Bleak Sword

Bleak Sword

released on Sep 19, 2019

Bleak Sword

released on Sep 19, 2019

Bleak Sword is a dark fantasy action game tasking players to struggle across compact, cursed diorama battlefields. Through nine tense chapters, heroes must lift the curse of the legendary Bleak Sword by striking down all manner of creatures in every forest, swamp, castle, and dungeon on their journey. Invoke powerful magic, uncover helpful items, and level up your character to upgrade your stats before facing down menacing guardians. Once the curse has been lifted the challenging Arena Mode and thirty unlockable achievements await even the most accomplished warrior. Bleak Sword is designed to be able to play it easily with elegant controls allowing heroes to roll, parry, attack and counter-attack using basic movements on gamepads and touch controls. Scored by award-winning composer Jim Guthrie with sound by famed designer Joonas Turner.

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Fantastic game despite the simplicity. Parry system felt crispy. Heavy and light attacks landed with crunch and purpose. Great animations and sound. Overall one of the best mobile games I’ve ever played.

It’s a souls game in bite sized format which works really well. You’re put in 1 room where enemies appear in waves and you have to defeat them all to finish it. The game has 9 ‘worlds’ each with 10 rooms. There are also 3 bonus worlds and an arena mode. I found the 3 bonus worlds more fun because you don’t level up in them and the game is balanced around that. The main mode can be a bit grindy when you die on purpose in an easy level in order to have full health to progress further. This might be my fault though because I didn’t know you could consume items for a long time. This most likely affected the balance for me because some items provide permanent stat upgrades. Arena mode is rooms with fights. I’m not sure if it has an ending but my test brought me to room 27. You get 25 health after x amount of rooms. I’m surprised by this game’s quality. It kept me very engaged with the gameplay (controller is supported). I love the atmosphere and it even has cutscenes and a minor story. Definitely worth playing. I spent around 8 hours including the extra content.

Finally, an Apple Arcade game that is legitimately good. I've been playing a bunch of these recently to get my money's worth out of the $5 subscription I've been paying for lord knows how long, and Bleak Sword is one of the few that I'd actually classify as good. Its controls still suffer from being a touchscreen based game (I felt like inputs were sometimes missed or misinterpreted), but they're about as good as you can get on mobile for an action based game. It's well-structured to be a mobile game, packing levels that last only a couple of minutes making pick up and play gameplay extremely easy. I would've liked to see a little bit more variety in item pickups and perhaps a few more levels, but otherwise this game is one of a handful that makes those $5/mo bills worth it.

Probably one of the biggest surprises from Apple Arcade, genuinely amazingly fun to play. Highly suggest you grab it if you have Apple Arcade.

La manera en que Bleak Sword hace acopio, ya no solo de la estética, sino de la limitación de espacio de ciertos juegos de Spectrum es brillante. La abstracción con la que el jugador se enfrentaba al teclado del Spectrum y la tosquedad de movimiento de aquellos avatares chocan aquí con la inmediatez táctil y la fluidez de todo cuanto hay en pantalla. 30 años de avance tecnológico que se difuminan a través del deslizar del dedo por la pantalla.
Aquellos títulos, con Nightshade (prodigio técnico de los hermanos Stamper, futura Rare) como máximo representante, simulaban las tres dimensiones desde la vista isométrica. Sus entornos eran reducidos y de navegación lenta por imposición tecnológica. Bleak Sword toma escenarios similares a aquellas mazmorras para convertirlas en arenas de combate en las que dar espadazos a hordas de enemigos. Un entorno reducidísimo que gestionar más como en Devil Daggers que como en el último God of War.
Lo curioso es que afronta su pequeño ring ofreciendo un cheque en blanco a la movilidad. El movimiento del avatar no es del todo preciso, pues solo se da con volteretas que cubren cierto espacio de terreno. Pero da igual, porque en la mayoría de juegos con un sistema de esquivas el jugador acaba reduciendo su movimiento a saltitos y volteretas. Bleak Sword castiga el abuso del ataque y no da demasiada recompensa al bloqueo, pero no pone límites al desplazamiento. Esto convierte un entorno a priori restringido en uno para la libertad y el aprovechamiento espacial.
Es una pena que esta manga ancha le reste una profundidad que el juego intenta suplantar con una variedad de enemigos y escenarios que pierde fuelle conforme pasan los niveles. Hay ideas (sobre todo ambientales) interesantes en la primera mitad que se olvidan del todo en la segunda. Y, sin embargo, me sale perdonarle esta falta de enfoque por demostrar que hay buenos videojuegos creados con el dispositivo móvil en mente. Valida una plataforma injustamente denostada.

Just the most tremendously metal, wonderful game.