Reviews from

in the past

for sure the most inspired fromsoft soulslike ive ever played so far, carried its fantastic pacing and environments from start to finish. most beautiful firekeeper, ending, soundtrack, atmosphere, so so severely underrated (maybe not around here). just completely brilliant.

I first played Demon’s Souls in 2021 right after the remake first came out. I think at the time I gave the game something like a 7/10, but in actuality I really just did not like that game and I was being nice. I lied! I'm sorry…

Demon’s Souls on PS3 was a really interesting experience for me. To be entirely honest, I'm not sure what made me want to replay the game. The game just has this weird pull to it unlike other fromsoftware games, save for BloodBorne. I knew i wanted to get the Platinum Trophy (we will fucking get to this i promise) but I really dont even know why i wanted that either. Well, whatever the reason, I'm glad I went and revisited the game. The PS3 version makes it a lot easier to meet the game on its level. The art direction is just simply more cohesive than in the remake, which does a whole more than you would think in terms of pulling you into its world. The game definitely devolves into a slideshow at points… but what PS3 game doesn't have an awful framerate? It's a part of the charm. The PS5 version has a lot more issues to it than just the art direction, being honest. Not only is the look of the game just really generic and very distinctly NOT fromsoftware, it also creates a really peculiar juxtaposition between cutting edge ultra extreme graphics and gameplay that is genuinely the exact same in both feel and function to the 2009 original. I’ve seen people complain about the gameplay in the remake and the art direction separately but not how they intersect to create a game that just feels wrong. This is not to say that the original is at all bad, but like i mentioned earlier, it's a lot easier to meet the game on its own level with the original rather than the remake. When i first played the remake i honestly just took it for a really mediocre souls game that didn't do much interesting and had terribly just insane design choices attached to it. There's still a few things I definitely still dislike about Demon’s Souls and I want to talk about what I appreciate about the game more now.

To start, I think it's incredible just how much they got right with this game. This is genuinely their first try at creating an entire game sub-genre and despite its faults, they did a great job. What Demon’s Souls does right, it REALLY does right. The level design is intricate and meaningful, and while the game is very linear within its individual levels, it allows you to tackle them in any order you wish (for the most part), giving a sort of Link to the Past style of player freedom. The combat is very simple, but it allows them to design enemies that provide a meaningful obstacle for the player. I’m still fairly mixed on a lot of the bosses, but one thing I praise the most of them for is the way in which the bosses actually interact with the arena in which you fight them. The bosses aren't like the boss's you'd find in a game like Dark Souls III, and instead are more focused on some sort of central gimmick that the player must exploit. As an example, a lot of bosses have separate AI patterns depending on how the player chooses to approach the fight. The Tower Knight will take the player head on in a grounded fight but if the player chooses to get to the higher vantage points of the arena to use magic/a bow the tower knight will instead fire soul arrows continuously at the player. I think this is really cool and works in some cases, but unfortunately, 99% of these boss fights are solved by simply using magic. Being a spellcaster makes this game genuinely trivial. There are a few bosses that are more akin to those of the rest of the series, and they’re pretty underwhelming to be honest. I really like Penetrator, since he has a huge polearm he stabs you with in a horizontally challenged arena. It bridges the gap between more gimmicky yet interactive fights and more interesting fights that challenge player skill, but the rest of them are either copy pasted into its sequel, (man eater becomes the gargoyles in dark souls 1) super underwhelming (flame lurker), or really cool but can permanently lower your level (Allant). Relating to the bosses, I STILL think the boss runbacks in this game are absolutely fucking dreadful. Some of them require you to run an olympic marathon with dumb fucking idiot skeletons that fucking hate you only to fight a stupid boss that is either the easiest shit of your life if you use magic or one of the worst video game experiences if you have with a strength build (the correct way to play these games). I would really like to know what the fuck happened here. A fair few of the bosses have really nicely made shortcuts that make for simplified but still engaging runbacks, but some of them just dont have shortcuts and they fucking SUCK. I would really like to see boss runbacks return to the series because they're honestly a really interesting and underrated aspect to the game design of these games but if a game as popular as Elden Ring is willing to forgo them I doubt we will ever see them again. I think the last truly negative i have on this game is the healing items, but honestly who fucking cares. Use the dupe glitch like the rest of us. It's fine. Everyone has already talked about how much it sucks, but it's really not even that bad without the glitch.

