Reviews from

in the past

They did not need to go this hard for a goddamn pinball game.

Trying to incorporate some melee combat into a rail shooter is a noble effort, but the execution here isn't great. Beyond that, it's pretty standard fare.

Resident Evil 2 was another fantastic Resident Evil game that I’m so glad I’ve beaten. The plot centers around the outbreak of the G virus beginning in Raccoon City, and Leon Kennedy and Claire Redfield retreating to the police station, where they believe they will be safe but are dead wrong. Gameplay focuses around exploring a variety of areas and shooting zombies when they get in your way. The survival horror element of this game is very shown, with a lot of puzzles having to be solved around the city and the limited resources you have. The game did get kinda tiring after going through basically the exact same thing four times and to see everything the game had to offer, but the contrast between Leon’s and Claire’s stories had enough for me and I realize that the preferred way to play it is to play Leon or Claire A then B as to not get burnt out on the same story over and over. The game at first isn’t too stressful, but once you meet Mr. X you will want to stay away from him. He will follow you throughout most of the game and can not be killed, so you’re gonna have to think smart with your strategies to make sure you don’t get cornered by him. Overall, Resident Evil 2 is a fantastic survival horror game and I hope I can play even more like it. The Resident Evil games have been fantastic so far, and I can’t wait to experience the rest.

Played a few hours, runs great on my Steam Deck. Might come back to it someday

Metal as hell visuals, tough combat, and solid music. The pacing sometimes feels a bit off, and the level design isn't the most intricate, but still a good sidescrolling shooter.

I didn't get far into this before giving up, and I'm blaming that on the control scheme. The Steam port is actually unplayable on controller: the camera immediately pans hard to the top-left for no reason and Giana likes to have switching fits where she toggles about once a frame for a few seconds every now and again, even if I'm not touching the controller. Even if it had worked, the control layout is baffling (why the fuck is pause bound to R1!?), and the keyboard controls are equally horrendous and of course cannot be changed. I don't know if maybe this would work better with a different controller or if something is going wrong due to the sheer age of the game but, from what I've played, I really don't think I'm missing much by giving up on it.

The visuals are... let's say 'technically impressive' given when this game came out. Considering this game came out in 2012 it really doesn't look that old, and its aesthetics have aged remarkably well. Those aesthetics are, however, absolutely hideous. Like, the game definitely has a style to it, but it just looks so damned ugly... the colour pallette is all over the place, nothing really gels together ('because dream' I guess) and the general creature and object design is bloated and deliberately gross. I can appreciate a lot of effort has gone into this in terms of the visuals, but in my opinion this game looks worse than Cruelty Squad.

The level design also seems to be a big nothing-burger as well. Again, I only got to near the end of the first world, so maybe it all ramps up and becomes a gameplay masterpiece later on. But from what I played, Giana Sisters is based on a solid core concept, likes introducing new puzzle pieces and ways to interact with the environment and then applying them in the most piecemeal and phoned in way possible. You spend the entire game switching between a character with a dash and a character with a double-jump, and you could do so much with that in terms of movement, but the game would rather have you ride a moving elevator twice so that each character can pick up all the gems specified for them, or have you jump across platforms that disappear and reappear when you switch with no regard for the character's different movesets. The entire game is basically just the second mask from Crash Bandicoot 4 but implemented in an incredibly sloppy way that makes no use of its potential. No, the game is much more interested in positioning enemies perfectly off-screen so that you'll run into them before you have a chance to avoid them. Or placing a gem for character 1 behind a barrier that only opens for character 2, making me assume I had to switch and then dash through before the gate has a chance to close... it really shouldn't be this easy to softlock level 2 of a platformer for fuck's sake.

So yeah, I didn't like this. Admittedly my main issues were technical issues which I'm going to assume are specific to the version I played, but I really don't feel too sad about skipping this one based on the experience I was able to have. In any case, the final straw was entering a level and seeing 0/700 gems on the UI... yeah, no thanks, I'm good. There are so many great platformers out there, including from the same era as this... just go and pick any one of those and I'm sure you'll have a better time.

A brawler with 'tude! If only it also brought along compelling gameplay.

A decent vertical shooter, but the gameplay isn't exciting or interesting enough to elevate it beyond the mountain of similar games it joins.

