Reviews from

in the past

Kind of an odd Dragon Quest - the main story is not the bulk of the gameplay. Playing through to finish the plot goes by surprisingly quickly (especially relative to VIII or XI), yet this game probably has the most content of any Dragon Quest, technically speaking, as the grottos make the game immensely large. The job system in this game is very solid, so if you like dungeon-crawling and turn-based battle without too much plot, this was a great one. Unfortunately, a lot of this content is locked behind online play, so now that the Nintendo servers are shut down, you need to do some homebrew work-arounds to get this content back.

Not feeling this game to be honest...

First Mainline DQ i played, the local multiplayer is so much fun, remake for this would go unfathomably hard

Still my most favorite JRPG. Post Game is what makes this game so incredible. Lots of additional stories, the dungeon mechanics, the grinding and crafting... Everything in this game is amazing!

fuck the haters I love this game

Really cool game. Every time I start a Dragon Quest game I always find myself surprised by how good they are. This game in particular has a ton of customization in terms of your party. You just create 4 custom characters and can make them into whatever job you want. For example, I got through a majority of this game without even having healing spells because I was able to build a party that could handle that. Spending several hours crafting gear admittedly helps with that, but still. Speaking of the crafting, it was a pretty major part of my playthrough. I got super into it, tbh. Created a dedicated spreadsheet to tracking things that I want/need that could calculate the number of each ingredient that I need. That's not to say that doing that level of crafting, or any crafting at all, is required to enjoy the game, but I thought it was really satisfying.

This game also got really creative with multiplayer. In a way, I think they were experimenting with some MMO stuff in this game before they made X. I unfortunately played this years after the online was shut down, but traces of the game's roguelike-y dungeon generation content still remain and seem pretty integral to post-game. Similar to an MMO, 100%ing this game also seems grindy as hell. I hear some people say that a majority of this game's content is in the post-game, so I definitely intend to check that out.

Meu Dragon Quest favorito, as cutscenes são muito bem feitas pra um jogo de DS (igual o remake de FFIV), o prólogo é longo, chato e maçante mas é necessário pra dar todo o contexto ao jogo, criar sua própria party é algo bem daora desse jogo e que deveria ter nas sequências, o sistema de classes é bem completa porém dividiu opiniões sobre o level resetar ao mudar de classes, criar e customizar seu próprio personagem também é algo muito legal e um ponto bastante positivo do jogo e que dá muita imersão ao roleplay, o mapa é grande, cheio de segredos e lugares pra explorar, os bosses são moderados na dificuldade e pode exigir muito grinding, enfim, esse jogo teve várias adições e é um prato cheio pra quem gosta de RPG e é um jogo bem completo pra os moldes do Nintendo DS, recomendo totalmente

Infelizmente não completei. Desde de criança não gostava de RPG e esse jogo foi o responsável por mudar isso, eu só pensava nesse jogo o tempo inteiro, mesmo não sabendo nada de inglês, esse jogo tem momentos mágicos, seja os anjos, a yggdrasil e pra mim principalmente, o trêm dourado.

Never finished this, sadly. Really liked being able to change your characters outfit, but wished the choices looked better. Didn't like the chili art. Not sure why I never finished it, may have been the chibi!

le meilleur DQ chile the tea honey


One of the only RPGs to be worth replaying with entirely vanilla hardware and ROM

Tropey story, and takes a LONG ass time to get going storywise and gameplay wise, even by JRPG standards. I can't deny the quality here, but if you're not already a DQ/JRPG fan, this isn't going to sway you one bit.

I liked the Vocation system tho, and the combat really opens up by endgame.

Can't get myself to play this for a long time

It is not a very recognized game because it came out only for the nintendo ds, but it is very worthwhile.
It has a very entertaining story and a vocation system to customize your team with different classes, weapons and skills that gives a lot of versatility to the game.

After so many Dragon Quest games centered around its core party, it's odd to get one we're but a loose cog in the mechanism of the plot. Our hero is a Celestrian - essentially an angel - assigned to the small village of Angel Falls, but when a cataclysm happens in their home, they find themselves cast down to the world below and stripped of their Celestrian powers. They're then forced to journey around the world, helping people to restore their faith and send the powerful energy of "benevolessence" back to the Celestrian world above.

I actually like the plot here despite the lack of any characterization to our entirely player-created party, plus there's also a really robust job system to boot, which I love! However, the game wants you to engage not just with its main narrative but also a pseudo-MMORPG style system of extremely grindy quests. If you can get into these you'll find Dragon Quest IX to have massive longevity far after the game concludes its narrative, but I found them off-putting and time-wasting.

El primer RPG que jugué de niño, lo he rejugado tropecientas veces y nunca falla, tiene una buena historia, lugares y personajes memorables y el humor característico de dragon quest que nunca falla

Jamais réussi à battre le boss de fin quand j'étais petit (j'étaislv 45 il fallait que je sois 70 mdr)

Not much to say on this one. I liked the story, ideas and setting quite a bit. Sadly that was often muddied by the gameplay experience being structured far more for postgame and multiplayer experiences that cause the single player experience to suffer. This was the last dq game I had yet to play and while I liked it, it left me feeling unaccomplished and unimpressed

Need to return at this, it was very fun and interesting!

My first DQ game way back when, didn't know at the time that the party building system was irregular for the series but I super dug it. God I miss the metal slime farming in this title

All I want from this bloody industry is a remake or even just a remaster of this stupid little game.

I'm biased, but the writing is funny and clever, the graphics are cool (for the time) and i love the music and characters so much. Seeing ur equipment actually change is awesome and the spells and skill tree feel powerful

Mi primer Dragon Quest, me lo regalaron en navidades del año 2010 si no recuerdo mal, me ha marcado de por vida, eras un aprendiz de ángel y tu misión era heredar un pueblo para proteger, pero un día te caes del observatorio de los ángeles por un accidente al entregar un yggo a Yggdrasil, y te caes al mundo de los mortales perdiendo tu halo y tus alas pero conservando tus poderes de celestial, así comienza tu aventura entre dos reinos. Adoro a Luzbel 10/10

your standard dq/general jrpg but with custom character building and some degree of freedom to wander around between the railroaded segments. made for me

Probably the peak of DQ gameplay in the main games (haven't played X or XI yet as of writing, can't comment on them yet).
Music's great, story's nice, tons of side content that extend the lifespan of the game a lot, especially once you get into grotto exploring.
Tied with V for my favorite of the series.

I wish I liked it more than I did. The customisation was great. But more so than any Dragon Quest game I just got my head down and churned through it. I felt no incentive to carry on past the credits. I was just glad to be done with it, but I really couldn't tell you why that was.

L'histoire est vraiment bonne, les autres personnages aussi. Le postgame est répétitif, c'est juste plein d'antres. Le fait que nos compagnons soient des coquilles vides qui sont là que pour aider au combat, bon voilà quoi