Pepper Grinder

Pepper Grinder

released on Mar 28, 2024

Pepper Grinder

released on Mar 28, 2024

"Pepper Grinder is an action platformer designed to be alot like oldschool Nintendo titles like Donkey Kong Country, Yoshi’s Island, and Super Mario World. Pepper uses her drill (Grinder, obviously) to plow through layers of soft dirt and launch herself into the air as she maneuvers herself across the landscape of each level."

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what if like every level did something new and it was really cool that'd be a great game wouldn't it

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Yeah man, this was a solid 4 until that final boss. Those bosses suuuuuuuck. I'd definitely take some DLC levels though.

Pepper Grinder is an fun, flowy, tightly designed 2D platformer. It has a strong major mechanic, that being of a drill named grinder, that combines a plethora of mechanics effortlessly to create fun, linear challenges. Some of these mechanics are a bigger hit than others -- I was partial to the self-launching cannons and hooks that Pepper swings in a circle around. However, a few fell either underdeveloped or don't flow well. I don't think the grappling hook works very well, and the giant robot and gun both feel a bit tacky for what Pepper Grinder seems to pride itself on.

However, when the better mechanics are combined with challenging, but not obnoxious platforming sections, and a decent variety of enemies that require good reaction and thoughtfulness, you get some of the best game design I have played this year. The soundtrack also rocks, making for some blood-pumping moments, and atmosphere-building moments too.

However, the game is not without its problems too. As I mentioned previously, a lot of the things just seems half-baked. The shops are fairly meaningless outside of a bit of customization, and the extra levels don't provide anything meaningful beyond just more level. The secrets are also occasionally fun, but when so many boil down to noticing a cracked wall and drilling through it, some of the glimmer is lost fairly quickly.

My other big issue comes with most of the boss fights. I think for starters, some of the boss's hotboxes combined with the difficulty of movement, especially in a non-linear setting, creates for some more frustrating moments instead of simply challenging. The final boss fight in particular is obnoxious, with their being a delicate precision needed to succeed, combined with an inherent difficulty of precision, that in my opinion, ramped the difficulty up way beyond what the rest of the game offers.

Ultimately, I think Pepper Grinder is really good! It takes a while to really show what it's capable of, and by the time we get to some of the really fun levels, it's over. It also strays a bit too far from what makes so many of the levels great, forcing the player to do a rail shooter or somewhat boring mech game. I think with a longer runtime, and a tighter focus, Pepper Grinder could have been something really great, and I am excited to see where the studio goes next.

I waited years for this to come out and in the's fine. I think the core gameplay was well executed but isn't really the most fun. I feel like usually I would be disappointed in a game this short but I honestly didn't feel like playing more once I finished it.

Long-awaited, hotly-anticipated, warmly received. Peppper Grinder is one of those indies that were beloved from the start, but now that it's finally out, it ... really grinds my gears.

+ central grinder mechanic is fun to use
+ level design is good to great throughout
+ new gameplay elements are introduced regularly
+ collectables are smartly hidden
+ one playthrough is quick and easy
+ the final boss is an adequate skill check

- turning on a dime is buggy as hell
- a general lack of polish is felt throughout
- visual look is muddy and blurry
- regular jump is imprecise and unfun to use
- hook mechanic barely works
- boss fights all play alike
- no option to restart from a checkpoint...
- ...which makes collectable hunting frustrating
- collectables only have one useful use

Playtime: 6 hours, all gold coins collected.

Blagic Moments: Getting stuck in a random piece of scenery, only to have to restart the game. Getting handed the hook out of nowhere, only to start hating it immediately.

Pepper Grinder is my first big disappointment of the year. It's a game that lives and dies on its mechanics, but if those very mechanics feel unpolished and imprecise, the outcome is as expected. Even if progress is quick and each new level introduces smart new challenges, you still have to look at the blurry, low-poly look for your entire playthrough, while having to face repetitive boss fights in regular intervals.

I would advise against playing this. If you yearn for something similar, play Flinthook or Super Meat Boy instead.