-we got mario galaxy at home. it copies almost everything
-it suffers from lack of sound design, bonking into a wall should have the same weight as mario's "doh!" but it's just nothing. visually large things are usually accompanied by silence for some reason
-think back to that one spot in mario odyssey before the sand kingdom boss where you can cleverly climb up to find a large stash of coins. I had one of those moments here except there was just nothing lol
-that said, mario is fun, so this is fun. also I like raccoons

A jogabilidade e mecânicas se faziam promissoras desde a época, mas desde o início possui oque é pra mim um dos maiores problemas da franquia... A FALTA DE MECÂNICAS STEALTH!! COMO QUE VOCÊ É UM ASSASSINO QUE AGE NA ENCOLHA E NÃO TEM COMO VOCÊ AO MENOS AGACHAR E ASSASSINAR FURTIVAMENTE, pra mim poderia ser uma característica da série, um potencial perdido...

A ambientação é o maior destaque, toda série Assasin's Creed é um show a parte nesse quesito. O cenário é incrivelmente bem feito, me parece fidedigno ao que seria o oriente médio durante as cruzadas, assim como os NPC's, com vestimentas também condizente a época; as roupas dos assassinos também são bem estilosas, por mais que talvez não seja a escolha mais lógica a sua cor... Até em atos que não seriam fidedignos a trajetória do protagonista são caracterizados como erros de sincronização, ideia muito boa. A ambientação tem ser de muito elogiada, é a maior qualidade não só desse jogo, mas como de toda a franquia, e se der mole até da Ubisoft!

Como todo mundo deve saber, o jogo se situa em dois momentos diferentes, no presente e no passado. A ambientação no presente é bem feita e passa um sentimento justo de estar em um ambiente científico (ou mais em uma clínica de um dentista).

As mecânicas como já disse, são boas mas não excelentes, o pacing do jogo é interessante devido a trajetória aos objetivos via a mecânica escaladas, que são incentivadas e muito bem feitas, trazendo desafio ao jogador para saber qual botão ele deve utilizar para realizar um salto preciso, por mais que as vezes, você se embanane no caminho... Mas é um dos pontos altos do jogo.

Já o combate, é muito simples e repetitivo, mas funcional, é só você ter MUITA paciência e contra-atacar, a variedade de armas é pouca, apenas duas, sendo elas agindo da mesma forma, a única coisa que diferencia o combate são as formas de luta, aprendendo ao prosseguir da história principal. Já assassinato em si é suficiente, não tão satisfatório.

Agora a coisa extremamente IRRITANTE são os inimigos, SÓ DE VOCÊ PASSAR NA FRENTE DELES já vem 20 MIL CRUZADOS atrás de você, e TODA HORA ISSO ACONTECE, fica insuportável você vagar pela cidade, que por mais que tenha a mecânica de ser esconder, É BEM DIFÍCIL QUANDO TER UMA LEGIÃO INTEIRA ATRÁS DE VOCÊ, sendo a melhor opção matar todo mundo, e isso é um porre.

As "missões secundárias" tem diferentes abordagens da mecânica, é aonde são mais exploradas, mas mesmo assim, são desinteressantes, na verdade o jogo obriga você a fazer algumas para o prosseguir do enredo, e é realmente o ideal, faze-las todas são um pé no saco. Por mais que dê detalhes sobre o seu alvo em questão, não chega a ser nada interessante ou memorável tanto em enredo quanto em jogabilidade.
Tudo isso foi em relação ao tempo passado, nos tempos modernos não há gameplay praticamente, não deve nem se dar ao trabalho de ser mencionado.

A exploração é fraca, os colecionáveis do jogo não te trazem benefício nenhum, chega a ter uma área maior onde se tem mais liberdade para explorar, até com o auxílio de um cavalo, que é ok, mas talvez a realidade da época medieval não seja a mais divertida, porque lá realmente não tem porra nenhuma, assim como nos tempos medievais.

