One dark moonlit night, a young boy named Kutaro was carried away by the maleficent Moon Bear King to a black castle where the unlucky lad was transformed into a puppet. Kutaro displeased the terrible tyrant, who devoured the boy's wooden head and cast away his body. But the headless hero was not alone, for he had discovered a very special pair of scissors to help him on his harrowing adventure to find his head, and his way home. Puppeteer is a brand new franchise developed exclusively for PlayStation 3 by SCE JAPAN Studio. Set in a magical puppeteer’s theatre, this title will introduce you to a strange and fantastic world, where the environment is constantly changing. Players will enjoy a rich, dark fairytale where surprises lurk around every corner. Key Features Swappable Heads -Kutaro can change his head anytime he chooses. Lose your head and you lose a life, but use your head and you’ll discover that you have the ability to change the world Unique Platforming -Wielding a pair of magical scissors, Kutaro cuts and crops his way through the adventure Dynamic Interactive Backgrounds -A huge variety of backgrounds that are continually changing, taking you on a journey of discovery that will surprise and thrill Theatrical Storytelling -Audience, lights, sets, music and narration all combine to create a mesmerizing, unique storytelling experience

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This is a delightful video game and I would like it very much if we could get it off PS3 so I can play it again without rearranging my house.

the narrator at the opening scene put me to sleep. twice. i hope one day i'll come back to this game and change my mind, looks really fun and charming

puppeteer is extremely charming with its humor, set design and self awareness that managed to capture my attention when i was a kid that makes me kinda sad i didnt enjoy it as much as i thought it would. i think puppeteer is beautiful in its presentation but fails to allow players to stop and smell the roses in terms of appreciating its set design, storytelling and dialogue. there's so many fun quips and background details to focus on but most of the stages require you to zip past them in a way that, at least for me, made me zone out instead of truly enjoying my time with it. it is very fun though, and later on i might replay for finding secrets like all the heads i missed during my gameplay. i just wish i could've enjoyed my time with it more.

A great platformer and a great show. This is sooooooooo great in terms of presentation that it hurts to see when they try to do 3D stuff (they launched when the 3D TVs were making a comeback I think).

this... is art. if you like 2D platformers at all, please try this. it's my childhood game.