Reviews from

in the past

The 'The End' title card jump scared me a little

A nice fun short game. Reminds me of something that you would play on the ds or 3ds with the style but in a nostalgic way. This game really shows that sometimes its about the journey and not the destination.

A Short Hike is the kind of cozy game you either vibe with or you don't. theres no minmaxing here, mostly just a short fun adventure with one note but often charming characters and a neat little world to explore, and do lil quests in and if you vibe with that you will love it, but if you want a challenge, you may not find that here.

what i can say is that the game is beautiful. and if youre not sold on the weird pixely vibe you can actually COMPLETELY turn that off, its a filter in the options! (i didnt but you may want to!)

A Short hike is a game that gives the same vibes as its namesake. its just a mental health day in a game format!

This game is perfect for what it is, very cute , very cozy, nice movement, fuck the boat but the game is amazing

A pretty nice chill indie. Some called it "Animal Crossing: Adventure Mode." Well, it's about exploring a mountain, and freely going wherever you want and doing a variety of things, from participating in a race to giving a kid a ride on a high speed boat through an obstacle course he built, to collecting hidden things. The upgradeable stamina for running/climbing/flying and openness of the game make it feel like a miniature cozy Zelda: Wild Breath of the Kingdom Tears.
Overall, I really liked it. I just don't care for the pixelated look, which, rather than evoking nostalgia, just looks ugly to my eyes. This is a 3D polygonal game with decent art, imo, and there is no reason for a pixel filter.

the use of dynamic music was beautiful

Kind of really surprised by this despite nothing but praise. Really nails its cozy vibe and humor, and delivers a nice small world to explore that feels really big until you arrive at the beginning again. On top of this, I felt like I spent much more time in this one playthrough than I did, as by the end no more than two and a half hours have passed.
Gameplay works and is fun, not lacking in depth but not too complex, and I was really surprised by some well-realized minigames. It's also nice to have a 3D game in this day and age with fixed camera angles that work really well.
There isn't some big story, but there were some endearing characters and the ending did get me.
So yeah. Really good game. Can't go wrong with playing it.

a pretty short hike! dialogues are funny

Muy cuqui y muy chulo, un juego cortito para relajarse un rato. Me ha encantado <3

Super bonito y muy buena música. Para nada se hace pesado, tiene mucho que explorar, pero no te obliga a que explores más de lo que a ti te apetezca.
Para chillear está de putísima madre.

It was sure pretty short. But bird guy is pretty funny

listen, i knew i was already gonna love the game when the description of the Pixel Size are called something as funny (to me) as "Big and Crunchy".
I think part of the reason I like it is that you can speed run it, but you can also take your time to look around and find stuff.
if you need something that is short , Nostalgic and gives you the feelings of the Summer seasons then this is for you.

one of my favorite games ever its so cute and the music is great and its just relaxing i enjoyed all of my time i wish it wasnt so short but i get it :(

Jogo Muito Bom🙂👍

Eu recentemente joguei A Short Hike, um jogo onde vc é uma pássara chamada Claire, onde ela e a tia dela fazem uma viagem de férias pra uma ilha, com o objetivo de aproveitar o lugar e sair um pouco da cidade grande. Quando o jogo é iniciado é apresentado que a Claire está há espera de uma ligação de sua mãe porém onde ela estava não havia sinal, então sua tia explica isso à ela e fala que o único local com sinal é o topo da montanha, sendo o objetivo do jogo, subir a montanha para tentar ligar pra sua mãe.

O destaque do jogo de longe é a sua ambientação, que traz um grande conforto pois tudo é muito bonito, a soundtrack é muito boa, não são em si músicas fodonas porem fazem o papel delas, são boas? Sim, mas nada como "nossa que incrível melhor coisa que já escutei" mas elas são muito bem selecionadas e colocadas nos momentos e lugares certos. Além disso o jogo é em 3D com gráficos pixelados, com um estilo de arte único, que dá uma vida ao jogo, sendo um outro grande ponto fortíssimo pra ele pois acabou casando muito bem a mistura dessa ambientação com esse gráfico.

