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in the past

True beginning of the well known arkham universe that treaded a path for future videogames circulating around the comic superheroes.
The greatest part of the 1st Arkham entry has to be the combat and stealth system - both really simple in their construction yet so satisfying that allows for lot of freedom thanks to different gadgets and their usage.
Very linear in terms of stroytelling with some good moments, like Scarecrow effect that introduces some intertesting horror parts into the asylum.
Unfortunately the boss fights themselves ain't that good - every one of them is basing on defeating goons just to hit the boss with batarang or some other bullshit.
The biggest failure is the final boss. Felt like devs had no idea for any more bosses so they just stripped him from anything exceptional and now he is just another big guy (Bane also could be the final boss and there wouldn't be any difference in terms of gameplay).
Good game but in my humble opinion just overrated.
High hopes for Arkham CIty.

This game sucks don't waste your time with unless your one of those people like me that chooses games to play at random like i do and even then still I wouldn't have even played it if I knew how bad it was.

Ha uno stile che adoro e un'ironia che ricorda molto quella di Portal 2, in più ha delle ambientazioni veramente belle, avessero affinato di più il gunplay e gli scontri con i nemici ne sarebbe uscito un gran gioco; tra l'altro non ho capito nemmeno perchè relegare al post-game una parte così importante dell'avventura.
Comunque una chance se la merita secondo me, soprattutto se vi piacciono i metroidvania o in generale i giochi esplorativi.

Game is so generic, graphics are good but that’s it.

I think the best way I could describe Final Fantasy XVI is that it’s one of the most “it’s so over -> we’re so back -> (repeat)”

My favourite part of XVI was the combat, which didn’t feel like it got old even once for me. It was one of those types of gameplay that got better as you got further, especially with the amount of Eikons you get to unlock and chain together (Titan my beloved). I liked the story and Clive is easily one of my favourite protagonists in the franchise, I wasn’t too sure how I’d feel about him at first but he ended up growing on me a ton. And of course the boss fights were just perfect, with my favourites being Odin, Titan and Bahamut. There wasn’t a single one that didn’t have me at least slightly locked in, whether it was in Clive’s regular form or as Ifrit

With all that said though… I do kinda wish I ended up liking this game more? Don’t get me wrong I did really like it, but my god the lows of this game were enough to get in the way. I don’t think I need to say much about the pacing and amount of fetch quests this game throws at you out of nowhere since many people have said the same thing about them (for good reasons too). The part after the Titan battle especially because god that felt like it took foooorever to get through. I did enjoy the final parts but at that point, it did feel like it overstayed its welcome and I was more than ready for the game to be finished during the last few chapters

Despite all of that though, I enjoyed my time with XVI and felt that the ending was a satisfying one for me. I do wish I could call it one of my favourite Final Fantasy games, because it easily has so many parts that would make me think that if it wasn’t for the issues I had. If I spent a full £70 on this back when it first released, I would’ve been way more conflicted about it, so I’m more than glad that I waited. But with all that said, XVI was one that I liked and can definitely see why it was GOTY for many people

I can proudly say that as of April 2024, Rise of the Ronin is my favourite game of the year and maybe even my game of the year. It is an impressive awe inspiring venture into Meiji Era Japan. The world pleads to be explored and is filled with plenty to see and collect. As someone who is new and partially intimidated by Team Ninja games I can say that I am impressed and looking for more even driving me to buy Nioh to give a try later on. I feel this game is an underrated gem which needs to be picked up by anyone who has even the slightest interest in historic Japan and samurai gameplay. Come on Ryoma and Katsura let’s get back to work. XD

Story 4.3 | Gameplay 3.8 | Audio 4 | Visual 2.7 | Details 4.5 | Entertainment 5 | Open World 3.5

Total 4

I didn't expect to like this game as much as I did. It's actually a simple dungeon crawler with a classic story and good but also linear level and dungeon design. But somehow the game got me, which was mainly due to the hub area (town) with the sister who always made you little lunch packages :D and the conversations with the priestess. The music was also great which isn't surprising as this is a Falcom game. All in all a fine game and also somewhat of a hidden gem.

