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in the past

Admittedly, did not play a lot of the game. I beat a couple runs, in which I had fun, but felt slightly out of control at times. Not a fan of the art style, and everything felt less intriguing than in Slay the Spire. I'm sure hardcore fans of StS or the deckbuilder genre can have a grand ol' time with this one, but it wasn't spectacular for me.

bão, não é tão dificil principalmente o jogo mas se pena em alguns chefes no meu caso foi o dragão até eu pegar o charge e estourar ele, Dlc foi mais desafiadora

My favorite pokémon game and one of the few I finished

Overall a hell ofa mixed bag.
Best edition's the new characters tbh.

SL1 NG+7, All Bosses - No Aux/Hitless
SL1 Full Run, All Bosses - No Aux
SL1 No Roll/Block/Parry, All Bosses - No Aux/Hitless

Disappointed in the graphics and that they didn't add every pokémon

One of the best survival horror games but its controls are improved on in the remake

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Loved the vibes, this is definitely a really interesting game, inspired by King's Field, Dark Souls and even Castlevania. Even though the first two hours are really slow, it quickly starts being more dynamic as long as you boost up your speed. (nice detail, I definitely recognised Alucard's voice) The combat is definitely lacking, I understand it's not the whole point of the game, but even so, I decided to level up dexterity, since I wanted to use ranged weapons, only to realize there are only about 5-6 ranged weapons in the entire game. It's something the game (obviously) does not tell you, but it can be a bit frustrating at first.

A terrific FPS and bungie's last hurray at Halo

O masterpiece dos jogos de Pokemon, com sprites lindos até hoje, uma ótima história, melhorando o que a versão Ruby e Sapphire fizeram, e com a melhor Pokedex do universo pokemon. Além disso possui um pós game muito divertido que faz voce ter vontade de continuar jogando e pegar todas as medalhas das torres.

Virtual Boy Complete - Game #7

The idea of the Virtual Boy within gaming culture has always been "Wario Land good. Jack Bros. good. Everything else bad." This is not true. I really tried to get into Jack Bros, but it ultimately fell flat and came off as forgettable. It's not without merit and I can see what stuck with people from it - the problems with this game are not in its foundation, it is in the levels and bosses themselves.

Jack Bros. is a top-down game, you go through a level collecting keys, attacking enemies with a single attack, pushing blocks, and jumping off of exits - your health is also the time limit, getting hit by enemies reduces your time (within the plot, you're a fairy who has entered the human realm and has to get home by Halloween). This is a Sokoban puzzle game setup, no way about it, the combat is too rudementary to really be a top-down action game (Jack Frost has a weak rapid projectile, Jack Lantern has a slow powerful projectile, and Jack Skeleton (no relation), who I played as, only has a dinky little knife), but Jack Bros. does not really have many puzzles - it's structured like an action game where most gameplay revolves around killing and twitch-dodging enemies while the puzzles are inserted infrequently to vary the gameplay loop. This makes a game that has a well-made engine just feel slow and clunky. I will say that in the main stages you do get enough timer collectables for the time limit-health system to not feel unfair - key word: the main stages. This segways into the bosses.

The bosses are probably the worst part of this game - they're not poorly designed really, they're kinda just bog standard top-down bosses with weak points and projectiles - the problem is, like the engine, everything else around it. Timer power-ups never show up on boss fights, even though - being at the end of the stage - that is where they are by far most needed. leading to many unfair deaths. Also of note: the star system, you can collect stars that do a screen wipe - but, because this is a puzzle game where every enemy goes down in one hit, it's virtually useless until you get to the bosses, where you will have collected multiple stars (you start with 3) and can basically get it down to a quarter of it's health for no effort... and even then still get cheated by the lack of timer power-ups.

The game is at its best when it's doing puzzles. There's a fun floor with multiple exits where you have to look under the stage to figure out where to drop, and one interesting puzzle involved destroying lasers, but these puzzles are very few.

The game has a fantastic soundtrack, but it starts all over whenever you progress a stage, so you barely get to hear the smooth VB tunes. The game also suffers from having a lot of madatory tutorial text. Luckily, these don't replay when you die and restart a stage, but not so luckily, there's no way to replay them either.

