Sonic and the Secret Rings

released on Feb 20, 2007

Sonic and the Secret Rings is a three-dimensional platform and action game featuring an on-rails style of movement. Sonic the Hedgehog, the series' main character, is the game's only player character. He is controlled exclusively with the Wii Remote, which is held horizontally like a traditional gamepad.

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The ACTUAL worst sonic game. I'd rather be bored than using motion controls this sickening.

Este juego posiblemente sea uno de los más imbéciles de toda la saga, creo que no llega al nivel de 2006, pero está cerca.

Sonic and the Secret Rings toma como base al cuento de las 1000 y una noches, la cual sirvió de inspiración para varias historias, la que todos conocen es Aladin, y supuestamente las páginas de este libro fueron borradas del mundo real y utilizadas en el mundo paralelo de esta historia, así que el mundo real se quedará sin Aladin supongo?, En cualquier caso Sonic conoce a una genio que le pide su ayuda para restaurar este libro, conocen al villano Erazor, y este le pone una maldición a Sonic, en donde si no le lleva los 7 anillos secretos a tiempo este morirá. Si bien la historia me parece correcta, ya que aparte aparecen personajes del mundo de Sonic pero representados como personajes "históricos" del cuento, nunca fui fan de este tipo de historias del corte Árabe, no me gustan sus mundos y la ambientación, así por lo menos para mi no me va ni me viene mucho este juego en ese aspecto.

La construcción de la historia es bastante confusa, ya que se divide en áreas con distintos capítulos cada una, en donde por lo general se nos abren 2 o 3 para jugar, pero solo necesitamos 1 en específico para poder avanzar en la trama, hay cierta forma de saber cual es el que debemos jugar para poder avanzar en la historia, pero aun así es demasiado raro, por ejemplo en la "cutscenes" (si es que se le puede llamar así a imágenes estáticas) te dan pistas para poder avanzar en la historia y a veces son claras, un esqueleto te dice "por favor ayúdame a buscar mis partes", y la descripción de un capítulo literalmente dice "reúne las partes del esqueleto", por otro lado hay otras un poco más confusas como por ejemplo en donde te dicen que una bomba va a explotar, y tienes que intuir que la misión que tienes que hacer es la contrarreloj, no hay nada que te diga que tiene que ver con la bomba, solamente es una misión contrarreloj cualquiera.

El gameplay es basura, se usa el wiimote de lado y tiene que utilizar el sensor de movimiento de este, el cual sirve para acelerar, retroceder, moverse hacia los lados, hacer el homing attack, entre otras cosas, y en serio, la mayor parte de veces no funciona, agradezco que este juego no tenga game over porque la mayoría de las veces que morí fue porque el control no capta bien el movimiento, aparte el juego en su 100% es hacer misiones, mata tal cantidad de enemigos, recolecta tal cantidad de anillos, pasa el nivel sin anillos, una, y otra, y otra, y otra, y otra vez hasta el cansancio, este juego es agotador porque para un gamer promedio que no se mueve tener que hacer todo con el sensor de movimiento y que no funcione, aparte de que es aburrido el gameloop que tiene.

Gráficamente da igual, salió después de Sonic 2006 y se ve peor, los escenarios no me gustan, los diseños de los personajes que introducen aquí tampoco, todo mal en este aspecto.

La música si debo destacarla, y es que a pesar de que como dije no soy fan de estas ambientaciones, la música es bastante buena y acompaña bien, varios temazos me gustaron y creo que es el apartado donde más brilla este juego.

Por lo demás este juego no lo recomiendo, no está roto, es jugable y quizás un poco más pasable que el juego anterior, pero aun así es frustrante que los controles no funcionen, probé con un control alternativo y ese si que fue horrible, luego cuando me cambié a un control original, aun asi presentaba problemas, menos, pero ahí estaban, fue uno de los desastres más grandes del erizo, y si puedes jugarlo, mantente alejado y no lo hagas.

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But we used to play party mode a lot that's something.

It's no wonder I never felt like finishing this game back when I was a kid...this is the worst sonic game I have ever played so far. The controls are insufferable and the game sells you better controls as skills later on in the game which was the just the icing on the cake. Game progression is sporadic and has you going back and forth between worlds with no rhyme or reason and not even the controls for the party minigames work much of the time. There are apparently secret skills and medals and such but I'm not going to touch this game ever again

I'm giving the highest rating I really think I can give here, initally on my first playthrough I hated this game so much, yet now I can't help but like it.

It still isn't a good game, yet sometimes the game get fun every now and then the potential this game has shines through and you'll find yourself actually having fun, these moments are few and far between sadly. There's so many times during a mission I'll actually be having fun and then I die in a stupid way or the mission goes on for way too long and then I start to realise every fault this game has.

It's not anything new or interesting to point out but the game on purpose removes certain abilitys and stops Sonic from Controlling as well as he should for no reason other than the stupid Level system they decided to add, so Sonic for half the game plays like ass and you can't really do anything about it. Even when Sonic doesn't play like complete ass, it's still mostly ass, there's no fine movement with Sonic here and sometimes a mission actually demands you move carefully which is kinda impossible to do when Sonic auto runs and he controls terribly, especially with the motion controls being imperfect.

So outside of the gameplay really letting the game down, I honestly kinda like the game. The story isn't anything crazy, I like Sonic and Sharas dynamic and Sonic is written pretty well, especially compared to any game in the 2010s. Jason Griffith does a good job and so does most of the other VAs, though Erazor sound funny so sorry his va.
The Music is amazing and by far the best and most memerable thing about the game, so many bangers in this Soundtrack, yet even still they decide to play Seven rings in Hand for like every single moment you possibly could and it gets so out of hand it's crazy, and then when you get to the final boss it has no impact, it's still a good song just not used well in game.

Visually this game looks really good every location actually looks pretty good, Sonics model looks pretty good etc just a very pretty game.

Now I won't lie I could happily give the game like 3.5 stars if the game was just a few hours shorter, it's not even a long game yet even still it drags out. Having to play the mindeless other levels to actually get the world rings is annoying and the game just does not say which missions you actually have to play to progress, I really think people would like the game more if they just removed half the skills in the levelling system and just made them apart of Sonics base moveset and just shortened the game length by 2 - 3 hours. Like Sonic can be fun to play sometimes, the music slaps, it looks great visually, the story is decent it really could've been good. & to be fair being created as a response to Sonic 06 not being able to be ported to the Wii therefore having a crazy short dev time and team the game is still decent. I wish I could like it more & I have slowly grown to actually really like it, but also I'm a sonic fan, so non of my opinions should be taken seriously.

I also gotta say, I think a reason I like this game now more on replay and in retrospect is because I played Sonic Forces. I really thought this was the worst Sonic could be, still got some cool stuff but ultimatley not exactly good, and then I play Forces and it's just the most soulless boring game ever made. This game has ideas and a clear passion behind it, the end result isn't perfect but theres clearly effort put into a lot of aspects of this game, and in many cases I find it works out well. It just sucks it plays poorly, I so badly want to give it a higher rating but I just can't.

Overall I reccomend giving it a go if you can handle a game that isn't perfect because if you honestly give it a shot you may find yourself having fun. And even if you're not then the music still kicks ass, it's honestly so good.

(Also screw the final boss so much and all bosses in this game for that matter, but the final boss especially because that boss physically hurts to play, that's not a exadgeration it actually physically hurt my wrists playing that stupid boss)

Not very fun to play, but some really great music and some cool environments.