Story 5 | Gameplay 4 | Audio 5 | Visual 3.3 | Details 5 | Entertainment 5 | Open World 4.5

Total 4.5

It's not that bad..? I really hate how much the P2W store is integrated into this game, i really do. But it also seems that there's such a variety in character builds, but again some races/classes/archetypes are locked behind the paywall and to get them while remaining a F2P player you have to grind a lot. And then there's also a limit on how much money you can hold on the character. And also some fun dungeons. And a lot of box breaking.

Wish it relied less on the premium store.

this vn is... patchy at best... but it has helped SO MUCH with my japanese practice so i'm giving it a pass and four stars. has really helped using a piece of fiction i'm interested in to learn the language, even if i'm aware that the translation is rather piss-poor. really appreciated the language switching feature. this game has HEART and i was surprised by that. it's a lot like my experience with a certain furry game in that i was NOT expecting anything of the sort.

Story 4.3 | Gameplay 4.3 | Audio 4 | Visual 4.7 | Details 2.5 | Entertainment 5

Total 4.1

A great reimagining of the series that kept me well entertained from the first to the last second. In addition to the action and the wild story filled with a fair amount of WTF moments, the game also has its quieter scenes that really got to me. I didn't expect a Wolfenstein game to manage to make me emotional, but this game did. On top of that, the absolutely buttery smooth gameplay was so much fun. One of the best single-player action games. And as I said in my Wolfenstein 3D review already: Killing Nazis is always fun :D

I got this remake some time ago because I heard of the reputation of the classic Panzer Dragoon titles, and how they are beloved among a lot of older SEGA fans.

And I am really sorry to say that... I didn't really enjoyed it.
I am pretty sure the original title was a monumental achievement for the time, but I feel this remake doesn't really do it justice.

For a graphical stand point , it got a solid enough upgrade, but that doesn't do really enough to capture the "more whimsical" and fantastical looks of the original, that maybe because of the timeless polygon aesthetic of the SEGA Saturn, is able to look better that its remake (which is kinda ironic and sad)

The gameplay I feel.... wasn't for me. I am already not 100% into traditional Rail Shooters, but the gameplay of this one just was not enjoyable to me: I found it too clunky, unbalanced and too locked on weird camera controls that maeks some sections playable, and other completely hard for no reason (especially when you are looking left or right of the dragon).
I had a great time with some of the levels, for thevariety of setting, enemies and challenges, but others were just... not a great time, some sections especially feels really claustrophoci, presenting the same environment over and over again and enemies that are not appealing and kinda hard to figure out.

The setting is supposed to showcase this super cool apocalyctic world, were covernemnt screw up Earth and all of that... but in the game you just don't have that... all you got is a pre-rendered unskippable long cutscene with legit just awful graphics, a slight hints among the in-battle dialogues, and a possible "rival dragon" that is the villanous enemy you gotta face?

I can't help it to compare it to it's Nintendo "rival series" Star Fox, Sin & Punishment, and even Kid Icarus Uprising: rail shooters that are able to combine and enthrilling gameplay and replayability, with beautiful environments, more profound character interactions, and a writing that makes you want more from the world you visit in the title.

Not to mention that... this is an incredibly short experince. SUrely it is replayable for higher score and possible alternate paths, but I think I finishe the whole adventure in like.... AN HOUR?

I appreciate SEGA for bringing back classic on modern consoles, but I feel this remaster could have done much more... maybe including some extras modes, or even collectibles and concept arts... or maybe could have been bundled with Panzer dragoon 2 or Saga, for a cool bundle of classic.

But on its own, I feel it is not that worth it. Sorry to say, I wish this Dragon will come back under a better light.

Il gameplay da dipendenza, e lo stile grafico è molto particolare. Mi sono divertito a giocarlo e non vedo l'ora di provare il prossimo

Can't believe I left for like 3 years and my friendless little sister turned gay 😤 😭

Came in looking for a horror experience.

