Kona II: Brume

Kona II: Brume

released on Oct 18, 2023

Kona II: Brume

released on Oct 18, 2023

Northern Québec, 1970. A bizarre mist —the Brume— is disconnecting a rural mining village from its quiet reality. Step into the shoes of Detective Carl Faubert as he unfolds the mysteries haunting the region while battling for his own survival.

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Que jogo ruim.
Lento e monotómo.
Talvez, como eu não gostei do primeiro também não gostei desse.

Comparing to the first entry, the sudden unexplained shift in tone towards horror in Kona 2 was a bit jarring, which unfortunately failed to engage me in its plot. The intentional obscurity in both lore and gameplay aimed for an eerie ambiance but resulted in a confusing mess. The addition of more action oriented combat felt unnecessary and out of place, disrupting the original game's immersive exploration-focused experience. I found myself missing the more methodical pace of its predecessor, where the emphasis on exploration and atmosphere was far more effective. While I appreciate the devs attempting to innovate, it felt like a misstep in the game's overall direction.

Constant backtracking around unlit, labyrinthian locales looking for the One Object that progresses the story. Maybe it's in a previously visited room, you can't know because, while the map is lousy with batteries and "spare parts", key items are often squirreled away from your prying eyes.

Speaking of eyes and their prying; I haven't a CLUE what (detective?) Carl Faubert is doing here and the game is not interested in telling me. No clear end goal for the player results in a game loop of "just doing shit 'til the game is over".

In the end I got tired of spending 50% of my playtime wandering aimlessly and circuitously through samey corridors because I couldn't magically intuit the right way to go with zero hints.

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Su primera parte es uno de mis juegos favoritos, no hablamos de cualquier cosa. Su exploración, su ambientación, esa sensación de mal rollo que inunda todo el titulo... es mágico en muchos sentidos. Aunque lo que más valoro es la forma en la que cuenta su historia: con muchas incógnitas, pocas respuestas y tratándote como un adulto.

Pues son cosas que no he sentido de la misma manera con esta segunda parte. El combate y toda su rama "survival" (no lo es pero lo pretende) es una tontuna gigante, lo podrías quitar y el titulo mejoraría posiblemente. La exploración ha dado un pasito hacia atrás, ya no es ese pueblito canadiense lleno de incógnitas y con unas historias entrelazadas soberbias. Ahora son zonas entrelazadas que no se sienten tan ricas narrativamente.

Aunque lo peor, lo putísimo peor es la narrativa. Ya no te trata como a un adulto, te lo explican todo y se cargan el misticismo de la primera parte. Que todo tenga una explicación racional le quita toda la magia al titulo.

Ahora bien, ¿es buen juego? Pues claro. Os lo está diciendo alguien muy fan del uno y aún con sus cosas recomiendo esta segunda parte... Pero sin duda después de la primera parte. Jugad el primero y descubriréis una joya que no os esperabais.

Kona 2 lost a bit of its "identity" and began to look more like a typical indie-horror, especially the first 2 hours when we wander around the mansion and find dozens of pistol rounds there, although it rather like "The Long Dark" game only with half-open locations and transport in the form of a boat, there is still a detective and a mystical element, a good winter atmosphere, but the first part had its own distinctive style with these orange tones, the graphics looked somehow cartoonishly “own”, in the sequel even the interface is standard,
In the original, we were not forced to wander through the gut for a long time at first, but were immediately thrown into the open world, where we ourselves had to reveal what happened, riding on a retro-car, also, as far as I remember, the elements of survival were felt better there, although there was no shortage of supplies there either.

Nevertheless, Kona Brume - remains a rather unusual approach to an exploratory adventure game (walking simulator), and the finger doesn`t rise to dislike it..

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