The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante

The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante

released on Mar 04, 2021
by Sever



The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante

released on Mar 04, 2021
by Sever



A narrative-driven RPG set in a gritty world where a person's Lot is determined at birth, while the gods are real and preside over the fates of men. Set out on a lifelong journey and carve out your own destiny. Will you become a judge, an inquisitor, or conspire against the old order? You decide!

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Just finished my first playthrough of this game and will be going back for another.

At one point I found myself thinking that this game is just too depressing and too tragic. Then I finished it and realized that the beauty of a well-written tragedy is that it feels inevitable. And for my first playthrough at least, that's what it felt like. I played with the change indicators (idk what to call the message that tells you the effect your choices will have on the stats) off. This is maybe not the choice if you want to try to win or get a particular outcome, but I wanted my first time playing to be blind, so that I could be led less by the stats and more by the story.

It was an interesting approach and I'm glad I did it and committed to it because I got many very sad outcomes and found myself, at times, very frustrated with the options available to me. If that would ruin the game for you, I definitely recommend playing with the change indicators on, though you probably still won't get everything you want. Sacrifices must be made.

I think these feelings, and experiencing them for the characters and about the story isthe point of the game. A very good YouTuber recently said in a video: the point of art is not understanding it or knowing the most about it. The art is in the feeling it illicits in you as you experience it. (Heavily paraphrased from SuperEyepatchWolf's video The Bizarre World of Fake Video Games).

Sometimes your circumstances don't allow you to pick the optimal choice. Your actions have consequences and at many points while playing and seeing the selection I wanted greyed out, I felt those consequences.

It can be a tough play at times, like I said it is very tragic, and I did take a week and a half break at one point, but when I did go back to it I still enjoyed experiencing the game very much.

The major drawbacks are the spelling mistakes. There is a lot of text in this game and it unfolds like a book, so seeing many spelling mistakes throughout my playthrough wound up feeling jarring, and pulled me out of the story. This isn't something I normally mind, and if it were one or two I probably wouldn't mention it. However, in a game that is basically a novel, the text needs to be free of errors in my opinion, especially in a game that has been out for 3 years.

That being said, the writing really is beautiful and the art is gorgeous. The world created is harsh and difficult, but important and worth fighting for. This game made me feel a lot and I'm excited to go explore another branch of the story.

It’s a very good game, but unfortunately, like any other games, it highly depends on your choice in terms of the route you follow. Any deviation to the side and you are no longer allowed to make the choice you would like to make. I played on difficulty, where it was impossible to undo and track anything, which helped me believe in the real story of what was happening, making mistakes and correcting them in the same way. This game can definitely brighten up a couple of evenings about the poor life of Brantе.

Очень неплохая игра, но к сожалению как и любые другие игры сильно зависят от твоего выбора, в плане рута, по которому ты идешь. Любое отклонение в сторону и тебе уже не дают сделать выбор, который бы ты хотел сделать. Играл на сложности, где нельзя было ничего отменить и отследить, что помогло поверить в настоящую историю происходящего, совершая ошибки и так же исправляя их. Пару вечером эта игра точно может скрасить о бедной жизни Бранте.

Loved this. Was just rapt the whole time and on my knees at the scope of the game.

I think a lot of us engage with art, with games, to Feel. Games sort of primarily make the player feel power, agency, a sort of strength they can't really get or experience in real life, but Sir Brante... doesn't exactly let you feel that. It does and most definitely can. In fact, a lot of friends I recommended the game to that went through it shared with me their triumphs at pivotal moments in their version of the titular character's life. My playthrough, however, was one marked by sorrow and loss.

The game is full of failures, of ways your character's adult life can fall apart, of ways childhood innocence peels away, of compromises that must be made and injustices easy to ignore. Sir Brante made me suffer. In my eight hour playthrough, it gave me a turbulent life growing up in a rich, fascinating fantasy world in NotFrance on the verge of revolution, made me experience hope and wonder in my virtual adolescence before crushing me with a brutal life of corrupt adulthood, leaving me having lost everything as a result of my choices.

The ending I was led to and the emotional devastation, all on me, left me in awe. Of course, I went back and played again, did other routes, did everything right, had a triumphant life, and that was all great, but...nothing can replace first playthrough, that first route, that experience of getting to the end utterly defeated, but having lived a full life.

Uma das melhores novelas visuais que joguei. Um jogo sobre os primórdios da modernidade de um mundo fantástico o que sempre me chama a atenção. Mecanicamente não tenho críticas, a escrita não tenho críticas, mas é uma história emocionalmente carregada então se prepare.

En fin de vie, Sir Brante est attablé pour écrire ses mémoires. Il se bute à une question philosophique : qu’est-ce qui détermine la vie d’un être humain ? À moi de répondre à même le livre : l’individu lui-même, le monde qui l’entoure, une force supérieure ou le hasard. La page suivante décrit la naissance de Brante et celles d’après font état de son parcours de vie, de l’enfance à la vie adulte, les chapitres étant divisés selon les moments fatidiques dans lesquels je peux intervenir à sa place. Le ton est donné : c’est l’individu, moi, le joueur, qui exerce des choix et va façonner la vie de Brante. Je prends des décisions, développe les traits de personnalité du personnage, déverrouille des conditions à des choix futurs, ouvre le champ des possibles jusqu’à tout se retourne contre moi. Brante évolue dans un monde brutal, violent, impitoyable. Je dois naviguer à travers les valeurs divergentes de chaque membre de sa famille, la scission qui s’opère au sein de la société, les machinations politiques et plus encore. J’ai voulu jouer un Brante toute en nuance, à la fois en recherche de vérités théologiques et loyal envers les êtres les plus authentiques et bienveillants. Mais ma partie s’est terminée en bain de sang. Une fin horrible, éradiquant tout ce que j’avais essayé de mettre en place dans le monde. Qu’est-ce qui détermine la vie d’un être humain, donc ? J’ai changé d’idée.

Played this game once, shed a single tear proud of the life I spent, uninstalled.