This paragraph is reserved for talking about the platinum trophy experience. OH my GOD this platinum sucks. Honestly, at first it's not too bad. If you make sure to follow a guide and get unique weapons as you go through the levels and pay attention to world tendency, it's pretty fun. It only gets fucking awful once you get close to beating the game. Since it's a 100% run, you have to do all the crafting bullshit before you go and finish up with the final boss. The crafting system in this game is so insanely obtuse and fucking stupid i cannot possibly imagine that not a single person in this design room didnt think it was ridiculously contrived and a massive time waster at least a little bit. Honestly most of the materials aren't that bad to get as it's likely you can get most of them just by playing normally, but the real problem is with pure greystone. I spent 5 hours farming for this shit and that seems like a godsend compared to some of the horror stories you can find about it. The rest of the stuff you have to farm for took me 10 minutes so they get a pass. You also have to do specific weapon crafting and fusion that is hardly explained by the game and is really contrived for the unique weapons trophy. Once you get past all of that stupid crafting bullshit you have to make sure you can get pure white character tendency so you can get a ring for the ring achievement. Doing this in a game that has its servers forever shutdown is really stupid, because there's only 5 red phantoms per save file and it means that if you mess up even a little bit you need to go and replay the game all over again. World Tendency and character tendency are honestly fine mechanics but their biggest issue is that they refuse to actually tell you in clear wording what the tendency actually is. BEcause of this you’re entirely left up to comparing screenshots of pictures of peoples TVs from like 2012, since all the search results are flooded by the remake. I actually managed to take advantage of the private server fans have made and had some absolutely lovely people let me kill them like 5 times so I could get the ring I needed, but even though I did legitimately do it on a PS3, it kind of falls into an unofficial limbo that I can't expect everyone to be willing to try. Overall I think the platinum was really rewarding but for the love of god please do not fucking do this to yourself.

If you haven't played Demon’s Souls on PS3, I think you should really give it a shot. It’s definitely flawed but it's a great game and I think it's a whole lot better than the remake, which honestly is just a really confusing product. If it was on PC it would make a bit more sense, but as is it's a just as inaccessible version of the game that seems to fundamentally misunderstand what the game is and what it was trying to be back then. I think it’s a little silly to say this after a whole review of me pointing out what I appreciate about Demons Souls, but I still think the game is a 7/10, I just mean it a whole lot more now. If you're wondering, yes, i finished platinuming the game on 4/20, and I did get so high i forget what happened next after finishing the game. If there are any typos in this review i will cry. I didnt capitalize my Is, im so sorry

This game truly is the Dark Souls of Demon's Souls games

Esse jogo é incrível do início ao fim, ele consegue ser bem único comparado ao dark souls 1, e claro tem umas coisas chatas como limite de item e roupas exclusivas dependendo do gênero do personagem, mas ele tem uma vibe única em cada mundo é um jogo fantástico um 10/10

jogão, eu gostei muito dele, é extremamente viciante e divertido, pra mim foi o souls mais difícil

The realm of Boletaria has been over taken by demons. Only you stand between the demons and the total devastation of the realm.

Lmao I will come back and finish this later.

the item dupe glitch turns this into a fun sandbox game that would otherwise piss you off

pure soul it was very interesting seeing where it all started with the first souls game although there were very bad decisions along the way and some very boring bosses & areas i can't not love this for what it is Thank you Miyazaki again
i really don't understand why many people think this game has the best bosses in the series because it absolutely is far from it but it's definitely the most innovative out of the bunch
did not regret playing this at all and i genuinely loved it

Segunda run. Desta vez, fui de DEX e terminei a run no lvl 77.

Desta vez, tentei fazer tudo que não fiz na primeira run, como desbloquear algumas armas e terminar umas quests de NPCS.

Objetivamente falando, o jogo tem alguns defeitos bem chatos de se lidar, especialmente quanto à QoL. A mecânica de Tendency pode ser uma dádiva ou uma maldição, podendo ser bem mais uma maldição a depender da situação. Confesso que, se não fosse pelo glitch de duplicar itens e o negócio do emulador de mudar a world tendency ao meu bel-prazer, eu teria me divertido bem menos e gasto muito mais horas grindando itens de cura, de aprimoramento de armas e world tendency. Aliás, acho que tá aí a pior coisa nesse jogo: upar armas é um porre. Nem consegui deixar a minha katana mágica totalmente upada porque os lagartos não droparam o item final para deixá-la +5.

