Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons

Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons

released on Aug 07, 2013

Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons

released on Aug 07, 2013

Brothers is presented from a third-person view overlooking the two brothers. The brothers are moved individually by two thumbsticks on the controller. The controller triggers also cause the respective brother to interact with the game world, such as talking to a non-player character or grabbing onto a ledge or object. The older brother is the stronger of the two and can pull levers or boost his younger brother to higher spaces, while the younger one can pass between narrow bars. The player progresses by manipulating the two brothers at the same time to complete various puzzles, often requiring the player to manipulate both brothers to perform differing functions (such as one distracting a hostile non-player character while the other makes their way around). Should either brother fall from a great height or get injured, the game restarts at a recent checkpoint. All of the in-game dialogue is spoken in a fictional language, thus the story is conveyed through actions, gestures and expressions.

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An incredible achievement in non-verbal storytelling. It will move you.

the controls of this game! loved controlling both brothers together, gave the ending an extra punch - i love when game mechanics elevate the story!! (also had fun controlling the other transport like the glider and the boat.)

É um ótimo jogo como sempre, o único problema é um "Bug" que ocorre na metade do capítulo 2, ne acontecer precisa reiniciar o capítulo do início. Tive esse problema nas versões de PS3 e PS4. Mas o jogo dispensa comentários, um dos melhores indies da sétima geração e atual.

The game is fun and I really like to play with friends when we don’t have a few days but want to play something. BUT some aspects of the game are almost unplayable on the PC, and I hope that the studio will fix it in remake. But still the game is very cozy and nice, I enjoy it every single time.

É um dos meus jogos preferidos, muito bem feito, cativante e consegue te prender do início ao fim. Tive a oportunidade de completa-lo em todas as plataformas, um excelente jogo, recomendo. Pra fazer os 100% somente com guia, pois pode terminar o jogo sem se quer pegar um troféu/conquista. Consegue terminar o jogo entre 4 e 5 horas.