O enredo propõe uma história de redenção ao protagonista onde ele tem que assinar um número X de inimigos influentes dentro da realidade do jogo para assim conseguir sua redenção. Eu inicialmente gostei da proposta, a progressão da história é ok (por mais que eu ache muito viajada) assim como o encerramento da história no oriente médio.
Agora nos tempos modernos ahhh meu colega, tem um desfecho totalmente BUNDA RACHADA e ANTICLIMÁTICO, deixando você totalmente a ver navios. Ao todo, em ambos ambientes que o jogo se situa, precisava de uma dramatização melhor.
A trilha sonora do jogo tem seus momentos, especialmente o tema de fuga do inimigos (o qual eu ouvi bastante...), não é incrível e nem característica ao local em que se passa a maioria do jogo, que é um desperdício, mas é o suficiente.
O hud do jogo é ok, é legal você estar no passado e ter algo que te lembre que é uma história apesar de tudo futurista, a intenção disso tudo é interessante, mas de vez em quando as cores ficam muito chamativas e fica estranho. Já a tela de loading é muito legal, criativa a explicação de ser um teste de sincronização.

Para a sua época pode ter sido um jogo acima da média, eu respeito isso, mas pra mim é um jogo ok, você pode até jogar (pra pagar de brabo que jogou todos os jogos da franquia e num sei oque), mas não garanto que vá ser uma experiência memorável ou acima da média, talvez seja melhor ver um vídeo de algum Sidão do Game explicando a história do jogo ou sei lá.
Apesar de tudo tive meu momentos de diversão com o jogo, e é evidente que foi feito com muito carinho. De forma alguma é um jogo ruim.

played the beta and iabsolutely love it!

Excels in what you'd expect, the music and the theme. Bit too on the nose for the latter but that's neither here nor there. Fun couple of hours for sure.

Una linda demo de manejar desde el punto A al B. A las 2 horas se vuelve insoportable, y dura alrededor de 8.

Played this as a child on the PSP... I spent so many hours on it! The gameplay was a lot of fun.

day 1 player here, I really enjoyed this game, it was fun, but now I'm thinking of quitting. first, the bots feel too hard, they always seem to ruin my runs. second, now that there's no new content being added since the 4th anniversary, I'm getting bored, so now I'm pretty much done with the game. although, I might come back just to play a bit more if it eventually gets an EOS announcement, but anyways so long, MKT

Como diria Chico Moedas: "O capitalismo é uma merda", mas no jogo ele está ao meu favor e durante o curto período em que eu vendia um livro por quase 100.000 moedas eu achei do caralho

An amazing remake that fixes the flaws of the original, making a really solid entry in the series and genre in general. More simple than the other ones, but that does not make it any less fun. The added "post-game" segment was also fun and expanded on Samus' character a lot.
Final score: 10/10

Played this day one when it was released on the PS4 and thought it was too fast for a controller, fast forward to 2022 bought a decent PC and so bought it on PC, got all the secondary weapon upgrades, and even the Unamaykr which is a BFG that doesn't use the whole shot (can be handy), but in short this game SLAPS and the soundtrack too. In my opinion even better than 2016, its Frantic, fast-paced and really really good, but would I recommend it to everyone, not really it might be too fast for some and I understand that so I recommend 2016 in those regards.

It amalgamates several puzzle platformers to create its own thing and the loop works pretty decently. The levels are varied enough to keep your attention as you go around bonking and tossing enemies about.

Interesting concept but I don't see myself playing it ever again. The execution is great tho.

No but does this have the best final boss ever??

this is it. this is the apex of the series. this is what i originally set out to play, and it checked every box for me. the very culmination of what the series has been building on since the very beginning. absolutely beautiful game

Rising Tide is 100% done with all side quests completed and Katios Gate is cleared. I could have done better with Katios Gate but it's really challenging for a few fights even with the cheesy "nuke" build I made for the sake of completion.

Fantastic send-off to FFXVI since the DLC really enforces why FFXVI is such a fantastic game between the dense world-building, spectacular fights, and the undying pure human will to create a better tomorrow for the people who are suffering.

This looks like the end of FFXVI as far as additional content but I'm very happy the two expansion packs exist to expand one of my favorite games organically. Sad that Clive's journey is coming to an end but I'm glad I was a part of every moment of it.

A solid puzzle game but not really a new concept.

Despite having some nice visuals and music, the gameplay is just too tedious even for a brawler.