Chrono Trigger

Chrono Trigger

released on Mar 11, 1995

Chrono Trigger

released on Mar 11, 1995

In this turn-based Japanese RPG, young Crono must travel through time through a misfunctioning teleporter to rescue his misfortunate companion and take part in an intricate web of past and present perils. The adventure that ensues soon unveils an evil force set to destroy the world, triggering Crono's race against time to change the course of history and bring about a brighter future.

Also in series

Chrono Cross
Chrono Cross
Radical Dreamers: Le Trésor Interdit
Radical Dreamers: Le Trésor Interdit
Chrono Trigger: Jet Bike Special
Chrono Trigger: Jet Bike Special
Chrono Trigger: Music Library
Chrono Trigger: Music Library
Chrono Trigger: Character Library
Chrono Trigger: Character Library

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Um dos primeiros JRPGs que joguei, e tbm foi o que me fez perder o preconceito com jogos de turno quando criança. Lembro que vi esse jogo no canal do Fiaspo quando criança, e o que me chamou atenção foi a arte dele, que eu havia achado muito semelhante a de Dragon Ball, então resolvi pesquisar e descobri que era do Akira Toriyama (Que Deus o tenha).

Mesmo após ter pesquisado sobre o game, eu não fui atrás dele, só joguei mesmo quando comprei aquele CD de PS2 com jogos de SNES, e foi aí que eu comecei e não parei mais de jogar, foi amor a primeira vista.

Eu nunca zerei essa versão, somente fui zerar quando mais velho a versão de NDS, então falarei mais sobre o jogo quando chegar a vez dela.

if i could turn back time, i'd keep toriyama alive and valorant gutted in a shithole, never to escape, and unable to see the light of day

What an emotional ride!

Aside from Pokémon, I’ve never really been into turn based RPGs. Partly due to little exposure to them, partly due to preferring more hands-on games since I first started gaming. But Chrono Trigger has absolutely changed my outlook on the genre.

What a great game this is!

The story is absolutely fascinating! I was gripped from start to finish. I am a massive fan of time travel in movies, games and books and Chrono Trigger truly nails the concept. The way the eras all tie into each other is fantastic.

Every single one of the characters, be it the main ones or minor ones, are interesting and the game encourages you to find out more about everything and explore every corner. There are no full fetch quests here, only meaningful stuff.

Graphics, sprite-work, OST, all great!

And the final phase, wow! Has there ever been a boss that has taken more preparation than this? Has there ever been a longer, more engaging boss fight? The game does an incredible job of giving you the feeling that every decision you’ve made, every action you’ve taken, every quest you’ve completed, has all lead to this point and will decide how this fight will go. Just incredible.

For a game that is touching 30 yeas old to engage me this much is a monumental achievement.

Mas objetivamente que subjetivamente si que es una obra maestra. Se ve brutal, las animaciones están super bien hechas. Los mundos de cada tiempo tienen mucha personalidad cada uno. Los personajes son muy carismaticos y se hacen querer demasiado, se siente como que son mas que un party member. Como si cada que juegues con una party diferente va a ser una historia relativamente diferente. El combate está muy bien hecho y variado, bastante entretenido para ser un ATB.