Conduit 2

Conduit 2

released on Apr 19, 2011

Conduit 2

released on Apr 19, 2011

Conduit 2's single player mode has had many changes from the first game. Players have the ability to flip over objects such as tables, bookshelves and soda machines to use as cover, and shoot off enemy armor and helmets to expose weak spots. A sprint button has been added to allow players to charge or flee from opponents. Players can ride on vehicles in certain levels and fire weapons from them. At the beginning of levels, players can choose their weapon loadouts, and customize their character's appearance and ability upgrades. The use of iron sights has been implemented, and grenades explode on a timer.

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This was a surprisingly capable and unique Wii-exclusive sci-fi FPS, especially for those without access to an Xbox 360 or PS3. Although the story is completely whack, the gameplay is remarkably solid as long as you're ok with the motion controls. Decent weapon and enemy variety overall. There are a good amount of missions and modes to play, and even split screen support. Definitely can be a fun time if you know what to expect, and a major improvement over the first game.

Es la prueba de que algunas veces por intentar hacer más, se hace menos. Conduit 2 pierde toda la esencia, el rumbo y el concepto al entregar un título completamente diferente a su predecesor. Al ser una secuela directa del bien enfocado The Conduit original, la segunda parte de la historia de Michael Ford y su intento por salvar al mundo de una invasión alienígena se enfoca en demostrar la capacidad gráfica de la Wii, demostrar la calidad de sus intuitivos controles y en expandir un guion bien fundamentado; errando drásticamente en lo último. Los personajes principales se convierten en los clichés más clásicos de la historia americana, perdiendo toda la buena caracterización con la que contaban en un principio. Es un buen juego si no se tiene en cuenta su historia un tanto mediocre, con unas gráficas que exprimen al máximo la capacidad de la consola de Nintendo y una buena banda sonora para acompañarlos. Buena jugabilidad, es solo que se equivocaron con el rumbo de sus personajes, ya que, si hubiera empezado así desde la primera entrega, no habría ningún problema.

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The Conduit did well enough to get a sequel, and while I enjoyed this one far more than the first, it was still clunky and had a choppy frame rate. I enjoyed how the game didn't require motion controls anymore and they replaced the original VA with Duke Nukem himself Jon St John. Unfortunately, that just wasn't enough to lift the game over the top for me. Such a shame.

It was like Halo, but on the WII. Too bad I didn't play it much.