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in the past

After the Beta I wasn’t all that interested in this game. But then I got it at a deep discount at Humble Bundle and gave it another try. The game certainly takes a while to click, but then it’s great, crazy fun. The best way to describe it for me is that it is a wild mix between Earth Defense Force, Overwatch, Anarchy Reigns. There are elements of hero shooters, third-person-brawlers, PvE and PvP components in the game. Everything is presented in an overarching story with quite a few quality cutscenes that get unlocked by participating in online matches. Yes, this game is online only with no way to play offline or with bots.

So how does this work? Players pilot exosuits that look like your typical anime-mecha. There are three different kinds of exosuits: assault, defense and support. Some of them excel in ranged combat, others are more melee oriented or focus on healing the team. Plus there are hybrids that fit more roles. They all have something in common: They feel unique and are fun to use. I didn’t dislike any of the mechs and rotated frequently between them to spice up the experience. Landing headshots with a sniper rifle feels just as satisfying as uppercutting a T-Rex or rescuing the whole team with a last second healing skill.

In most missions two teams of five players get matched against each other. Both teams have to fight against hordes of dinosaurs and accomplish certain mission targets. The goals are always the same for both teams, the team that achieves the goals faster gets a headstart in the final mission where both teams are in direct competition. In this phase the teams can fight each other directly to achieve one final goal. There are other mission types, like giant hordes or big boss fights where ten players play together but these are more rare. By beating the story, extra hard challenges and seasonal content gets unlocked.

Seriously, the feeling of the game is a bit hard to describe. It really is it’s own thing and a unique experience I recommend to everyone that likes Capcom games, hero shooters and/or horde shooters with some indirect and direct PvP put into the mix. Don’t get afraid of the PvP stuff too much. You always progress, even when you lose a game and I didn’t come across many people that took the game too seriously. It was mostly a great and relaxed time playing with others.

The aggressive monetization with loot boxes and season passes in a full-priced game is certainly questionable, but it can be safely ignored. There are no pay-to-win elements. On the tech side the game looks and sounds good. It ran without problems on high settings on my old 2070S. Late loading textures are an issue though and can look really jarring at times.

why do we always need to shoot the dinosaurs why can't we be friends :(

sla mano, no começo tava ate legal mas 2 dias jogando ficou paia

worse marketing and price ever, for the like 30 I got it it's perfectly competent, should have had some more fleshed out missions though

This game had all the right ideas and none of the execution.
ALL it should be is a squad based, mech suit shooter, where you kill dinosaurs. Instead, it somehow manages to bungle even that basic premise.


- Combat feels so clunky. Hit boxes and detection are so weird. Dinosaurs are smaller than you sometimes, so you will aim down at them, but it won't hit. Then you aim above them and it lands. It's insane. Melee attacks especially suffer from this, and often you will swing your sword or whatever and think you would take out every dino in your radius, but it doesn't. There are also random power attacks that don't do area of affect by their graphic, but somehow kill enemies nowhere near the blast. Hard to get good at a game where the hit detection makes 0 sense
- There is SO MUCH STORY. No, that's not a good thing. It's boring, it's overly complex, there are a bunch of characters that you don't give a crap about, and for a game that should just pop you into the action so you can pew pew some dinos, there are way too many cutscenes. I played for an hour and maybe 20 minutes of that was gameplay. Like seriously, get in the mech, shoot the dino should be all there is to it.
- There is no one online anymore. I queed up for 5 minutes and it just put me with a full bot team and a full enemy bot team.

This game should have been a homerun but is a just a swing and a miss somehow. It only came out a year ago and has nobody playing, despite even being on gamepass.

TL;DR - Just let me shoot some goddamn dinos in a mech suit

This review contains spoilers

Charles “Ace“ Flores | Male

Exoprimal é um jogo como serviço de tiro em terceira pessoa com dinossauros, e isso é do caralho por si só.

