
released on Jan 23, 2018

Join renegade mechanic Robin and uncover the secrets of a dying planet. Explore a huge, open world filled with intricate puzzles, oddball characters and menacing bosses in a beautiful platform adventure telling a personal story about faith, purpose and whether the world is really worth saving.

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Tenho que zerar, mas o puzzle é difici 😢

At first I was just going to say this game was meh, but now it kinda makes me angry. It’s alright when you are actually allowed to play the game, but all it wants to do is force its contrived bullshit of a story down your throat. I swear half the game I was reading or pressing x to get through text, but it still didn’t managed to make me care about any of it.

Look, it’s great looking, has fun varying environments, and some decent puzzles. The music is pretty good too, and I did have some fun with a few of the bosses. But overall, this was a super linear metroidvania that I didn’t even want to explore all of the way. And what frustrates me is that I think there is a good, fun game buried here somewhere, but it’s not fun digging through everything covering it up.

Really great. It has a neat story with memorable characters. Music and pixel art are fantastic. The boss fights are fun and creative. A couple parts of the game it was not very clear how to get through and I had to look it up

Iconoclast es un titulo que probe hace unos años y despues de la primera hora lo deje porque no senti que me enganchara de ninguna forma a seguir, pero no supe muy bien ver por que.

Le quise dar otra oportunidad y aunque esta vez si lo he terminado, sigo teniendo en ocasiones esa sensacion.

Jugablemente es un juego que a priori se siente bien, pero en cuanto empiezo a navegar el mapa siento que algo no esta bien, se me hace bastante poco agradable avanzar. Es todo como muy tedioso, los puzzles me parece que algunos son muy buenos y otros malisimos, siento todo el rato trabas en mi camino y en muchas ocasiones me he aburrido bastante en esos trayectos.
Por suerte luego los combates con bosses me parecen muy buenos, todos tienen su cosa, saben usar las mecanicas que te van introduciendo y se siente genial.

La historia me pasa algo similar, si bien me parece que es bastante buena, me gusta mucho el worldbuilding, me gusta mucho los tramas que intenta tocar, los personajes... todo se ve bastante lastrado por los dialogos y algunos problemas tonales que no me gustan nada. Hay veces que leia los dialogos en diagonal porque me parecian un galimatias, cosa que sospecho que podria ser por una traduccion al español bastante chapucera, llegando a hacer casi ininteligibles algunas frases o cambiando lo que querian decir. Por poner un ejemplo una vez me dieron una pista de a donde ir y la frase no sabia que queria decir, mire el dialogo en ingles y ahi estaba clarisimo.

El pixel art es muy bueno, ahi el juego no se le puede poner un pero. Ayuda mucho a ese worldbuilding y encaja perfecto con el tono.

Un juego con muchos altibajos pero que creo que consigue sobrevivir a los mismos.

Um jogo que facilmente seria uma "joia perdida do GBA" ou algo do tipo.

Pixel art insanamente bem trabalhada que me lembram jogos de Gameboy Advance como Drilldozer e Mega Man Zero com alguns sprites se mechendo igual inimigos de Castlevania Order of Eclesia de DS, por isso quando jogo Iconoclasts sinto como se fosse jogos desses consoles. Sua gameplay é um run and gun com metroidvania parecidíssimo com Mega Man ZX, com puzzles realmente divertidos de se resolver e um mapa fácil de se locomover, nunca fiquei perdido sem saber aonde ir.

Uma história fascinante com personagens falhos em um mundo também defeituoso, onde sua salvação é sua falha de nunca desistir em salvar os outros custe o que custar. Simplesmente uma obra de arte.

ps:Uma pena que a tão prometida tradução pra português nunca foi lançada, mancada >:(

I remember waiting for Iconoclasts to release, back when I first got my computer. I only really knew of Konjak’s flash games, but I was very excited for whatever reason. I was a stupid nintendrone back then, so indie games were a big interest I guess.

Upon replay, I have a lot more to appreciate. In terms of gameplay, while the combat and movement are a little boring, I think the exploration and the puzzles are fun. The bosses are awesome too; they’ve got really sick pixel art, and there’s great art direction here in general. Gnarly machines, dope character designs with dope powers. There’s a person that shoots different laser beams out of his eyes depending on which glasses he puts on. Love that shit.

Storywise, this is a good message about giving a shit, and caring for people even if you don’t have a reason. The dialogue is well-written, and the characters explore some serious subjects. I love the world and lore of this game as well. I almost wish there was a prequel maybe about Elro or the One Concern. Certainly doesn’t need it but it’d be cool.
I really recommend this if you like a little indie spectacle. It’s short and engaging. Reminds me why I love indies