle game and more visual novel. I appreciate that they can't replicate puzzles that used the DS dual screens, but there's no new puzzles that really use Switch features to compensate so the concept of unique puzzle solving hasn't really translated to the Switch at all.

So far I've finished the first game and I'm about halfway through the second and, while I've enjoyed my time with it, I'm not sure I'm enjoying it enough to finish.

I'm quite happy this saw a release, yet still conflicted about both these remakes. They're budget titles but look good where they need to, mainly with character models. The mysteries were compelling even though the stories weren't excellent overall (the sequel especially had a bit of annoying teen drama).

Seeing as these games target a younger audience, the puzzles are about as easy as the originals, but I wish there weren't so fewer puzzles than before. Another disappointment is that the gameplay doesn't take advantage of the Switch as Cing did with the DS and Wii. It's a lovely tribute, but if Hotel Dusk is a possibility I hope that Arc System or whoever can take the concept even further.

Two Memories: overall pretty nice remake of the original, It can be hard transforming top-down to 3D and I'd say it's done pretty well. That said, the puzzles feel way easier, and I think the game goes into the mansion itself a bit too early.

Another Code R: again, pretty good conversion from 2D to 3D, although the world feels a bit empty sometimes. With puzzles, same as before, they feel a bit too easy. The changes to some of the character models and their dialogues did dissappoint me a bit (for example the rocker guy, he's super bland now), but otherwise I did like Matt's story does finish, as well as the changes to the antagonist and their motivations.

Overall, while I did see some questionable choices, it's a pretty fun remake of the original games. Hopefully we can get some Hotel Dusk down the line.

Another Code: Recollection nimmt seine Verantwortung als Remake mehr als bewusst wahr, erweitert das Gameplay um praktische Quality of Life-Änderungen und bringt vor allem optisch zwei Spiele ins Spotlight, die viel zu lange unter dem Radar vieler geflogen sind.