Nele controlamos Ace, nosso personagem criável, um exopiloto o qual, após um breve teste/treinamento, ingressa nos Hammerheads, sua equipe da Aibius Corporation:

Lorenzo - Líder e mecânico da equipe. Perdeu sua irmã, Haruka, numa das primeiras invasões de dinossauros;

Alders - Um ex-exopiloto que acabou perdendo um de seus braços e termina por trabalhar como a inteligência da equipe;

Majesty - A membro feminina genérica que é mais forte fisicamente que todo mundo porque sim. Com o tempo ela cresce como personagem;

Sandy - A robô/androide/inteligência artificial da equipe. Ela é legal.

Durante uma missão rotineira de patrulha, um vórtice se abre e leva a equipe para Ilha de Bikitoa três anos antes, onde ficam presos com seu avião quebrado. Nessa ilha com ambientação apocalíptica conhecem Leviathan, uma inteligência artificial da Aibius que obriga exopilotos de diferentes linhas do tempo a jogarem jogos de guerra quase que eternamente em busca do exotraje perfeito, visto que durante esses jogos são coletados dados dos exotrajes a partir das emoções e reações do piloto ou sei lá o quê.

Esses jogos de guerra consistem em reviver um dia específico na história várias vezes de diferentes perspectivas enquanto enfrentamos dinossauros e - não necessariamente em confronto direto - outra equipe também de cinco exopilotos. Durante esse tempo coletamos dados que possam nos levar a entender o que está acontecendo nessa ilha, como fugir dela ou até mesmo como derrotar o Leviathan que é, claramente, quem soltou os dinossauros por Bikitoa. Como Majesty está ferida, é sempre Ace quem está em combate durante os jogos.

Essa parte da progressão da história me lembra muito Visual Novels, pois consistem de diálogos razoavelmente explícitos entre os personagens, os quais nos levam a entender melhor o que está acontecendo. Ao que entendi, a cada 20% de progressão nos dados coletados recebemos uma missão diferenciada que simboliza um progresso de “capítulo“ na história.

Para participar dos jogos de guerra utilizamos, obviamente, exotrajes. Estes possuem diferentes modelos separados em três funções principais: Ofensivo, Tanque e Suporte.

Continuando com a história, conhecemos Magnum, também parte dos Hammerheads, porém de outra linha do tempo. Ele nos passa as informações iniciais do que está acontecendo e, um pouco mais para frente, quando ele vai nos passar as informações que descobriu para escapar da ilha, ele é assassinado por Durban.

Durban, de alguma forma trabalha em conjunto com Leviathan e é um vilão secundário - obviamente logo atrás da IA - e, mais para o final do jogo, descobrimos que é o Alders de outra linha do tempo. Um que não perdeu o braço e ficou magalomaníaco.

O Dr. Garret Synes, responsável pelo projeto Golden Goose, é um filha da puta e tá trabalhando com o Durban para recuperar os dados do projeto utilizando nossa equipe. Em algum momento os Hammerheads descobrem a filhadaputagem do doutor e o chantageiam para nos ajudar e conseguem. Synes é morto por Durban após nos ajudar brevemente.

O projeto Golden Goose é basicamente responsável pela viagem no espaço-tempo.

Descobrimos também que a Haruka, irmã do Lorenzo, é a cientista que tentou acabar com o projeto por ele representar perigo, visto que estava gerando vórtices e trazendo dinossauros. Foi expulsa da corporação, mas impedida de abandonar a ilha.

Outra coisa, a Aibius não desenvolveu os exotrajes, na verdade eles escavaram ele e fizeram engenharia reversa. Daí que vem a origem do projeto Golden Goose.

Explicando melhor, em uma linha do tempo um exopiloto (que eu esqueci o nome) tentou voltar no tempo para acabar com o Leviathan e com a Aibius, porém voltou demais e acabou morrendo. Séculos depois a Aibius encontra o exotraje e fazem engenharia reversa. Criam o Leviathan a partir desse processo. Como o exotraje tem uma ligação direta com o exopiloto, mesmo morto esse cara acaba preso ao Leviathan.