Ultimately, Jack Bros. is simply "meh", only really notable for being the first localised Shin Megami Tensei game, otherwise it doesn't really have much going for it even within the Virtual Boy lineup I've played so far. If the levels and bosses were designed with puzzles in mind, I would be able to call it a stand out, but they just kinda aren't.

Com visuais, proposta e temática lindas de se ver, Firewatch começa com tudo, te deixa preso já nos primeiros capítulos, tentando descobrir todos os mistérios que rondam a montanha com a ajuda de um única amiga. Porém o jogo não consegue manter isso até o final, o desenrolar da história nos últimos capítulos fica fraco comparado aos primeiros, o jogo levantou uma bola que não conseguiu manter lá em cima até o final, deixando um gosto amargo.

i think this is unfortunately more misses than hits for me but id like to specifically shout out bete grise and also disparity dead. these 2 are so cool and fun and the only standouts imo

One of the best pokémon games That's on par with the original and one of the few I have finished

Enjoyment - 7/10
Difficulty - 3/10

Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales only likes to listen to the same three songs every year.

I wanted to make good use of my newly acquired PlayStation 5 so I decided to play the spider boy game. Being a distant fan of Spider-Man since the Sam Raimi films, I was curious, and genuinely excited, to see what the hype around this modern series was all about. I had my suspicions, and my suspicions were correct.

It is truly a Hollywood Marvel popcorn video game. Even the fact that they preface the game's own title with Marvel's indicates to consumers that what you are buying is a specific brand of video game. It almost acts as a seal of approval. However, nowadays its a signpost for familiarity and fatigue. All this Marvel stuff is like a bad rash that isn't going away. If Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales was more like a hotdog or even a portion of cheesy nachos, I think I would've liked it better and feel fuller in my belly.

In saying all of this, the game does house some great moments. An excellent opening and some of the best open world traversal mechanics I have played with. However, I felt like I had already played this game before. Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales is a jacked up modern incarnation of a tired formula.

If you hold a high regard toward these games, I totally understand because I thought the same about them twenty years earlier.

Still go back to this every now n then, still a great game.

The world design is still beautiful, and Faith is still cool, but the open world aspect just doesn't gel. While doing short jobs fits the occupation of Faith well, they feel like the filler content they are, and it even lesses the positives of the main missions. Dropped 5 hours in or so. Perhaps if this was the first game in the series I would have beaten it, but it being a step back hurt too much.

Cool world, core gameplay is sweet. The story is fine, and the devs know that combat isn't what people come for, so they don't put too much of that in there. I'm in no way good at speedily getting accross a level, but it's still super fun, and no other game has achieved this implementation of freerunning.

A fun game that has a good premise but can be frustrating with the amount of trial and error

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A great co-op game with a amazing twist at the end

A Focus Home sempre buscou fazer jogos com propostas interessantes e diferentes com o curto orçamento (comparado aos AAA de hoje) que possuíam. Bound By Flame possui uma história interessante, com gráficos ruins, e uma jogabilidade travada e com péssimas mecânicas comparados com os RPGs da época, porém ele foi de vital importância pra Focus chegar a empresa que é hoje, mesmo nos jogos atuais você consegue notar os pontos fortes (poucos) que esse jogo possuía.

A great platformer and probably the best to play multiplayer

Remember playing this as a kid. First game I played in the franchise and loved it, big fan of anything Three Kingdoms

My favorite atmosphere and aesthetic that's ever been in a game and a story that leaves you on the edge of your seat

Dungeons are fun and combat is okay, but simple. The game is by today's standards outdated, and is almost impossible to play without a guide

A charming, relaxing puzzle game with very tactile interaction and satisfying design. It maybe gets long in the tooth for what it is exactly, but I don't anticipate any grand conclusion at 100% of emails read or anything. The little hints of story helped this feel a lot more rounded of an experience, but maybe it would work just a bit more for this game if you earned more of the currency, or prices were a bit cheaper. As is, it feels a bit padded beyond the novelty of the core mechanic. But despite being short already, I feel that a single session playthrough may not have been the dev's intent

My favorite Rayman game and one of the most underrated 2D platformers I've played

An FPS that is incredibly fun, but gameplay is only improved in its sequels