Reviews from

in the past

Um dos jogos mais bonitos de heróis que já joguei, mas pra mim tem uma história fraca, pouco inspirada e repleta de clichês.

É impossível não lembrar dos últimos "Mortal Kombat" ao jogar esse game (por ser da mesma produtora o jogo tem o avançar de história e o estilo de gameplay muito semelhante ao MK, o que me fez sentir que o jogo é carente de uma personalidade própria).

O avançar da história é muito maçante, por ser totalmente linear (tirando o último capitulo, parece que suas escolhas não fazem diferença alguma na história). Fora que o game conta com cutscenes enormes, o negócio é praticamente um filme.

Acho que o game funciona mais como um jogo de luta pra brincar com os amigos. A dublagem PT/BR é boa e o combate consegue prender o jogador. Mas indiscutivelmente o jogo é muito mais "filme" do que "gameplay".

(Também não entendi o esquema de abrir caixa pra "equipar" itens nos heróis, pra mim não fez sentido).

A história é OK e não apresenta muitas coisas novas. A parte legal é que finalmente dá para jogar com mais vilões. A dublagem ta bacana, mas infelizmente eles não conseguiram nivelar ainda a dificuldade do jogo, os cara deixaram Besouro Azul e Espantalho apelão hahaa não tem sentido nenhum.

nigga the pc port fuckin sucks its only gettin this high because of da ninja turtles smd backloggd

Not a fighting game fan but I played this for the goofy superhero campaign. It was good. Better than the first game but still a pretty cheesy superhero story.

I'm still trash at fighting games, but this was a decent experience.

Today is the day that I officially give up. Ever since launch I have wanted, neigh have I quested for the Robin item the Staff of Grayson. I really wanted to play as Nightwing in this game and thought that if I just kept playing a little bit more, I could get it. I grinded achievements and lootboxes for over a hundred hours trying to find my white wale. Unfortunately I think it's become clear, It's been over half a decade since I started and if it was going to happen at this point it probably would have already.

So goodbye Injustice, once upon a time I would have called you my favorite fighting game of all time, but now you're just going to be a painful memory.

Fuck you Ed Boon


P.S. Keep Joker out of Injustice 3 and put Nightwing back where he was as a full character or I will riot in the streets.

A história é bem fodase e a gameplay é normal. Mas pqp, é muito divertido

Takes what's great about the first game and just ramps it up. Graphics are beautiful (minus most female characters' faces for some reason?), roster is great, gameplay is still solid, story has become its own, and man I love those pre-battle interactions.

Catwoman and Leonardo main this time.

Robin/Nightwing and Donatello main:

Maybe my favourite fighting game of all time, the customisation is fantastic (could do without the stat stuff tho)

Story is great, always love when Brainiac is a main villain.

Not a big fan of the DC fighting games

Mecânicamente: Muito bom os controles e precisos.
Narrativamente: +/-, inferior ao primeiro jogo e com muitas cutscenes, para mim não é um problema, mas tenho ciência de quem não gosta.
Outros pontos: algumas animações de alguns personagens não ficaram muito fluidas e os gráficos não são tão feios, mas não são bonitos.
E bem, vamos esperar o que a Netherealm vai aprontar com o injustice 3.

Injustice 2 (2017): Un Mortal Kombat simplificado. No es malo, se deja jugar, pero sin ser fan de DC, hay opciones mejores en este género. La historia, aún desconociendo a la mitad de personajes, se me hizo agradable, así que algo hará bien. Micropagos intrusivos, eso sí (5,50)

Not my favorite fighting game that's for sure.

Um ótimo jogo de luta, com uma história excelente, belos gráficos e boa jogabilidade.
Resumo: um upgrade de Injustice 1 que dá pra descer a porrada no Superman com as Tartarugas Ninjas.
Quer ouvir uma piada? Arlequina vs Superman.
Tempo de jogo: 5 horas

