Destiny 2: The Witch Queen - Season of the Seraph

Destiny 2: The Witch Queen - Season of the Seraph

released on Dec 05, 2022
by Bungie

Destiny 2: The Witch Queen - Season of the Seraph

released on Dec 05, 2022
by Bungie

The Hive God of War moves to seize control of Rasputin’s network of weaponized satellites. In her hands, she would turn its devastating power on the Last City. To stop her, the Vanguard has authorized special covert operations armed with the Warmind’s most advanced weaponry. Agents conducting these operations are known as Seraphs.

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also known as season of the burnout. in comparison to haunted and plunder, this season really had nothing going for it. well, it did have spire of the watcher, which was a good dungeon, but at this point, burnout had been hitting hard for me. i only did spire like once or twice before i pretty much stopped playing destiny until lightfall. seraph didnt have any new light 3.0 or anything crazy besides spire, but the loot was a bit cracked. im a bit upset that i didn't get a good retrofit escapade among a few other seraph weapons like the linear fusion before lightfall, but what can you do? anyway, two big things that caught my attention this season were definitely the new pulse rifle that pretty much dominated the crucible for a good month or two, and the gyrfalcon's rework, which single-handedly reingnited my love for void. i had been using solar for a while but gryfalcon's became so strong it was pretty much over for any high-end content. but yeah, the reintroduced loot (ikelos smg) was good, and the new loot was also pretty strong as well. other than that, nothing too crazy.

Best “ending” season we’ve had

This was my first season and initally i had NO IDEA what was happening but upon watching the cutscenes again and taking into account the experience, this was cool.

Clovis eats shit and I'm glad he did. Finale is a fucking nuke, amazing stuff

Great story, great activity, fantastic secret mission, amazing guns, great exotics, what else do you want from the last season of Witch Queen (the dungeon could be a bit harder)

Engaging story and an activity that wasn't too repetitive. I do not like Clovis