Reviews from

in the past

I'm gonna count both chapters in my review.

As I said in my Undertale review I honestly think Deltarune is a much funner gaming experience, it doesn't "live up" to the absolute monolith that is Undertale but to me it's better on everypoint, character writing, gameplay, pixel art and humor...

I think the fact we get to spend more time with the characters helps with creating an actual attachment to them, I am genuinely attached to Kris, Susie, Ralsei and all the characters that are pretty much always by your side during both chapters, I even like Berdly now !!

Melhora todos os aspectos do primeiro capitulo

Basicamente o primeiro capítulo só que com uma história muito pior.

Oque foi isso? Meu DEUS!

O capítulo 2 é significativamente melhor ao 1, personagens novos foram introduzidas, plots novos foram revelados, a trilha sonora como sempre impecável (destaque para BIG SHOT) eu não sou um grande fã de coisas cibernéticas, mas esse capítulo é muito engraçado satirizando a Internet e oque ela se tornou (você tá bem toby fox?) destaque para o desenvolvimento dos personagens, gosto muito de como a relação deles está gradativamente avançando, e esse capítulo foi bem longo! Consegue ser mais longo do que undertale inteiro oque me deixa muito curioso pra saber o rumo de Deltarune.

10/10 Tobias Raposa Gênio, Não tem como🔥

do i know your dad? yeah, I "befriended" him too.

i had to wake up at 4am for this! god this was such a joy to play! it's even better than chapter 1!


A surefire improvement over Chapter 1, which was already a great time! If the full game is a lot like this chapter, we have a lot to look forward to.

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Cleared on Switch, recruited all available enemies, and retrieved the Shadow Crystal.

Hago la review de Deltarune entera aqui, como me flipo Deltarune con lo que me aburre el Undertale, la historia esta guapisima y aun por encima con personajazos

not quite as special as undertale, but still a really fun time, and it's free!

the better chapter of the two and the soundtrack is sick, as always

Fantastic music, fantastic story.

Toby Fox, você é um gênio! Que jogo fantástico, e nem completo ele tá

iconic in every way i want more deltarune now

É o toba raposa, gênio
Não tem como🥵

Nota: 10/10 Tobias Raposa gênio, slk

I don't think I've ever audibly laughed at a video game so much, every moment was pure perfection

kinda miss the bullet hell aspect of undertale but i'll never say no to turn based strategy games. amazing story so far with funny characters + the dialogue in this game is something else. toby fox we need more

I know that there are only two existing chapters at the moment, but I'm not sure if any future chapter will be able to top my love for this one.

I. Fucking. Love. Queen.

Anything that came out of that woman's mouth had me rolling around on the floor laughing. She very well could be my favorite character out of every piece of media ever.

And the end of this chapter had me BEGGING for more! If I wasn't hooked on DELTARUNE before, I sure as hell was when I saw that ending cutscene.

Incredible work as always, Toby, thank you!!