Também descobrimos que a deusa Bikitoa, a qual dá nome a ilha, também é um membro da equipe, no caso a Majesty de uma outra linha do tempo.

Enfim, após descobrir tudo quanto é coisa é decidido que devemos voltar no tempo, usando os dados coletados do Golden Goose, para um dia específico e ajudar a Haruka a derrotar o Leviathan antes de soltar os dinossauros por Bikitoa e, consequentemente, no mundo todo. Enfrentamos o exotraje perfeito, Behemoth, que está populado por Durban. Derrotamos Leviathan juntamente com o Durban que é morto pela própria IA, a qual acha que o exopiloto perfeito é como um dinossauro e o consegue fazê-lo matando o mesmo enquanto dentro do exotraje.

Voltamos para o momento em que estávamos antes do vórtice nos levar para a Ilha de Bikitoa. Haruka entra em contato, ela está viva e a Aibius está atrás de nós. Vamos todos nos encontrar em um ponto estratégico e enfrentar a corporação.

O jogo é bem legal, talvez um pouco enjoativo, mas conseguiu me fisgar e parece ser um jogo como serviço bastante saudável, algo que não é tão comum na indústria de jogos.

Y'all did NOT play this game

At this point, capcom is just making jokes about dino crisis fans

I get absolutely no dopamine from killing dinos.

Bonne découverte, le jeu propose un gameplay assez innovant avec une certaines façon de jouer assez cool et très différentes pour chaque joueur dommage que le jeu soit vendu aussi chère ce qui a causé le manque de joueurs

Go play Exoprimal please. It has some of the hypest moments in video gaming but the clock is ticking on this one. Honestly worth the price of admission in my opinion.

Game's old news by now, but @yotsuben got it for me for Christmas (thanks to a price fuckup on Humble Bundle's part where it briefly cost something like a third of its intended sale price), and I did enjoy the betas, and there's a 2xEXP weekend running currently, so I've killed a lot of dinosaurs over the past week and wrapped up the story content.

It really sucks that Exoprimal was forced to be some kind of battle-pass live service game when all it really wants to be is a Left 4 Dead style cooperative horde-murderin' game with a loose story through-line. It's especially frustrating because the story is actually pretty good. The game is under no bones about being what it is: in this world people put on power armor and dive through time to shoot dinosaurs in the head. The raid boss is called a Neo T-Rex. They're in on the joke, and it means they can lean into it and not take themselves too seriously, and get some actual pathos out of it. The "Best Screwdriver" series of logs is some primo MGS-style codec call bullshit (complimentary).

As you might expect from a game with time travel, there's some goofy stuff involving time loops and such. It's pretty clear early on that Goddess Bikitoa was an exofighter sent further back than normal, but finding the log they left behind and the story details within was a solid "oh shit!" moment. I think the clear standout story stuff is with Alders, both his relationship with Sandy and his character arc after the confrontation with Durban. The scene where Maj can't come up with anything else to comfort him other than "you know what, fuck that asshole" feels more genuine to me than any number of inspirational speeches.

It's just that to get any to any of this good stuff, you have to hop into the multiplayer queue, and after each battle you get one or two lore logs with some audio of the characters talking about the situation. Collect enough about a specific subject and there's a longer codec call where all of those logs are compiled into some more concrete info. Certain battle thresholds have more produced story cutscenes and milestones accompanied by a special bespoke mission, often some kind of raid boss where all 10 players have to work together.

Any time I got the "special" missions (by far the most enjoyable experiences in the game), there was maybe one or two other humans playing and the rest were bots. I don't know how you're supposed to replay these unless the matchmaking decides to plop you in with a new player progressing through the story for the first time. You're definitely supposed to be able to because there are profile medals for, say, beating the final boss 5 and 10 times. Are they just... random in the queue? Who thought that was a good idea?

To see the entire plot, you have to play about 60-ish Dino Survival rounds, which are about 15-20 minutes apiece. Steam says I've played 26 hours, but a lot of that is waiting for matchmaking or fiddling with builds or leaving the game running while I made dinner or whatnot, I'd wager the actual gameplay time is closer to 20. Which, honestly, pretty reasonable... if, again, this wasn't a stupid live game.

