Martha Is Dead

released on Feb 24, 2022

Martha Is Dead is a dark first-person psychological thriller, set in 1944 Italy, that blurs the lines between reality, superstition and the tragedy of war.

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todo o enredo é mto bom mas sinto que faltou o medo no game achei mto suave parecendo mais um walking simulator

Uma das melhores histórias de jogos de terror, tudo é muito bem encaixado com a gameplay, final muito surpreendente.

Esse jogo só nao foi melhor por conta da perfomance tenebrosa que ele tem, mas tirando esses pontos é um jogo mt bom e meio complexo, o final te deixa pensante

This game definitely leaves you thinking and wondering what is real. You really don't know what to expect from the game either.

Definitely one that I'm glad was made as it does focus on mental health and how you shouldn't be afraid to ask for help, no matter how alone you feel just asking for help makes all the difference

Can Totally Imagine My Some Of My Male Classmates Sending This To Our Class Rep Named Martha Because Of All The Times She Scolded Them For Doing Stupid Crap