Devil May Cry

released on Aug 23, 2001

Originally intended to be the fourth installment in the Resident Evil series, Devil May Cry is an action-adventure game that introduced a host of new elements to the gaming community. Chief among them is the Stylish Rank, which grades the player's performance in combat. The game is split into Missions, which are individually scored according to various factors, such as Orbs gathered and damage taken. Additionally, Devil May Cry did away with the pre-rendered backgrounds of prior Resident Evil games in order to allow for a dynamic camera system.

Also in series

Devil May Cry 2
Devil May Cry 2
Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening - Special Edition
Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening - Special Edition
Devil May Cry 4
Devil May Cry 4
Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening
Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening
Devil May Cry 2
Devil May Cry 2

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I'm not sure I get the hype behind the original. Often times it's more frustrating that it is fun. Combos don't really work and the Resident Evil camera does nothing for this kind of game.

Pretty good! Cheesy dialogue, stiff but cool combat and an incredible setting!

Видит Вергилий, я пытался.
Но грёбанные схроны в начале уровня и два жирных босса в конце - это смэрть. Я просто устал бегать. А спускаться в лёгкий уровень сложности я не буду.
В остальном игра прикольная. Побегать по готичным локациям под эмбиент. Боёвка +- может фана принести. С павуком было прикольно дратся. И с шакалом. Но когда появляются летающие мобы и боссы, то я сразу потерял интерес. Я в ДМС или как? Почему я должен бегать по карте и выстреливать нечисть из гранатамёта.
Сюжета ещё наваливают только под конец, до которого я не дошёл, но ладно.

6 желтых камней из 10

Like a fine milk.

DMC was a groundbreaking release early into the PS2's tenure who's influence can still be felt today. Bayonetta, God of War, and of course later DMC titles were shaped by the dual-wielding hero's first violent romp. Capcom deserves credit for revolutionizing, if-not inventing, the hack-and-slash genre, and DMC is an important game for that, but...

I didn't enjoy revisiting this game at all. The combat mechanics are shallow, the enemy and level designs are nothing special, the voice acting and dialogue are painful, and the dated graphics sting my eyes. DMC fails to deliver timeless art, compelling narrative, or enduring gameplay. Because of that, I cannot recommend another trip through Mundus's castle for any reason apart from perspective or nostalgia. Be that as it may, I am excited to delve further into the series, as I know later titles will fair better when held to the standards of modern media.

Most later titles.

Ok puta merdakk eu realmente tentei gostar desse jogo mas ele foi simplesmente a minha decepção mais sincera q eu tive em relação a videogame. A internet inteira trata essa porra como se fosse a melhor coisa do mundo mas no fim só é mais ou menos mesmo. A estética é maneira mas nada q já não tenham feito na época, a história é bem mediana sem contar a bosta do final q pareceu mais um final de filme fodase q passaria no sessão da tarde. Fora isso a trilha sonora e as boss fights sao legais até

For its time this is a DAMN good action game however nowadays it is a bit dated and knowing how complex combos can be in future games it made the first game seem a bit more repetitive however that doesn't mean it wasn't fun