This game was really enjoyable, a good improvement on the first. The graphics were actually pretty impressive, although some of the facial animations got a little uncanny at times. The character designs are an improvement over some of the weirder ones in the first, but superman's stupid chin guard and emo joker leave a bit to be desired. Also some characters like.. Captain Cold. Im not really a big superhero fan but seriously lmao who cares about Captain Cold. The combat is just as enjoyable as the first and the scene transitions/super moves for the most part are all really fun, but there is far too few arenas. The story itself was really good for a fighting game. I usually find her a bit overrated but I really like what they did with Harley Quinn in this game, and Supergirl was great in it I only wish she was shown a bit more. The Braniac boss fight also is dumb with him having moves that do half your health bar but it was nowhere near as unfair or as infuriating as the Shao Kahn boss fight from MK9. Unfortunately as neat as the pick Superman or Batman's side thing is, the ending was a bit disappointing and left pretty much every character's arc unfinished. Felt really sequel bait-y (like most superhero media) but it was still enjoyable until the end. I didnt play any multiplayer because I dont care for that, but the gear system seems dumb.
Overall another really fun NetherRealm game, only barely being a 4.5 because a lackluster conclusion to the story holds it back a bit for me. Also I am in love with Supergirl our wedding will be this summer, im accepting reservations now.

Trophy Completion - 60%
Time Played - 5 hours 25 Minutes
Nancymeter - 86/100
Game Completion #38 of 2022
April Completion #7

A gameplay está aprimorada em relação ao primeiro jogo, já a história e uma continuação meio decepcionante mas com momentos marcantes, mais sem nenhuma surpresa que te choque de verdade, e eu ainda continuo prefirindo o jeito narrativo do primeiro. Nela o Superman não é mais o vilão principal e sim Brainiac, um robo alienigiena que usa planetas para sua coleção e aumentar seu conhecimento e podendo controlando maquinas, sendo oque destruiu o planeta de Krypton.
Com uma nova dinamica narrativa, Superman preso e Batman tentando arrumar tudo que o Homem de Aço estragou e devastou na terra, chega Brainiac atrás de Superman por ser um Krytoniano mas ao decorrer da história mostra interesse na Terra e começa a planejar a coloca - la em sua coleção. Manipulando vilões da terra a ajudarem com seu plano, lutam contra aliados que tambem estão em divisão por conta de estarem do lado dos ideais do Batman ou do Superman. Alguns personagens tem frases que se contradizem, e o Coringa tem uma participação mas gratuita e sem sentido, realmente pra tapar um buraco (mas até que a cena dele com a Arlequina discutindo é legalzinha)
A iluminação dos cenários e personagens está mais clara, do que o anterior que tinha uma estética e ambientação mais escura. E tambem os redesigns dos personagens estão ótimos e na minha opinião melhores.
Em relação aos personagens de DLC são uma boa escolha sendo alguns uns que não voltam a tempos nos jogos como Capuz Vermelho e crossovers mais inesperados como as Tartarugas Ninjas, mas o preço que é elevado, eu diria que não vale a pena, sendo 18,90 por personagem ( preço na loja do xbox), mas também são maior quantidade de personagens adicionais do que o anterior, mais não se preocupe voce consegue os dois finais do jogo sem eles e sem interferir na história. Mais em contrapartida personagens importantes e famosos desse universo foram cortados sem mais nem menos, como os que tiveram uma importancia significativa no primeiro jogo como Lex Luthor e Sinestro nem aparecem, mas tem suas adiçoes incriveis como Supergirl, Nuclear, Besouro Azul e Monstro do Pântano e não esquecer do próprio Brainiac.
Pecando na história e algumas partes do elenco oque brilha é sua jogabilidade que realmente é muito boa e equilibrada, lembrando os Mortal Kombat mais recentes
As cenas antes da luta são incríveis e refletem bem sobre a personalidade de cada personagem e como reagem ao se encontrar uns com os outros, tendo frases cômicas que dão um charme antes da luta. E tento a mecânica de equipamento que é bem legal, mais no multiplayer por ser de um jogador único o outro jogador pode estar perdendo o equilíbrio nesse modo.
Além do modo história tem o modo Multiverso, serve para quem terminou a história, mas quer continuar concluindo objetivos offline, sem ter que encarar outros jogadores no modo multiplayer. Ele se destaca, pois ele permite a evolução rápida dos personagens, bem como a abertura de mais caixas maternas, com itens adicionais e ainda mais raros. O jogo faz bem o serviço neste sentido extra, salvando-o dos pontos negativos.

Mesmo que eu não seja o maior fã de jogos de luta, achei esse aqui bem competente e divertido, com uma campanha que adapta uma das melhores e mais bem construídas histórias da DC Comics (e de qualquer coisa relacionada a heróis, na verdade)... Porém, achei o multiplayer bem fraco, não me instigou o suficiente para tentar evoluir os personagens e gastar mais horas lutando contra outros players. Além disso, tem alguns bugs em relação a conectar controles se você joga no PC e o sistema de conquistas é terrível, com muita coisa praticamente impossível de pegar. Tipo de jogo pra jogar a campanha e dar uma animada naquele fim de semana insuportavelmente comum.