Almost all your gameplay options are gated behind your level and your "Bikcoin" currency, which you get by... leveling up (to Capcom's credit, you cannot buy more Bikcoin). This includes the equippable chips that actually can alter your playstyle pretty drastically and the Alpha variants of every playable exo-suit, which each have different primary weapons and playstyles from their normal counterparts. You can't unlock an Alpha variant until you hit level 20 with a specific suit, and then it costs 15,000 Bikcoin just to unlock the Alpha. You might have spent 5000 just to unlock the regular Murasame suit. Then if you want the good chips, you're spending thousands more to unlock and upgrade those, only if you're a high enough player level.

It's not a problem for me now, because I'm 10 hours deep into the 2xEXP weekend and have like 70,000 Bikicoin laying around waiting to be spent on upgrades, but it's just tedious and frustrating in principle. I feel like I shouldn't play Roadblock Alpha, my favorite class, because that way I'm not earning up points to unlock the other stuff. Sucks! Please don't make progression this way especially in a competitive multiplayer environment where I am actively hindering my team by playing classes I'm bad at!!

And that's kind of the rub in general, right? I'm discouraged from getting invested in the story, from experimenting and enjoying the actually pretty cool and varied slate of classes because Exoprimal is a fucking competitive 5v5 live game and I feel like I'm under constant scrutiny to play well and not screw over my team. Yes Leviathan, I know that I'm completing objectives slower than the enemy team, how about you fuck right off? I hate what this does to me, because yes I do want to win, and more importantly I want to facilitate the other people on my team winning, and it means I become an asshole about playing properly and that the people on my team become assholes about playing properly, and this is why I no longer play Overwatch or Apex Legends or any "third place" game anymore.

At least when I get bodied in Street Fighter 6 I'm the only one who looks like an idiot.

A lot of people are disappointed by this game but I thought it was fun this game is a 5v5 multiplayer game where the 2 teams eliminate dinosaurs and whoever eliminates more wins and there is several different characters you can choose from i thought this game was well executed

It was really fun at first, but it got stale after I played it for a while. I beat it, and it was a fun experience, but I got a little burnt out on it despite pacing myself since it feels like it lacks diversity. Most matches play out the same and feels kinda boring, so while I had a good time playing it, I probably won't come back to it.

Nur kurz am Free Weekend gespielt.
Was ich so faszinierend an Exoprimal finde, ist, wie das größte Problem des Spiels so offensichtlich ist.
Ich hatte bei Release nur ein paar Sachen zu diesem Spiel gesehen, alles was ich noch im Kopf hatte war ein "Mechaniken gut, Spielstruktur schlecht", ohne spezifisch zu wissen was nun genau so schlecht daran sein sollte.

Und ja, die Mechaniken... sind nett. Die Präsentation ist ganz cool. Und alles was es nun sein müsste, ist ein EDF in weniger janky.
Aber stattdessen hat es diesen komischen Zwang jede Runde zu einem Wettbewerb zwischen zwei Teams zu machen. Der einzige Unterschied zwischen PvE und PvP ist nur, ob man gegen Ende der Runde auf das andere Team trifft, oder nicht. Ein Wettbewerb bleibt es trotzdem.
Heißt, sobald du in der letzten Phase ankommst und die Mission schaffst, kommt trotzdem eine Animation wie du von Raptoren zerfleischt wirst, weil das andere unsichtbare Team marginal schneller war.

Als ein Kumpel (hi, Fynn) das Tutorial spielte, meinte er dass das richtig cool wirkt. Als wir die erste Mission abgeschlossen haben, kam ein "...und das wars?". Als wir die zweite Mission spielten, waren wir uns sicher "oh... das war echt schon alles".