Mesmo reconhecendo esses defeitos -- que foram mitigados ou mesmo eliminados nos outros jogos do Miyazaki --, digo com tranquilidade que se pá esse seja o meu Souls favorito. Sinto-me, em comparação aos outros Souls, mais envolvido com a história mais simples e direto ao ponto, com os NPCs e com o mundo. Aliás, a arte/estética/seiláoquê desse jogo mexe comigo dum jeito que não sei explicar -- esta lista entende.

Enfim, pro primeiro jogo da franquia, é muito melhor do que eu esperava.

A very underrated game. In my opinion, Demon’s Souls surpasses its next two successors in many ways. I was extremely pleasantly surprised by this game.

O primeiro da franquia, não poderia ser diferente, é extremamente bom, dificuldade na medida, bons desafios, cenários e chefes, a unica coisa que estraga o jogo não é nem a tendencia de mundo é somente o tal do "Item Burden", que é simplesmente a limitação do char levar uma certa quantidade de itens, sem necessariamente equipar. Só jogando para entender.

كانت 4.5 game worthy.
لكن مرحلة 4 و 5 كانوا pain in the ass.

اللعبة كمجمل ممتازة, الساوندتراك الافضل بين كل العاب السولز.
لكن السيء بالموضوع الصعوبة الزايد عن حدها سواء بتفريم الهيلث و الخ.
افضل طريقة تستمتع انك تسوي قلتش التدبيل (اللي الى الان موجود بالريميك حسب ما سمعت)
الصعوبة مو بالبوسز بل كيف تروح لهم, خاصة:
4-2, 5-2, 1-4
مرحلة السجن (1-4) كانت اسوأ لفل ديزان قد شفته, سواء بجودة السوني ثري او حتى المكان نفسه, ما دريت ان فيه اخس منه.
عموما ما انصح احد يلعبها بدون قلتش تدبيل ولا بتنشق شق مو طبيعي
خاصة النسخة ذي
الريميك مسهلين لك كثييييييير
لكن الاصل يبقى اصل
و طبعا تحية و رفع للقبعة للعبة اللي من بعدها تغير كل شي

شكرا القزم ميزو.

I mean, it's alright, like.

Even being old and clunky, the game was quite easy, with only 1 or 2 bosses being actually challenging.

giocato con l'emulatore, figo ma si vede che è vecchio

There's definitly some first game syndrome here but it's insane just how much Demon's Souls got right on its first try.

This game is oozing with atmosphere, challenge and charm. This game is every bit as complete an experience as the latter games are.

I strongly reccomand this, especially the PS3 version.

Jogão! a atmosfera que esse jogo tem é surreal, eu jogo e re-jogo, não enjoo, uma verdadeira obra de arte! não é difícil como os souls-likes são, mas é um jogo bem prazeroso de jogar.

A game full of challenges, direct, and that entertained me from the beginning to the end, full of secrets to discover, the maps of this game for me are the strong point, a cool exploration, but also not tiring

While Dark Souls refined Souls, it was actually Demon's Souls that created it - and what a start it is!

I rarely ever drop games, but I wasn't having any form of fun with this one after a while. I've beaten Dark Souls about 8 or 9 times, and I adore it's slow deliberate pacing, bits of unique jank that create unique, memorable moments, and it's sometimes antagonistic world and level design that silently leads the player through it. I feel like Demon's Souls has a large handful of these ideas; the steady progression through the worlds was at first giving me the same sense of discovery and learning that I got from the first Dark Souls, but after a while, I felt that antagonistic design genuinely wearing on me, and beating me down to the point where I was wallowing in a really uncomfortable feeling of anger and unfairness. I don't want to be lead through every objective, and receive assistance in every fight, but the cold and mean game that Demon's Souls ended up becoming, is one that I'm fully aware would have sent me down a really bad path for my emotional well being.
I guess I've been beat, this time.

January 2022 I played Dark Souls 2 : Scholar of the first sin for the first time, it took a while to click but eventually I fell in love with it and the series as a whole.

April 2024 It is with a heavy heart that I must face facts : I cannot play these games anymore. A similar thing has happened to me before, in 2022 I had the same realization about the total war games, but I have since been able to replay them a few years later. So I'd like to say its not "goodbye souls" but "see you later souls". I've simply grown too used to them, as replayable as they are, there is just nothing to excite me anymore. I will note however, that demons' souls was the last holdout.