Me fascina como a história desse jogo consegue ser tão chata e ao mesmo tempo interessante. Acho que já passei da minha época de super-heróis, mas como um jogo de luta, surpreende com o seu trabalho nos combos, animações e outros detalhes. Diria que é um jogo perfeito para os fãs dos heróis da DC e dessa saga, mas não me atingiu muito bem porque não me encaixo nessa galera.

The most replayable fighting game of all time due to the Multiverse game mode. Improves on the original Injustice in every way. The gear system is fantastic, utilizing loot boxes in an actual fun way. Some niche roster picks, some of which are barely involved in the story, which isn't a bad thing.

Im going neutral with this one.

- I am not a huge fan of fighting games.
- The storyline and popularity of this game has in some ways wrecked the current state of DC
- However, it is fun to get on here and beat up your friends whether they are gamers or not.

A gameplay desse jogo por motivos óbvios é bem parecida com a do MK 11, mecânicas muito bem adaptadas em alguns aspectos e em outros nem tanto, porém é divertida demais. Sobre a história, eu gostei do modo que ela foi abordada na reta final, apesar de ser um protagonismo totalmente voltado ao Batman, o jogo nos deixa escolher se é o ideal dele ou o do Superman que estão certos.

I got the "Legendary Edition" of this game with a very generous discount on a sale, coming with all DLC content except for the "God" and "Demon" shaders for character customization (a weird omission). Honestly, I'm very glad I didn't pay full price (getting the game and every DLC becomes insanely expensive).

At first glance this is an awesome game. It plays well, has a nice roster, great graphics, and even what seems like a really cool character customization system. The game plays much more fluidly than the first one, and looks gorgeous and colorful (which Gods Among Us most certainly wasn't), so for the first few minutes it's a pretty good experience. But the hole goes deeper...

My problems actually started at the tutorial. Yes, the tutorial. For some reason, this game's tutorial is insanely, ridiculously hard. There's a section on "block pressure" that I still haven't finished and probably never will. Who playtested this? I've never had difficulty with any other NRS tutorial (including Mortal Kombat 11, which I've also seen its tutorial get criticized but I could finish it just fine).

The roster is interesting, even if you take only the base characters into account. The abundance of Batman representatives is often criticized, but the likes of Firestorm, Blue Beetle and Gorilla Grodd are certainly inspired picks, for example, although the absence of iconic characters like Shazam and Lex Luthor (for story reasons - attesting that story modes in fighting games were a mistake) is felt. Arena selection is very scarce, leading to a bit of repetitiveness, with only 12 stages (8 of them have transitions raising the actual total to 20) - compare with the first Injustice, which had 15 stages, all but two having transitions making for a total of 29 arenas to fight. Only places visited in the story mode are present in the Injustice 2 stage selection (unlike the first game where some areas were there purely for versus mode enjoyment), and due to circumstances in the story, iconic locations like the Justice League Watchtower, Themyscira and the Hall of Justice are absent, further showing how story mode hampers this game.

And what about the gameplay itself? Well, as I mentioned, at first glance it seems alright. Fighting works well. Then you notice how bad the issue with move balancing is - it's more notable with zoning (this game has a huge zoning problem), but there's overall A LOT of very spammable moves that you see often not only in online, but the AI gets in on the action too! It makes fights very boring unless you're on versus mode with either a good, fair player or AI in very specific difficulties. In fact, the opponent AI in this game borders on bullshit. A big chunk of this game's grinding (more on that later on) is done in the Multiverse mode, which is basically a differentiated arcade mode that changes every few hours. The AI in Multiverse is ridiculous, making the experience very frustrating. There are also modifiers with baffling effects, like spinning the screen around or randomly turning the game upside down - these two were notable for me because they made me legitimately nauseous. You can put your own friendly AI (which is adjustable) to go through Multiverse for you, which makes things way easier, but what's the point of playing a video game if you have to sit through an AI doing things for you?