Es gibt sicher mehr als genug Kritik an diesem Punkt, aber ich muss trotzdem erwähnen wie sehr das alles untergräbt. In Coopspielen gibt es sonst immer so viele Möglichkeiten Spaß zu haben. Du kannst die Gegend erforschen, du kannst rumalbern, du kannst silly Waffen ausprobieren, du kannst dich mit Freunden unterhalten, oder versuchen möglichst effizient zu arbeiten. Es gibt soooo viele Möglichkeiten ein Coopspiel zu genießen. Exoprimal hat einen eigenen Button nur für Emotes - glaub allerdings nicht, dass du den jemals benutzen wirst, wenn alles ein Rennen um die Zeit ist. Alles was nicht hyper-fokussiertes, effizientes spielen ist, ist verschwendete Zeit und vielleicht eine verlorene Runde. Du kannst es nicht wagen auch nur für einen Moment die Ruhe zu genießen. Willkommen bei Awesome Games Done Quick, hier geht um alles.

Was mich aber so fasziniert, ist, wie schnell das einem ins Gesicht springt. Ich glaub, das ist von fast jedem der größte Kritikpunkt am Spiel. Soweit ich weiß, mögen nur recht wenige Leute /diesen/ Schwerpunkt des Spiels.
Aber das ist kein Problem auf was man erst nach 10 Stunden stößt, das ist nichts was erst ein Pro Player nach 400 Spielstunden langsam discovered hat, das wird dir direkt ins Gesicht gerieben. Jahre an Entwicklungskosten, reingesteckt in ein Konzept das es wirklich nicht wert war zu entwickeln.

Bought this game about half off during the start of season 4. I would say this game was kind of guilty pleasure for me, as it felt one of those so stupid but good type of games.
Some pros:
-Loved the designs of the exosuits.
-Liked when the missions derailed to something else or something unexpected.
-Satisfaction of killing dinos with the suits and weapons
-Sandy my beloved
Cons for losing two stars:
-The repetition and slow grind of unlocking more exposition to continue on with the story.
-The waste of time of three data sources for a screwdriver that was irrelevant to the plot.
-The fact that it was a multiplayer game, would of loved some sort off the rails singleplayer game.
-The cliffhanger at the end, knowing that this game probably didn't do financially well and we'll probably never see a continuation of the story.
-Just Alders in general. "Guys you won't believe what I just found."
-The handholding railroading of the story instead of letting the player piece the timeline and mystery themselves.
Overall not a bad multiplayer game, just wished it had some more variety and locations within the island or the elevator itself. Felt that Capcom could of gone a little bit more crazier with time traveling dinosaurs, but I don't know how the finances were in terms of developing this game so I can't say.

Fun at first, then not so fun. mid

I'm not quite sure why this game has a fully voiced and mocapped campaign awkwardly stuffed into a overwatch ripoff, but the world itself is very interesting (if a little ridiculous) and the game comes to life during it's many boss battles.

Just takes too long do do anything, want a new character? Gotta grind. Want an upgrade to your equipment? Gotta grind. Wanna progress the story? Well first you have to wake up and then you can grind. I tried weathering away at the pvp but it was just weirdly frustrating not having access to a majority of whatever suit's kit I was missing.

Having upgrades for pve is understandable, but for pvp it really should have taken an overwatch approach imo, where you had the characters full kit available to play around with and maybe you have to grind for new characters and that's it.

Might pick it back up one day.

Incredibly sad that this game died down so quickly after launch but damn was it fun while it lasted. Mowing down sheets of dinosaurs while playing a funny cute robot girl on rollerskates was a blast.
We still have "summoning raptors" as a sound on our soundboard. At the very least, you left a mark on my heart, Exoprimal.