Admittedly, this is probably less due to Demons' Souls' qualities than it is to the fact that I have done fewer runs of it than DS1 and 2 which I have played to death, by virtue of having to get my ps3 out of storage to play it, but nevertheless I find myself thinking about IT in particular lately.

Spoilers for Demons Souls I guess

The last time I played it I felt like the protagonist of Shadows over Insmouth or even 1984 when the cosmic horror hit as I made my way through the swamp of sorrows and thought to myself "oh god, I'm actually enjoying this". Miyazaki's psy-op finally got to me, whichever pheromone infused miasma the swamps emanate has made it into my head. Are these thoughts my own anymore? Am I but a vessel for the sacrifice to the great god of toxic swamp water that From Software has built an altar to?

Before any of the Demon Souls superfans get too pleased with their new convert, I think my overall enjoyment of DeS has stayed about the same; case in point I think I fucking hate 1-3 and 1-4. I think DeS strengths lie in atmosphere, in novel challenge revolving around environmental traversal, elemental match-ups, slow, methodical exploration and puzzle bossfights. In terms of straight up combat gauntlets its been utterly left in the dust by later entries, and its my least favourite aspect of the game. My ass also got killed because I accidentally climbed over a railing my rubbing too close to it and jumped into a 3 enemy gank, which felt less like punishing poor awareness and more getting fucked by weird controls. How hard is it to add a button press for mantling over obstacles? Either way, FromSoft abandoned that shit almost inmediately so its nice to know they agree with me.

The Blue dragon fucking sucks. The red dragon as an obstacle in 1-1 and 1-2 works perfectly, thematically and mechanically it serves its role of pseudoboss/setpiece wonderfully. The blue dragon sucks, whether or not you get past his second phase seems more luck to me than anything else given the disconnect between the visual outline and hitbox of his fire breath (especially if you rescue the knight dude) and given he guards the false king, as a player you're going to be seeing him a lot, leaving you to either absolutely master his bullshit timing or do the slow, tedious process of killing him with arrows. I have only ever fought King Allant "honourably" like 2 times maybe, because by the time I get to 1-4 my enthusiasm for DeS has grown thin and the tedium of the dragon and runback occupy such a space in my mind, that I usually just pull out the thief ring + poison cloud cheese combo, and I admit that with 0 shame. Its unfortunate, because the first time I fought King Allant I was legitimately sweating by the end of it, it was an incredible rush of adrenaline, but that fucking dumbass dragon had to fuck it up.

That's kind of DeS' double edged sword. It fucks with you, and dares you to fuck with it back, which is great when you max out health regen items so you can tank the poison and absolutely breeze through the swamp, but less great when you realize the optimum interaction with the world tendency system is to act in such a way that you dont have to engage with it at all i.e kill yourself in the nexus and always go in soul form. I get the logic in body form having the supposed risk/reward of extra health vs the chance to make the entire area harder if you die with it, but the usual obtuseness added to the fact that 25% extra health isn't particularly helpful compared to potentially getting into black world tendency, there isn't much of a choice. The added mechanic of item drop rates going up with black world tendency is also kind of pointless because pure white levels with sub-optimally upgraded weapons are infinitely easier than pure black with maxed out weapons. There's just not much of a choice here. You could argue that maybe there wasnt intended to BE a choice, given that the NPC which explained this mechanic was removed during development, but even as an opaque mechanic it cannot help but incentivise not bothering with it at all. Especially given the focus on cooperation I think they had to have realized people would crack the code on it eventually.

The poise system is weird, in that its an example of a system that is both too punishing and way too forgiving for the player, which is weird. Compared to the later souls games (though admittedly DS1 maybe went a bit too far in making poise OP) it fucks with the usual dynamic of the combat wherein you commit to every attack, both yours and the enemies' being slow and interruptable leading to tense back and forths. In DeS though, there is no poise, just hyper armor given by attacks. This leads to some weirdness. Take the scale miners in world 2. They are extremely tough skinned mindless workers in the mines of boletaria, they are very resistant to slashing damage but vulnerable to magic and pierce (and maybe blunt I think). So you'd think then that they would be able to shrug off any attacks from you and attack uninterrupted. This isnt really the case though, because hyper armor only kicks in during certain frames of attacks, hence if they start their pickaxe attack they are absolutely impossible to interrupt by quick thinking, as the attack has basically 0 windup before it enters the hyper armor phase, but if you hit em before they attack you can absolutely stunlock em into oblivion. The same is true of the blue and red-eyed knights who are way easier than they were likely intended to be because they don't have poise. This is what I mean, its both too punishing (doesnt seem to follow the dynamic of the rest of the combat) and too easy to abuse. The red eye knights in 1-3 are absolute dickheads for this, their charging spear attack can get spammed ad infinitum, with basically 0 cooldown and grants hyper armor. Thankfully I have a bow, but the amount of enemies in 1-3 is one reason why I hate it so much.

