Reviews from

in the past

um pouquinho datado em comparação aos outros mas me divertiu muito ainda assim, a ambientação me lembrou até outlast em certas parteskkk, as cenas do espantalho são as melhores.

I don't know why I give Batman games such a high rating, I'm not even that much of a Batman fan, but the games awaken something in me, it seems like all the games are extremely fun

Super fun, even after playing the later Batman games. This is the game that laid the foundation of the Batman game mechanics. The combat feels good and sneaking around silently taking out enemies makes me feel like the real Batman, which is exactly what most people want in a Batman game.

Man I played this game when I was much dumber than now (not much of a difference tbf). I remember it being really fun, but not as good as the sequel. Maybe Ill play it again some day

God, I hope City and Knight are good (I have high hopes)

this is so close to a perfect game

This was an excellent an influential game. Its combat proved to eb very influential. Combine that with the environmental puzzle solving and metroidvania exploration, and you've got a game I would much rather return to than say Arkham City's open world.

Graphically, it holds up pretty well thanks to its slightly stylized art. It really nails the look and feel of a Batman comic circa 2009. Its atmosphere is also unparalleled in the series. It borders on a horror game at times, especially if the Scarecrow sequences haven't been spoiled for you. The only thing preventing it from being a perfect game in my opinion are the bosses. All of them are very basic, and the final boss is so obnoxious that it sort of hindered my enjoyment of the ending. Still, this is the best comic book game ever made, in my opinion, and well worth your time even now.

Great story, but it doesn't have any side missions besides collecting riddler trophies

this game still bangs, i don't know why i decided to 100% the riddler stuff again that was an absolute nightmare (all the villain easter eggs were fun at least)

worst part about this game was every single action game copying it's combat for years

me gustó pero si es cierto que ya se va notando que es un juego de 2009
el joker se roba el juego, está muy bien hecho
la zona de la guarida del cocodrilo es horrible, fácil de lo peor del juego
el sistema de combate me gustó pero le falta

Tengo la trilogía pero aun no los he probado.

Ещё одна переоценная игра из нулевых

It's a very primitive game, but that's almost a strength. The atmosphere is very, very good and the story flows very nice throughout the entire playtime.

El joker, o como le decimos en mi país el guason, está bastante atractivo al final del juego.

Level design: 10\10;
Gráfico: 10\10;
Gameplay: 10\10;
Diversificação: ?\10;
Trilha: ?\10;
História: ?\10;
Fator replay: ?\10;
Motivo de não finalizar: Só tive contato com esse jogo na minha infância, foi o primeiro jogo da geração do 360 que eu joguei, lembro de ficar abismado com os gráficos, eu e meu pai ficamos impressionados na época, mas a anos não jogo ele e nunca pude finalizar, talvez um dia eu consiga.

melhor ambientação da série, absurdo

I appreciate this game a lot more after a replay. The "horror" aspect of the Arkham games peaks in this game. Predator sections are pretty repetitive but that is remedied later in the series. Still my least favorite out of the main trilogy, but still really good.

One of the monument of PS3/Xbox360 generation

The Start of the Most Overrated Game Series of All Time

Arkham Asylum é um ótimo jogo e um ótimo começo para a série Arkham, tudo aqui funciona e tem um charme único, os vilões estão incríveis e a área para explorar é boa

A really enjoyable game from beginning to end. A really simple and streamlined combination of combat and exploration that would go on to shape how action games have been made for the next decade. This game is extremely immersive and at no point did I feel myself become tired of the game due to how frequently it is putting you in different situations or asking you to do different things. I could have played this game for another ten hours without complaint, I feel, so I feel lucky that the game has several sequels I'll now be able to spend time with. While there are a few rough edges, I don't think anything in this game is bad enough to warrant considering it anything less than a masterpiece.

deu uma envelhecida, mas continua mto bom