Very interesting take on the pvpve game. I enjoy it and still play it occasionally. Shooting for the plat

O jogo é bom mas enjoa rápido, praticamente são dois times competindo quem termina as hordas de dinossauro primeiro num 5x5. A campanha funciona semelhante a titanfall, não tem campanha, o que tem são cinematics que você libera jogando o multiplayer e sinceramente são medíocres no máximo. É um dos jogos já feitos sem dúvidas, a melhor parte foi quando ocorreu um evento onde os dois times deveriam trabalhar junto pra matar um rathalos no collab com monster hunter. Só teste se tiver game pass, fora isso nem vale a pena

Gameplay is really good. Story is mediocre, but the mission designs and the soundtrack makeup for it. Combat is extremely satisfying and well balanced against the dinosaurs. PVP is bit a clunky, but is unique and once you have the hang of it is similarly as satisfying as the PVE combat. Great attention to detail in every element of the game, especially in the animation department. Raid bosses, horde shooter sections, monster hunter like dinosaurs, and unique PVP. What is not to love about this game? Please play this one probably doesn't have very much time left alive.

J'ai passer un très bon moment a y jouer

A game that I can only imagine is a big technical experiment ahead of Monster Hunter and other games in the pipeline, much like the games plot justification of repeated testing to create the ultimate mechsuit.

Exoprimal has a pretty generic core loop of: Shoot dinosaurs and occasionally shoot players.
But every so often, just enough to keep you going, it will throw something absolutely buck wild at you.

It might suddenly put both 5-player teams together against an even bigger boss, or give you an MMO style raid boss, complete with AoEs to dodge.

It all culminates in an explosive finale that brings everything together.

Story wide, it had a surprisingly endearing cast of characters that it drip feeds throughout the experience, setting itself up for more adventures if Capcom decides to come back.

I don't know if I can recommend it outside of Gamepass, and it's pretty long, but it's a hoot & a holler, and I guarantee you've never seen anything like it.

I have a soft spot for weird games that do weird things, and Exoprimal is a PVP hero shooter where there are also giant hordes of dinosaurs and a random assortment of 10-man co-op raids against against a wacky mutant T-Rex and two giant mechs. Replayability isn't exactly its strong suit due to awkward map and mode design, but if you really like sinking your teeth into unique multiplayer experiences... it sure is unique!

There are some games where after playing you can look back and say "man, there was a good game under all of that", but in exoprimals case, even after unlocking new games modes, several new characters, I was like "man, there is a completely bland game under all that padding and obtuse progression".

Intriguing in concept due to my enjoyment of the EDF franchise but really fell flat, with the friends I tried it out with tapping out after a bit over 1 hour. I was a bit more optimistic towards the game, but the fact of the matter is that the lobbies frequently take you into one map where you walk a few steps, kill dinos, walk a few steps, kill some more dinos, over and over until you get a PvP or PvE end scenario where you FINALLY learn if the match is going to be evenly matched or not. Thats a lot of down time to just get absolute diff'd in the final stretch.

When the game worked at its absolute best (two or three times in the 10 hours I played), the game was actually pretty fun. The problem was the enjoyment I experienced in-between all the other shit was less than playing any other online game that I enjoy. Hard pass on this one, especially with the length of matchmaking at the time I was trying it out (November 2023).

I'm sure there are other modes to unlock and new dino variants, but I have neither the free time nor the patience to unlock them. I honestly would have rated this game lower if I had bought the game instead of playing it on xbox game pass. I'd pass on this one.

It is a shame that killing off hordes of enemies in Exoprimal is so boring because the idea of a horde/hero shooter blend sounds fun and the game controls, looks and is optimized excellently.
Maybe if they had focused in the horde aspects instead of having to split their attention with the fairly generic PvP mode it wouldn't get repetitive so quick, but as it is the lack of enemy and map diversity, the lackluster layouts of those maps and the relative ease with which you dispatch enemies was enough to make me uninstall the game in just a couple hours.
The soundtrack was pretty nice too.

Unbelievable fumble of a great concept. Maybe the game gets interesting 600 hours in but from what I played it was just unloading generic weapons into hordes of unthreatening dinos in boring pokey maps with boring objectives. It's sad that the only fun I had was the small section at the end of a match when you get to fight other players.

Also for some reason the game takes place inside of a simulation of an abandoned city? Instead of you getting to fight in real locations and feel like you're saving actual people and locations from hordes of dinos, please, I want to know the reasoning behind this decision.