Lost, alone, and separated from family, a stray cat must untangle an ancient mystery to escape a long-forgotten cybercity and find the way home.

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Very short, but you play as a cat so it gets bonus points

Let's add a cat to a robotic cyberpunk and we get Stray. A very small and cozy project, which I want a little more of, because it’s a shame that it suddenly ends without answering most of the game’s questions, leaving only “What’s next?”

Добавим котика в роботизированный киберпанк и получаем Stray. Очень небольшой и уютный проект, которого хочется немного побольше, т.к обидно, что внезапно заканчивается не ответив на большинство вопросов игры оставляя только "Что дальше?".

There's a dedicated meow button.

Jogo daorinah mas que nunca entendi muito a proposta, curto jogos diferentes, mas esse só não me pegou e não tenho vontade de terminar.