Heisei Pistol Show

Heisei Pistol Show

released on Dec 31, 2008
by Parun

Heisei Pistol Show

released on Dec 31, 2008
by Parun

Lolita-fashioned gay hitman Heart is betrayed by his ex-lover. In order to get revenge Heart and his trustful companion Pistol abandon the organization, but three of the best assassins follow in their footsteps. A colorful bittersweet story.

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A pretty solid work about the paradoxical nature of this silly little emotion called "love", made with queer people in mind, but nearly anyone who has experienced the emotion can relate to.

I would have liked it a bit more if it didn't straight up start explaining itself in the 2nd half, in a way lacking any flair or mellifluence. Oh well.

Heisei Pistol Show is indicative of a lot of the zaniness and beautiful creativity that has come out of the RPG maker community. I had only heard about this game a few months ago with its unique premise and intriguing visuals looking to be up my alley. Having beaten it, practically, one sitting I say it delivered on a lot of its initial intrigue while also not quite matching some of the enthusiasm surrounding it.

You play as Heart, a lolita-dressed hitman who has been betrayed by his ex-lover. Now he is on a quest for vengeance that involves dealing with three fellow top assassins. This initial setup reminds me a lot of "Kill Bill" with a sort of similar structure but is mainly matched with the style and flair in which the story is presented. As you progress you slowly reveal, in typical RPG-maker fashion, that not everything is as it seems.

It surprised me that the game acts as a simple "puzzle" exploration game. I say "puzzle" but all of the obstacles in the game are simple logic and word puzzles including the few gunfights. In reality, the game is more focused on the player exploring the surreal levels the game consists of and how they eventually tie back into the main narrative. It was interesting seeing how a lot of these non-sensical stages eventually made some sense but some parts still felt a lot like the author slapped down some of the basic assets of the engine.

A lot of people seemed to be affected by the game's story which chronicles a lot about "what it means to be in love", "how love is defined" and "how do you maintain your happiness". These subjects were extremely meaningful to the author and to many who experienced it, but I can't say it had the same effect on me. For me, there were a lot of parts of the narrative that felt a little too comical to be taken super seriously with only the last few minutes of the game striking a chord for me emotionally.

Though the narrative did not affect me, I adored this game's style as previously mentioned. For starters, all of the character portraits have this 2000s Deviant Art style that, while maybe ugly to some, I find incredibly charming and wish more of the game looked like this. A lot of the cutscenes of the game also have this really fun energy to it that I have never seen in other games like this. Also, the soundtrack is one of the best I've heard in a while with each track perfectly used to match both the absurdity and emotional elements of the game.

This was not quite the sleeper classic that I was hoping it would be, but I still greatly enjoyed my time with it. Its absurdist style is worth playing alone, especially given its short length. Games like this make exploring the RPG Maker genre worth it.

P.S.: It saddens me to read that this developer passed away as, going off of this game, they had a beautifully creative soul.

An absolutely beautiful rpgmaker game. Probably has the best artstyle and graphical flair of any rpgmaker project I've seen. Topped with a heaping of surrealism and a beautiful message on living happily.

The story is not nearly as great or unique as people make it out to be. However, the visuals are BY FAR the best you can find in ANY video game, ever. It's so far ahead of anything else it isn't even funny. That's how good this game looks. It's worth playing for that alone.

We are in 2024, graphics are getting better than we could have ever imagined before, and companies are still racing against each other in hopes of reaching a technical finish line that, time and time again, has been proven to not exist.

Not only famous game directors are receiving more mainstream attention, but big-name actors are also getting interested in the industry, attracting a significant number of outsiders as a result.

From the biggest AAA studio to a single-handed indie developer, all sorts of resources are easily available to help make their projects a reality, and because of it, we are getting more and more releases per year to the point where it's impossible to keep track of them all.

But for some reason, despite all that, this ugly as a sin 2008 game made in the ancient RPGMAKER2000 engine of all things, borrowing licensed music and numerous visual assets, achieved something that's rarely seen in gaming: using the video game format to create something personal; something real.

The uniqueness of its presentation and its quirky, loud nature, completely devoid of ego, hooked me from the start, and it never let me go, not even once it started to get darker as we dived into its abyss.

The plot hit me like a truck because I could feel its sincerity, especially after that ending, which I would feel like a criminal for spoiling because it's one of the absolute bests I have ever seen in any artistic medium.

So, yeah, please give this one a try. Take your time to explore and talk to every NPC you see. Whether you end up loving it or hating it, I'm certain that the experience is not going to leave you indifferent. And goddamn, isn't that alone such a beautiful thing?.

Live Happily or some bullshit, who knows