Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes

released on Apr 23, 2024

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes

released on Apr 23, 2024

Eiyuden Chronicles: Hundred Heroes is designed to bring players a modern take on a classic JRPG experience. Get ready to lead 100+ playable characters through a war-torn world only you can save.

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Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising
Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising

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I am a big fan of Suikoden 3 and 5, those being the only I have played, so I was excited for this and the 1 and 2 remaster. After having played 12 hours of the game I can say that it is pretty good. But ultimately I decided not to continue. Here are my thoughts and reasons.
Starting with the graphics, which is something I don't typically mention in reviews, the art seems all over the place. Some things are pixelized and some are not and that looks very out of place to me. The voice acting isn't as anime as some jrpgs (I'm looking at you xenoblade) but it's not great either. Some of the dialogue and certain voice actors are good and got me to laugh.

The combat is...well, there is an auto-battle button and it does a lot of heavy lifting. In an area, once you get appropriately leveled and know what to expect from certain enemies you just turn that bad boy on. There are random encounters, which in some complicated maps makes exploring feel more punishing than rewarding. For example there is a puzzle trial area that is pretty big and there still random encounters. Resources can be VERY precious because of this. The combat is very basic though. What I really dislike is that you need to choose everybody's action before any actions can take place. This causes some irritating situations like, one character misses an attack, but your follow up character is attacking another enemy cuz you expected the previous enemy to already be dead. Or, you want to resurrect a character and then heal that character however you literally cannot do that because you cannot select to heal a member that is KOd.

Some boss fights have gimmicks. They are called gimmicks... The game calls them gimmicks. You select an action prompt that says "gimmick"... I am not shitting you. Idk how interesting they get later in the game but the two that I did were just ok. For instance, there is a lever and if the lever ends on your side of the battlefield rocks will drop on you.
Another annoyance I had with the gameplay is that there is a turn order outline at the top of the screen (I like that) but the order in which you select actions is based on the order of your party. What often happened to me was my big bruiser was in the front line so I picked his action 2nd but in the actual turn order his action goes last. There is no way to get around this. This is just an artificial "complexity" of the battle system. In most fights this doesn't matter so it is a trivial matter.

NOW. Let's get to my favorite part about games. Story, World, and characters. The story theoretically is something I should enjoy. Nations, politics, war, backstabbing. There are a few reasons I don't enjoy it. First, it's the typical trope that everybody for some reason is appointing you- an early twenties newbie- with all the responsibilities of the world. Everybody says your capable and you've got talent but... based on what? What did my character do to give you this impression. Second, why is everybody so god dam lighthearted? We are at war people! Villages have burned, cities taken over. Presumably many people have died. Yet, here we are as jolly as can be. It seems very low stakes for a story about a war to maintain your freedom against an empire. Third, there is no story character I really like besides Ymir but he is not a driver of story. Just a guy who will be around to snark. Also, the reason I like him is because he patronizes me for being "the wonder boy" or something like that.

So I decided to drop it. Kinda bummed, but hey. Now I can spend time doing something else.

De uns anos para cá, tenho me distanciado bastante de JRPGs, apesar de ser um gênero que amo de coração. Eles obviamente não foram o primeiro gênero que joguei em minha vida de gamer. Porém, quando era criança, lembro muito de jogar diversos jogos do gênero no meu PS1, a grande maioria totalmente em japonês. Então, tenho um certo amor pelo gênero. Recentemente, finalizei o Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes através do Game Pass. Acho que, de maneira geral, tudo que me faz lembrar daquela época de ouro de JRPGs do PS1, eu senti jogando esse game. Certamente, de maneira geral, o jogo é tudo o que eu queria. Dito isso, se você quer reviver essa sensação, este jogo certamente é para você. Se você ama JRPGs da era de ouro dos anos 90, este é para você. Se você ama pixel art incrível, uma história épica e um mundo em que você pode se envolver profundamente, dê uma chance a esse game. Certamente é um jogaço e que vale muito a pena ser jogado. A única razão pela qual não dou uma nota 10 são os bugs. Mas, fora isso, é uma das melhores experiências de JRPG da atualidade.

The translation is questionable for sure. It certainly would be nice to have a more literal translation as the creators intended.

There are also other issues I have with the game as well such as some of the mini games being a bit long for their own good. Being mini games its easier to over look this though.

That being said, I can't recall a game I've played recently that invoked such a nostalgic feeling when playing it. If you didn't tell me the title of the game, I would tell you for sure this was a Suikoden game. As was intended. But I didn't think it would do it so well.

I would strongly recommend this to anyone that loves the Suikoden series. It is absolutely worth your time!

The writing is so bad, I couldn't continue playing (No, it's not about the localization). Nowa and Seign meeting for the first time and spending one mission together and suddenly they're best friends is just one example.

The game feels so half-baked the sprites don't even have a proper running animation during cutscenes.

I respect and appreciate the devs for making this game and I think Suikoden 2 is one of the best RPGs in the 90s, but imho this isn't a worthy successor to Suikoden.

Hopefully the sequel they're making is much better than this one and I'm still willing to give the sequel a chance.

Sentado a beira de um velho pé de Jatobá, Noite de lua minguante, o vento grita histórias as folhas das arvores. Em algum vilarejo, o povo anda por ali. Seus passos são lentos, arrastados. As casas de madeira, com suas janelas estreitas e portas baixas, parecem ter emergido da terra, como cogumelos na merda após a chuva.

O velho Joaquim, de mãos enrugadas e olhos cansados, senta-se à soleira de sua casa. Ele acende um cachimbo de barro, o fumo dançando em espirais ao redor de sua cabeça. Seu olhar se perde no horizonte, como se buscasse respostas no mato.

O jovem Ronaldo, com um boné batido e pés descalços, caminha pela estrada de terra barrenta. Ele carrega consigo um saco de grãos, sua contribuição para o celeiro comunitário. Seus passos são firmes, como se ele fosse o guardião de uma tradição ancestral.

À noite, quando as estrelas sobem aos céus, os habitantes da aldeia se reúnem na praça central. O fogo crepita na fogueira, e os rostos com reações diversas se acendem pelo fogo. Eles contam histórias de heróis esquecidos, de batalhas épicas, tragédias malditas e de amores proibidos. E assim, a aldeia vive em seu próprio tempo, alheia às pressas do mundo exterior.

Uma incrível experiência oferecida pelos criadores originais de Suikoden
Juntar 120 personagens para lutar contra um império é extremamente divertido e vários desses personagens são muito carismáticos
Os visuais são belíssimos, tornando todos os ambientes e personagens bem característicos
Varias das dungeons possuem mecânicas próprias e puzzles que precisam ser resolvidos
Alguns dos minigames são bem desnecessários
Infelizmente, o jogo tenta ser clássico até demais e carece de um melhor uso do menu e de melhores opções de save
A história acaba rushando um pouco no final, tendo alguns arcos de personagens que ocorrem fora de tela

Dito isso tudo