But nowhere is this poise problem demonstrated more than with Garl Vinland. Poor garl, serving a corrupt demon without poise. For some reason, of the heavy weapons which get hyper armor in DeS, seemingly the ultra greatswords and his fuck off hammer were excluded, and even if it wasnt easy as hell to parry him / get his hammer to smack the wall harmlessly, his dumbass heavy armor grants him 0 resistance to being stunlocked into oblivion. Compare him to Havel, who can also be cheesed, but at least he shrugs off attacks with a toothpick and hits you with his fuck off hammer regardless.

All that said, I love worlds 2,3 and to a lesser extent 4 and 5. 1-1 and 1-2 are great. Atmosphere and visual design wise they are great treats. I read an article I'll link here which brought up an interesting point I've been thinking about lately, which speaks to DeS' longstanding cult status. In the article they compare the flamelurker design in DeS and its remake, and how the latter looks like "artstation fire demon", which is harsh but kind of true. Its what you make when a director asks you for a fire demon, and if there is something that defines DeS I think, its that it embodies the opposite, for good and for ill. The vanguard demon, the storm king, maiden astraea, phalanx even, these all subvert usual genre expectations and give something rather unique without feeling try-hard. Everything else about its design from its mechanics to the art all seem to follow the rule of not just doing the obvious, the easy, the straightforward.

Think about the tutorial, where after maybe defeating the vanguard demon (which again, is not the type of enemy one would usually put as a beginner boss, both in its lethality and slight goofiness of the design) you are taken to an area with some loot and then are put in front of a giant humanoid dragon, who kills you not by breathing fire and melting you (i.e what you would expect) but by hitting you with a big old punch.

So all my complaints aside, I have to respect Demons' Souls, and if I manage to get back into souls at some point in the future, I hope I get to enjoy being brainwashed into liking 5-2 again. And despising that fucking dragon asshole.

eu sem entender porra nenhuma (e com a rola dura)

o jogo fracassado que fez um "genero"

o primeiro da saga, muitos não gostam, mas eu acho muito bom!

tendo algo que foi perdido quanto mais os Souls da from foram avançando, variedade combativa de boss fights. em elden ring eu não lembro de muitas lutas de chefe que não são apenas "reaja no tempo certo e ataque no tempo certo" ou resumindo... um bate rola, em demon's souls além de boss fights assim tem muitas boss fights que se luta de um jeito único(as tão temidas para os jogadores novos "gimmick fights").

para derrotar o tower knight é preciso derruba-lo acertando seus tornozelos, para aí acertar seu ponto fraco. ou a fool idol que se você não matar o carinha que fica numa sala muito bem escondida que tu não acessa no meio da boss fight, esse desgraçado vai ficar curando ela, tipo eu senti saudade disso no elden ring sabe? é oque fazia dos souls like únicos pra mim.

mas por mais que agora as boss fights nos novos jogos sejam sempre mais do mesmo, esse jogo ainda existe(com um remake impressionante), então se tu acha que seria interessante dar uma olhada num jogo que suas lutas de chefes não se baseia apenas numa arena quadrada e um duelo, vá na fé em demon's souls.


A standout game. While many consider Dark Souls as the "perfected formula", I believe that Demon's Souls has more than enough soul (heh) to truly separate its identity from its successors.

A big brooding adventure with a lot of experimental mechanics that subvert player expectations makes Demon's Souls one of the most special From Software releases.

Eines der besten Spiele aller Zeiten.

The OG souls game.
It aged pretty well, I actually prefer the original over the remake, it feels more.. idk... Demon's Souls.
Good first introduction to the legendary series, pretty much the easiest.
The bosses in this game lack quality but there's a few that are good.
The pure bladestone took me like... 6 hours till it finally dropped, im glad the duping glitch works on the ps3 version.
If i hate one thing about this game is the fifth world:))) oh and the World Tendency system, AND Dragon God😡