Partindo pra jogatina mesmo, foi algo muito gostoso de jogar, controles simples, missões nada complexas, um jogo pra se descontrair mesmo. Acaba que você encontra outros animais durante o jogo todo que vão te dar missões e caso tu fizer elas, se vai ganhar recompensas iradas, e o que elas dão de recompensa? não sei, joga ai pra tu vê (🤓=tu 😎=eu).

Algo ruim que eu achei foi que quando vc menos espera, o jogo acaba e se fica fudido, no meu caso ao menos foi assim pois existem as missõezinhas do mapa e talz porém se não é obrigado a fazer todas elas e eu acabei zerando sem querer sem ver 100% do conteúdo do jogo. Tipo eu fiz o básico, mas agora que eu vi o final eu não tenho vontade mais de fazer o resto dos objetivos tirando uma parte legal que eu queria ter jogado. Eu sei que uma parcela é culpa minha mas pô sei lá, metia umas limitações fodonas não sei mais ainda sim foi uma experiência muito legal.

No final o A Short Hike foram os amigos que fizemos no caminho (eu no cinema).

This is such a cute game! I adore the vibrant simplistic graphics and the music is BEAUTIFUL. I'm obsessed with games that incorporate music that shifts with each change in area and builds on itself! I FEEL like I'm exploring new lands and that's super cute! Such a cozy play.

your average animal based cozy game. made me cry a little. i love the boat.

Another one of those games where my favorite pastime is hurling myself off steep cliffs
Everything about it sparks joy

A Short Hike is the ice cream sandwich of video games. It is the perfect summer treat, and after i finish it, i want about a dozen more.

I still have the soundtrack on my phone to this day. Everyone was cooking here.

I widdawy wiked this game before it was popular...

So yeah... You could say I'm pretty awesomesauce

Adorei esse jogo, foi uma experiência muito divertida e imersiva a ilha do jogo parece muito viva e com varias coisas pra se fazer e explorar, parece ser um jogo de boa de fazer o 100% tbm, adorei um bom jogo pra jogar na GamePass recomendo! 7/10

Um ar fresco pra quem tá cansado de não zerar jogos. Um jogo curtinho e lindo, com bastante conteúdo orgânico e movido a paixão, o título já diz tudo ❤️

Kafa dağıtmalık, tatlı bir oyun.

one of my favorite games i've ever played. i'd love to play as many games like this as possible.

Cortito pero intenso con un mensaje muy bonito

If you can get used to a bit blurry pixelated graphics, you can experience calm and nice game about just exploring and doing stuff.

The Short Hike Finished! I easily give it a 10/10, the game delivers everything it proposes! here you sit and forget your problems you play to relax, explore a small archipelagos of islands and here we explore with our protagonist called Claire a bird girl who came from the big city to spend a season together with her aunt in a natural park full of lakes ,vegetation and nature in abundance the game has an objective which is to go to Pico do Gavião to make a phone call, since at the top of the mountain it is the only place where there is a telephone signal, to climb the layers of the mountains you need to collect some feathers gold which would be a stamina in the game, there are about 20 of them throughout the game, to acquire them is by doing activities such as buying these feathers or finding them on the map randomly or helping people in the park such as playing in a race, playing a type of volleyball beach but with a stick or help finding a lost item, the more I explored those small islands the more I felt in that little world, where all the NPCs are there to simply relax and enjoy nature and everyone is charismatic.

With Short Hike you don't need to rush, play at your pace! you don't have a world to save, you don't have a super powerful villain to stop forget your problems your anxieties it's a short game but the small activities like completing the fish encyclopedia is fun collecting all the golden feathers it's rewarding, the soundtrack is beautiful TOO MUCH! or maybe you can take a boat trip on the island until you fly over it! Helping park visitors brings a sense of duty done and brings that sweet taste of having helped someone who was in trouble and being grateful for it. It was one of the best experiences I've had playing an indie game, the only downside is that it's short! But play it is a game that I recommend for all ages.

a short hike is a very special game, it's a game that's about not being a video game. it's not special for any real reason but you should absolutely play this one. so much fun