Outlast II

released on Apr 25, 2017

Outlast 2 is the sequel to the acclaimed survival horror game Outlast. Set in the same universe as the first game, but with different characters and a different setting, Outlast 2 is a twisted new journey into the depths of the human mind and its dark secrets. No conflict is ever black and white.

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Shi scary af (way more than the 1st)

Como eu começo por essa bomba..... Outlast 2 é falho em todos os quesitos, nada aqui funciona, os vilões são horríveis, o cenário é genérico e a história é esquecível

Só desaponta quem cria expectativa e eu mesmo tô sussa.

Pff... It pains me to say it, but Outlast 2 has been a disappointment to me if you compare it to the first, I didn't like it very much, and now I'm going to explain my experience and why I didn't like it, and the things that I did like. liked.
First let's start with the bad ones, since there are many.
- The gameplay is too repetitive, not only the controls, the scenario itself, the ways to escape, hide and everything.
- Hiding in this game is useless, I have only hidden twice, it is useless since you can do absolutely the entire game running without any stealth. That's why there's the trophy for finishing the game without hiding, because it's totally easy.
- Way to guide the player in a stupid way, it's okay that you guide the player, but not in this way, I don't want to be treated like a stupid person and especially coming from Outlast 1, they guide you the way all the time, whether with torches, lights, enemies and behind them is the exit, obvious things that even though it is dark, you cannot miss, with a little intuition you can follow the path extremely easily. Something that hardly happens in Outlast 1, the path is more enigmatic and makes you think more, it is guided, but not that much, you have to think a little.
- Excessive enemies and bad AI, it's incredible how in every fucking corner, in every place there are 70 enemies, especially in the final part, enemies that are absurd and their AIs are totally vulnerable to any fast movement, and they are easy to fool. Even the strongest enemies like the one at school, it's useless.
- I totally abuse screamers, it's incredible how badly the screamers are executed, every 10 seconds you have one, okay at the beginning of the game it can scare you, but then they are absolutely repetitive and worst of all, predictable, if you have seen many games of terrors like me or played, you will be sick of this, unnecessary screamers to scare, and they don't scare if you have some experience.
- The tension of this game is painful compared to Outlast 1, it tries too hard to provide tension, and in my case it has not given me any type of tension, it tries too hard to make the player scared, like other games it tries to make you empathize too much with some acts.
- The level design and absolutely everything is just decent.
- The story seems interesting to me, but it lacks much more context or another way of approaching it.
- I have too many bad things against this fucking game, the villains are fucking sad and cringe.
- The protagonist is a bad copy of Ethan (Resident evil 7/8)
- The religious theme is very good, but it is too typical and unoriginal.
- It follows the same aesthetic as the end of Outlast 1 but done worse.
- Too extended meaningless
- What's going on in the end
- I am a person who is incapable of playing horror games, in fact it took me months to finish Outlast 1, and when I was playing I was scared to death, but this game has not scared me, it has not caused tension because of everything I have played. said, I don't mind the scary atmosphere, even TLOU 2 and 1 have scared me more

Well, I'm going to say something good and it's...

- Jessica's Lore is good.
- Part of the School is decent.
- The graphics are good.
- Some dialogues are good
- Good Lore
And I don't know what to say anymore.
I understand how it can scare many people, in fact, when the demo of this game came out, I couldn't advance because I was too scared, but after seeing so many horror games, it seems pretty meh to me, it's not bad, but Outlast 1 It is better in every way. But it's a decent and short experience.

The antichrist sucks me off. (2.5/5)

basicamente a mesma ideia do primeiro jogo, mas a construção do universo é tão boa quanto o primeiro, eu sinto que o 2 tem muito mais foco na história.
O ambiente não é tão impactante quanto o primeiro, mas é basicamente a mesma sensação.

Best immersive horror game and the best horror to speedrun IMO