Reviews from

in the past

I should take more points off just for how this game launched, how the game still runs without mods, and whole sections of the game being bad.

Fantastic game. Definitely suffers from some content. Bosses are wild.

والله ياجماعة الخير ما انسى الى الآن لعبت دارك سولز 1 وقتها ما انسى اللحظة اللي خلصتها فيه لأي درجة شعرت يالله لك الحمد افتكيت و حطيت القير حطيته على
كان لونه ابيض اللي هو الحين عندي حطيت القير كذا على الجنب كذا و حطيته على الجهاز و قلت فككككككهههه و طلعت حتى قلت الحمدلله افتكيت

Amazing, truly amazing game, ruined by the worst PC port they could've made. I still pushed through it (with keyboard only mind you) at age 13 and completed it fully. That's how good this game is.

Que te voy a decir que no te hayan dicho ya

La cabra 🐐 30fps locked :(

This game is genuinely insane. Any frustrations I had playing the game are more than made up for the excellent world and feeling of exploration, the great level design and mostly satisfying encounters. I liked this much more than I expected to.

Videogioco che ha iniziato un genere da solo

First of all, this game is really good and figuring out the mechanics or where to go next is mostly a really pleasant and rewarding activity. Many of the boss fights were fun, the npc's are great (most are better than the npc's of its predecessor Demon's Souls), the parallel the game makes with depression is beautiful and Firelink Shrine feels like home... It's such a beautifully executed concept. But... I hate to say it but i agree with most people when they say the second half of the game is inferior to the rest of it.
After Duke's Archives the game had worn me down; I was tired and saturated - I just wanted to finish the game as fast as possible at that point. And besides that, this game is not as inventive as people praise it to be, since a substancial part of its core characteristics and mechanics came from Demon's Souls - they are basically a copypaste of it. There are a repetition of some enemies, bosses, areas, npc's and even lore elements; the thing that is completely original about Dark Souls is its "open-world" and interconnectivity, which is pretty cool and helps a lot with the execution of the games themes, but at the same time, it gives me a feeling of a very small world so I wouldn't say it is perfectly executed.
Dark Souls, in my vision, wanted to be a improvement of what Demon's Souls was, and in many ways this was achieved - but this is where the problem lies: in many other ways it wasn't.
Demon's Souls was still way more experimental and inventive with bosses for example - every new boss felt like a puzzle to be solved (which I personally like more)... and once solved it would give you an enormous advantage against that boss - Dark Souls on the other hand standardized boss encounters to a single type of boss fights (Bed of Chaos was a poorly executed exception).

Anyway, sometimes I think that maybe in that final stretch of the game when I started feeling fatigued and tired with the game narrative, areas and bosses - my head was in the wrong place for personal reasons. And maybe I should've taken a break to finish the game some time later. Maybe if I had done that I would've enjoyed the second half way better, so I'll keep that in mind and will complete the game a second time someday in the future. Maybe I'll change my opinion, I don't know...

At long last, this is still a great game, better than most things you can find in the game industry nowadays. It has some unique traits and atmosphere, a very rewarding gameplay style, greatly executed themes and a beautiful message.
To everyone that played the game and may be reading this, whether you agree or not with my opinion, don't you dare go hollow!

Probably my favorite game. I love pretty much everything about Dark Souls, story, gameplay, soundtrack (although it really only has a few memorable tracks^^). I've played it several times in different ways and will probably continue to do so for the rest of my life. This game means more to me than most. It has carried me through dark periods of my life and I will be forever grateful. Praise the sun and don't you dare go hollow :)

go play Remastered, that one is peak.

Artorias var daha ne olsun bu oyun daha ne yapsın.

"But you, friend, you talk.
I no talk.
But happy"

The Dark Souls of videogames

I can give this less than a perfect 10 and what does it matter? Any less-than-immaculate rating cannot take away just how much of a consummate work of art Dark Souls is. This game’s main factors are excellent and blend together so well. The mechanics, the structure, the world-building, the lore… the stew they make together is amazing.

Back in 2011, Dark Souls showed everyone what a cohesive piece of art a video game could be and the years have not done a disservice to it. It still feels great to play, the world is captivating, and just about every little detail is worth exploring. That’s what it gets down to: just about everything here is worth examining like any other great piece of art in history.

I could mention some of its flaws like the camera can betray you at the most crucial moments or how the collision physics in the Crystal Cave are pretty bad because, hey, those criticisms are legitimate! But art is more than just weighing pros versus cons, so in case you were wondering why I could give a game like this a 9 out of 10 and then say it was one of the greatest pieces of video game art, that’s why.

Maybe one of the funniest to play and most addictive and intrincate videogames I've ever played

Единственная игра, о которой я могу думать, как о 10на10 экспириенсе. Всегда реиграбельна, гостеприимна, уютна и любима.
Хочу лечь в это грязное болото Блайттауна и прижаться к гигантской пиявке как к дакимакуре.

Never started this, which is a damn shame considering From Software has made many of my favorite games of all time. I only jumped on the train with Bloodborne, went back to Dark Souls 2, and then kept up with the new releases from there. I never played Dark Souls, but it is in my Steam library. Maybe one of these days...

The greatest video game ever made.

Completed at some point in 2015. I remember it being summer, so I've set the log to August as an educated guess. Dark Souls changed the way I looked at video games forever, and I wish I could go back and play it for the very first time again.

Probably one of the most influential games ever. The DLC made up for the unfinished parts imo. An all-time classic.

Almost couldn't get past Pinwheel, but the rest is ez

Este fue un antes y un despues en mi vida. Es el juego que me enseño a nunca rendirme ante un reto y es, simplemente, una joya de los video juegos... Aunque solo sea medio juego. Porque si, dejando de la sus temas, jugabilidad y el delicioso, DELICIOSO DLC, el primer DS es un juego hecho por la mitad. Una vez se pasa Anorlondo en juego base, el mismo va en picada (sin contar las caidas de Frames que tiene esta version en especifico del juego). La pelea de Gwyn y el DLC ayudan a pasar ese mal trago, pero aun asi esa parte en el medio es tan pesada que me cuesta olvidarla. A pesar de todo, DS es hermoso en su imperfeccion y lo recomendaria a cualquiera que me preguntara.

okay this game is awesome but i feel like the only person who was underwhelmed by artorias' fight. it was good, of course, but everyone was hyping it up like it was the best fight in the series... i did not ride that same high