Reviews from

in the past

Joguinho tão fofinho né? Nem parece que vai fazer sua pressão arterial ir a 15/12

Just for playing a few games, it gets boring really fast.

ideia muito boa, mas pouco aproveitado pela Epic Games.

This was fun for awhile when playing with your friends! Nothing that keeps me wanting to come and play again! Like among us was good during lockdown

Super entretenido. Continuamente actualizándolo y metiendo nuevo content :D

C'est marrant avec des pots même si la physique peut parfois être un peu injuste.

joguinho bonitinho e legal mas enjoa rápido. Injogável sem amigos, enjoa mais fácil que o normal.

Remove the microtransactions and this game is really great.

Estaba guapo hasta que lo sacaron gratis y la gente que lo pago no puede desbloquear cosmeticos chulos gratis. Y les paso como Among Us se dedicaron a tocarse la polla en vez de sacar contenido o el editor para que la gente lo hiciese por ellos y se murio

enough time has passed. this game is him

ideia muito boa, mas pouco aproveitado pela Epic Games.

É legal jogar no switch! Bem divertido, parece as olimpíadas do Faustão

Pain and suffering with friends(Its actually quite good)

The problem with a minigame collection with no endgoal (Mario Party's board game section, etc) is that the game is 100% dependent on the minigames being fantastic for the intrinsic value of playing them. But too many fall guys minigames are mid or bad. Basically any three-way team game is automatically a wash.

rage inducing, STOP GRABBING ME!

Jogo de youtuber. Sem graça.