Understood quite quickly that was not the case.

Left with a generic love story about gay people.

Voice Acting was pretty good though.

”No Time To Explain (Remastered)” is nowhere close to being the oldest game I’ve played/reviewed & yet when compared to other games it stands out as a title that shows its age a lot when reflecting back. While not inherently a negative that you can tell what period a game is from - it really felt like a strange time capsule from the late 00’s-early 10’s compared to anything else I’ve played through.

The game definitely lives up to its title because doing a brief plot summary would be very convoluted. A broad stroke explanation would be that earth is getting attacked & you need to put a stop to it via time-travel/timeline jumping. For each level you’re given different weapons to help you through this journey - though their primary purpose is to help at traversal first, self-defense second. Because the game is more in line with a 2D platformer than a run n gun game.

Each time you kill a boss you’re summoned into a different timeline. Where gameplay either changes up by introducing a new puzzle/gimmick or you can be transported into a world with less mechanics, but a different way of transportation. Unfortunately, a pretty big quality difference is present. Since the gimmick/puzzle levels (where you retain your standard traversal weapon, but have to account for increasing mechanics) tend to play a lot better than levels with completely new playstyles. Momentum ends up coming to a crawl due needing to learn new traversal, while the difficulty still progresses increasingly. Leading to some of the last “new character” stages becoming rather unenjoyable due to this imbalance between difficulty vs learning curve with stage specific characters.

I still had fun completing ”No Time To Explain” However I would’ve wished it rather just committed fully to the primary weapon & what conditions/limitations could be introduced to make for a good gameplay loop. Instead of having a tool that generally was fun to use, but then have it limited for 65-70% of playtime & then replaced with less fun alternatives in those remaining 30%.

Story 2.7 | Gameplay 4.1 | Audio 4 | Visual 2.5 | Details 3.5 | Entertainment 5 | Open World 4.1

Total 3.7

Story 3.7 | Gameplay 4 | Audio 5 | Visual 2.7 | Details 5 | Entertainment 5 | Open World 3.5

Total 4.1

Most of the time game doesn't utilize bottom screen useful such as touching power-ups (I mean it's helpful but idk), but when it makes use of bottom screen for platforming it adds a depth to gameplay.

O primeiro Ace Attorney foi absurdo de bom, um dos melhores jogos que já joguei na vida e eu pensei que a sequencia seria tão bom quanto mas eu fui olhando pela internet e reparei que MUITA gente deteste o Justice For All então fiquei com a pulga atrás da orelha
Resumindo: Ao longo das minhas horas de jogo posso falar que o Justice For All é tão bom quanto o original, a trilha sonora mudou mas continuo marcante, todos os casos chegam a ser ser surpreendestes e sem falar que o ultimo caso é o melhor de todos porque aquilo..foi digno de um filme, meus amigos
Eu amei o Justice for All e para mim ele é tão bom quanto o primeiro

Story 5 | Gameplay 5 | Audio 5 | Visual 3.7 | Details 5 | Entertainment 5 | Open World 4.8

Total 4.8

I went through all my characters and used /played to display the playtime and added it up here...I estimated the time of my first character (Drulac, Paladin), which was on another account (of my sister's ex-boyfriend^^). I don't know what else to say about this game.

The World of Warcraft was real and I was a part of it.

Astouding, game-changing, and (genuinely) the hottest Hanzo we've been allowed to grace out eyes with.

For me, on a par with or even better than its predecessor. Yes, the story my be a bit too over-the-top at times, but hey, it's Wolfenstein :D I actually really liked the writing for the most part. It had a certain Tarantino vibe, which I found very fitting. Playing the game was just as fun as it was in The New Order. And again, and I can't stress this enough: Killing Nazis was, is and will always be extremely fun :D

Story 3.7 | Gameplay 4.1 | Audio 3.5 | Visual 3.5 | Details 2.5 | Entertainment 5

Total 3.7