Please, Don't Touch Anything

released on Mar 26, 2015

Please, Don’t Touch Anything is a cryptic, brain-racking button-pushing simulation. Covering for a colleague who is taking a bathroom break, you find yourself in front of a mysterious panel which only component is a red button. And since you’ve clearly been instructed not to touch anything, the only thing you want to do now is push that damn button. Push it and expect to be held liable for any unintended aftermath. And there will be many.

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Something that I am very neutral towards is the fact that this game seems to have changed some of the solutions for its puzzles between versions, since its been released on multiple platforms in a variety of ways. It made looking up the solutions both annoying and sort of a puzzle in and of itself. I totally get why they did it, though, to sort of give replay value.

I played the very limited web browser version, and even with openly looking for solutions, I missed 3 of the endings. And honestly, some of the novelty is lost after a while, at least for me. It's probably also related to the fact that I didn't have a whole lot of time to sit down and play this AND a lot of the solutions I was given online were just wrong for the version I was playing. So, maybe someday, if I actually buy this on Steam, I'll give it more of my time.

love me a game that puts me at a desk and doesnt give me any pointers on what to do. kinda wish i tried to figure this whole game out without a walkthrough, but alas, i was weak and gave in. really fun puzzler

I love this, it's a lot of fun even if you might eed a walkthrough to get all endings, I don't mind :3

I play the version

Pretty fun puzzle game overall. Has a neat premise and a lot of the endings are fun to get! Good time waster for a few hours