Customization is a big selling point of this game that NRS emphasized and it's what the grinding is directed at. You can customize each character's body parts as well as one special item that's specific to each character. Boy, is it a grind. You get gear from lootboxes (called Mother Boxes in this game - nothing in common with the actual Mother Box items from the comics except for the name) or after some matches, and it is all completely randomized. You can get repeated gear, you can fill up your inventory if you're not careful, you can spend years grinding without finding a piece you want. Gear is divided into common, rare, "epic" and "legendary", but aside from the legendary gear, it doesn't matter much in practice - I spent months grinding for a single "common" head piece for Black Adam. Legendary gear is another problem altogether: there's only one for each character, and you unlock them in the Legendary Multiverses, which as a concept is fine, but each stage of these multiverses has ABSURD requirements like playing 3000 minutes with the character, finishing 200 multiverse events with them, finishing 100 matches with a certain combo etc. It's another tedious grind that reeks of artificial longevity, but works more as a turn-off for the game because of how tedious it is. There are also shaders, which are color palettes you can equip on your loadout. One shader for each character is obtained by playing through arcade mode (a "simulator" in the Multiverse mode), and another one is either a story mode reward or, for characters who don't have a story chapter, a random reward. The rest of them are either random rewards or you can buy them with source crystals. Source crystals are a kind of currency in the game that you can get either by leveling up your profile (which takes longer the more you play the game), playing through story mode for the first time, finishing the tutorial and in Guild mode (a mode where you join a group to finish special Multiverse events together). Oh, and you can also buy source crystals with real money if you don't want to grind - hooray for microtransactions in fully-priced games, right? Needless to say it's another grind, moreso because shaders can be VERY rare drops.

But gear isn't only cosmetic! They actually affect stats. This fighting game has these RPG-like elements with stat-changing gear and character levels (more grinding). This means not only that you can't just equip what you think looks cooler on your character without risking getting terrible stats, but whether you'll have difficulty or not fighting an opponent because they have better attack or defense boils down to whether you're lucky enough to get good gear in this game's busted RNG. In versus mode you can turn "competitive mode" on to disable stat changes, making your gear purely cosmetic and prevent it from upsetting balance, but that will also disable any custom abilities you might have equipped on your character, such as Robin's "Staff of Grayson" which gives him Nightwing's moveset from the previous game. So no matter what, you're bound to get screwed over!

Story mode is decent, all things considered. There's some really good parts, some really bad ones and some okay moments. I might not like some of the paths taken for the story (I particularly despise "evil Superman" depictions, but I actually give this one a pass since this game takes place in the aftermath of the "bad universe" from the previous one) and find the ending (both of them) ridiculous, but I can't deny NRS made a good job on selling the story. The voice acting (both in the original and Brazilian dubs) is on point and so are the visuals. It really feels like you're watching a big Justice League story unfold. Doesn't keep me from thinking the resources, time, effort and budget spent on cutscenes should go towards more substantial base game content, but I won't have the audacity to say the story mode is actually bad.

All in all, despite me going hard on it, Injustice 2 is a good game, and I can even say I like it - I just think it makes you suffer too much through baffling mechanics so you can even begin to have fun with it. But if you only care about pure fighting and nothing else, and have nice people to play with, Injustice 2 won't disappoint. Just make sure to get the Legendary Edition on a sale, because a gigantic amount of the game's full content is DLC that will weigh on your wallet if you try to get all of it at full price.

“Look carefully at the ‘I Really Wish I Was Playing Mortal Kombat Right Now!’ button.”

The story mode is fairly enjoyable.

Injustice 2's story is amazing and I had loads of fun with it, despite the fact it's basically just a movie with an occasional fight (there are over 2 and a half hours of cutscenes). I loved the fact that you could choose which character to use in scenarios where multiple people were teaming up, especially at a certain point in the final act.

As for the gameplay, it was fine. Not bad, but also not too much to praise. The special moves for some characters are really cool and well-animated; the animation throughout the game as a whole is just super impressive. Would definitely recommend this game to DC fans.

NetherRealm really knocks it out of the park with their story. I didn't realize until this and MK11 how much fighting game story modes had improved during my ten year hiatus, but it turns out that's mostly a NetherRealm thing.

The format of playing most of the characters one at a time in little 3 or 4 fight increments as it progresses through different parts of the story really is something every fighting game series needs to steal.

I'm hoping for an arcade stick for Christmas and if that comes to pass, odds are good I'll pick up the Legendary Edition of this on sale just for the DLC characters even though the standard version is still included with GamePass.

A universal improvement over the original in every way. Nothing changes the fact that NRS manages to make the best single-player component in a fighting game just about every time.