Super Mario Galaxy

Super Mario Galaxy

released on Sep 18, 2020

Super Mario Galaxy

released on Sep 18, 2020

A port of Super Mario Galaxy

A port of Super Mario Galaxy included in Super Mario 3D All-Stars, featuring Joy-Con and touch controls, updated textures and a higher output resolution. Mario blasts off on an intergalactic quest to help Rosalina and save Princess Peach from Bowser’s assault of astronomical proportions. Defy gravity and hop across planets with optional motion controls, or pass a Joy-Con controller to a friend for some extra help in Co-Star Mode!

Also in series

Super Mario Galaxy 2
Super Mario Galaxy 2
Super Mario Galaxy
Super Mario Galaxy

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it would be easy for me to sit here and recount each and every solitary thing that solidified this game as one of my top 5's, but it can just as easily be expressed in sharing that 100%ing this is one of the greatest pleasures that I could've had in playing video games. the post game is literally just playing through the entire game again - and its beautiful.

the way everything culminates together to a heartwarming, inspiring, nostaligic, and exciting adventure hits me the way only few things do in this medium and i couldn't ask for anything else. as ridiculous as i know it to be to said, for me, mario galaxy in a way transcends what video games are. it invokes a feeling of hope and awe. my inner child has never pushed past all of the adult-shit so fast whenever the soundtrack comes on. it's like the world saying "hey zach, you're safe. its all going to be okay. be hopeful! theres so much world and life out there! love you!".

also the characters are cute and you fight enemies by hitting coconuts back to them. and its colorful and stylish and varied. super good game :)

easily the worst of 3d all stars port-jobs due to the shitty handheld mode grameplay. hard to imagine how else they could have pulled it off, but whatever. still is lame.

The atmosphere of this game is unparalleled to anything else. staying up until 10pm on a school night slinging my wiimote was a magical moment I will never be able to experience again.

incridible game, remaster, time passed, soundtrack, history, everything!