Reviews from

in the past

Esse jogo conseguiu deixar a gameplay de doom moderna mas ainda sim rápida e frenética.

O combate desse jogo é ótimo, as armas são bem variadas
e usar a vantagem de cada uma delas facilita muitos combates,
os chefes são bons e acompanham bem o gameplay,
as músicas são perfeitas (obrigado Mick Gordon),
além disso o jogo tem uma boa quantidade de história
e vários conteúdos extras para pegar.

No fim é um excelente jogo de tiro frenético com ótimas músicas.

There is no way this game could get better and eternal.

I've never felt more badass and powerful. Not with Arkham or GoW. This game made me scream without the S

Doom Eternal is better but it's still Doom so a banger

This game is pure distilled VIDEO GAMES shot into the veins. Better atmosphere than DOOM Eternal but I play DOOM games for the gameplay which is why eternal edges this game out

This game is amazing, but i played it wrong the first time (6-7 years ago). This game really needs to be played in the hardest difficulty you can handle, it needs to challenge you. I made the mistake of first playing in the mid difficulty and felt the game being boring and repetitive with long pauses in between action. But after cranking it to the hardest difficulties the game changed and became amazing, the systems started to work, the "dance" you make with the enemies, the counters, the changing of weapons everything felt powerful and was made mandatory to succeed.

This game almost everything in the game felt amazing, but other things not so much, the boss fights are a real let down, being so boring compared to the normal gameplay, you don't get use any of the mechanics that make the game feel so good to play you just empty your weapons at the monster in the center. The collectibles are cool and all but i could not care less about reading in this game.

That being said the music is one of the best ever, one of the best soundtracks in any game that alone makes this game worth playing. The overall package when it all comes together makes this one of the greatest games ever but the little details like the boss fights bring it down just a bit.

This game is Good.
To clarify I played both this and eternal back to back, to figure out, which is better and now I have come to a conclusion.
While I love Doom 2016 in every aspects comparing it to its sequel, its obvious which one is better, I love this game's combats, atmosphere and attitude, like it does not care about exposition it gets you straight into the action.

Reasons why I think it falls short is on two things, one I am not a fan of the platforming in this game, its not offensively bad, but its just lacking in any fun and can stop the game's fast paced action, still appreciate it just can be annoying, the last problem is the ending, the boss fight became piss easy and felt more like a standard enemy fight than it did an actual final boss, with the ending kind of feeling weird and a little less satisfying, honestly though despite those flaws I still love this game, but not as much as its sequel.

only fps game that i really liked to play for a 2nd time

Gdybym nie grał w Eternala dałbym 5 gwiazdek

rock tetas sangre demonios calaveras


Obviously biased but this game is my favorite of all time. I've only played it through twice but loved both times and need to plan my next play through again.

eu nao ouvi nada da historia desse game, só matei demonios etc etc

Son yıllarda oynadığım en iyi FPS oyunlarından biri. Saf aksiyon. Oynanışı hızlı ve çok eğlenceli. Oyundan hiç beklemiyordum ama karakter gelişimi ve haritasıyla küçük bir metroidvania tarzı da sunuyor. Hikayesi ve sunumu da gayet yeterli.

You know this game is fun, even if you haven't played it yet, you know it is fast-paced, violent and light in plot. So just let me tell you a few things that surprise me, for better or for worst
First, the fact that full screen blocks you to that window (Unless you trick the program) is BS and makes the option of borderless completely useless. The fact that you can't skip logos at the start is annoying. And the position of the terminal button can make you press it in the heat of the battle (Which is a problem).
Second, for a game so focus in violence, it is really fun to explore for secrets, specially because the map always tell you where the things are, just not how to get them. The only problem are some levels that block back tracking without warning.
And finally, I'm surprised that I haven't heard as much praise for the progression, because it is excellent, in every level you feel like you are discovering, unlocking or trying something new, that being weapons, weapon mods, runes, powers, enemies, bosses, etc. There's always something exciting to do, and no every game can say that, so I think that deserved a bit more love.
A great game and a must-play if you like shooters

I owe this game a lot since it introduced me to a whole other world of gaming. It’s hard to explain.

I don’t think anybody thought this game would be good, let alone this good.

Sade, ne yapmak istediğini bilen bir oyun.

Glad this is brought back, BUT this game isn't better than Eternal

HOLY CRAP THIS GAME IS AWESOME!!! the gameplay, the ost, the enemies, the levels, the graphics are all SO GOOD!! really i can't put it into words on how much of a badass it makes you feel! it's so good!!

Bem-vindos a "Doom"! Se você sempre sonhou em ser um pacifista e resolver conflitos com abraços, bem, esse não é o seu lugar!

Imagine-se no papel do "Doomguy" (Ou Doomslayer), o cara mais durão do universo dos jogos, cuja única missão é fazer um belo estrago nos demônios do inferno. E quando eu digo estrago, quero dizer uma quantidade insana de carnificina!

Esqueça as frescuras dos jogos modernos de FPS, como recarregar ou se preocupar com quantas balas você tem. Aqui, você tem munição de sobra! É como se as balas brotassem do chão só de você olhar para elas. E se você acha que vai ficar escondido atrás de uma parede esperando a saúde regenerar, bem, pense de novo! Nada disso aqui, cowboy! É uma maratona de violência sem fim!

Falando em violência, você vai encontrar todos os seus velhos amigos demônios e algumas adições bem interessantes.

O arsenal também traz de volta todas as armas conhecidas na franquia, não faltando nossa querida BFG (Big Fucking Gun para os íntimos), com certeza você está armado até os dentes e pronto para fazer picadinho dos demônios.

Nada de XP ou pontuação por aqui! Você quer melhorar? Então você vai ter que sair explorando. Porque por mais incrível que pareça "Doom" não é só sobre atirar, é também sobre exploração e caça aos segredos escondidos, seja lá o que eles forem: runas místicas, upgrades para suas armas ou até mesmo aquelas adoráveis miniaturas.

Portanto, É claro que a pontuação final não poderia ser outra senão Doom/10.

Hope you like running jumping and shooting in a back and orange maze. Cuz like that's all you do. Lever editor was neat, but to hard to use.

Yeah this game is pretty fun. The gameplay is definitely the main focus. Story is kinda whatever.
It desperately needs a dash button though.

doom eternal but slow, is good if you reload everytime