

released on Aug 29, 2023


released on Aug 29, 2023

A fragment of the game about a dude looking for meaning and reasons to live and not finding it; getting lost in the labyrinth of his own thoughts and ceasing to understand other people; smoking a lot and destroying himself.

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Drowning In Problems if it wasn't made by a hateful person (there's even a "mechanic" here that could be somewhat compared to the one on that game). Still, some of those nihilistic sentiments are present but followed with what is a positive and much-needed reflection on them. Featuring commentary on escapism and loneliness, and the Slav setting that works as a conduit for them (I see people on steam getting tangled in its setting, but I don't think this is really about that), with a great ambiance and song choices... I think this will stick in my mind just by the music.

Watched a few playthroughs to see if I missed any details, and it's interesting to notice how the overall message also works on a meta-level. With the players that don't take time to soak in the game's world and don't interact with the people end up not finding much meaning in it (this was something I forgot to mention with A Short Hike, now that I remember).

Btw, consider turning off the pixelation filter once you start playing... made me dizzy as hell by the end.

In a cold spring night, I opened my window just a bit in hopes of catching some of my chain-smoking neighbor's cigarette smoke in my apartment for the second playthrough of this game, as I don't smoke myself. Maybe I should?

For me, this game captures the melancholic feeling of why it's so good to be alive while reminding about the pointlessness of one's existence in modern society.

The aesthetics and sound design tingle my neurons so well that I want to become one with it. It's as fleeting as the blue hour, yet like any stunning mood in the world, it can't last long at a time.

(damn I'm on a roll with this review)
In short: the game is brilliant if you dig the mood it's delivering. :)

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Loved the melancholic atmosphere, and especially the cab driver's monologue in the end. Man, what a great game.

push me to the edge, all my friends are dead

En muchos aspectos, la obra cumbre de Sad3d. Su capacidad para trasladar la alienación e inutilidad del mundo contemporáneo al entorno 3D, pasando por miles de tradiciones (desde el motor Source hasta la época actual de Backrooms) y aterrizando con un mensaje sobre el mundo actual que sólo aumentará en relevancia cuanto peor vayan las cosas.


Sad3d's crowning achievement, in several ways. Its ability to translate the alienation and futility of contemporary society on a 3D environment, going through thousands of traditions (from the Source engine to the current Backrooms era) and landing with a story about today's world that will only increase in relevance the worse things get.

I feel like I would have gotten a bit more out of the vibes this game was trying to put down if I were into either smoking or poetry.

I definitely would have enjoyed it more if I hadn't kept running into some sort of bug where I couldn't walk forward while using the keyboard. Movement fuckery was fine when I chose to down several beers at once, less so when simply trying to get from Point A to Point B.