Reviews from

in the past

Such a stylish and action-filled game. The UI is incredible and really immerses you. Great combat.

Ghost of Tsushima é uma experiência bem especial pra quem curte cultura japonesa e principalmente sobre samurais, é um deslumbre visual e um combate bem decente, trás mecânicas próprias como o vento guiar o caminho, os confrontos, é um game dahora, mas assumo que não curti igual muita gente gostou, investi em ver a história sem pular, algo que não tinha paciência com Horizon e mesmo que tenha momentos empolgantes esse foi de longe um dos grandes pontos fracos do game, além da estrutura de gameplay básica que é bem similar a um jogo mundo aberto comum, o que não é ruim, só não destaca. Foi um experiência legal, mas que não deve ficar marcante em minha mente, até joguei 1h30/2h da DLC mas infelizmente não estava me divertindo, já tava me sentindo satisfeito com o game.

this game was pretty fun in the beginning but when i started to see the formula of the open world it started to become a chore but then i've got in the flow state and it became not that bad. story wise the game is mid and becomes interesting in the ending. the game is beautiful but not that beautiful as people always say it is. quests can be engaging. it's worth your time if you like open world games and japan otherwise it's pretty good but with extremely mid aftertaste

Ghost of Tsushima é uma experiência incrível que nos foi entregue com uma ótima gameplay e trilha sonora, um mapa que eu amei explorar e uma história cativante, esse jogo é perfeito e conserteza é uma experiência única

One of my new favorite games of All Time. Storytelling, visuals, gameplay, were exceptional. I got emotional at so many points in the story and cried a few times even. I enjoyed the combat, not too simple that it becomes boring but not unnecessarily complicated either. Visually this game stunned me more than once. This is a must play for current gen gaming.

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A ambientação e criação do mundo nesse jogo é surreal. Conseguem te teletransportar para um Japão antigo na pele de um samurai pica das galáxias que é quase um super herói. O combate é divertido com mecânica de variação de "stances" que precisam ser escolhidas de acordo com o tipo do inimigo. Também é possível usar armas "fantasmas" que são bombas, facas que são arremessadas ou zarabatana que também dão diversidade no combate. O interessante é que essas armas se conectam tanto com a história do jogo quando o período histórico. O jogo também te dá sempre a opção de combate furtivo. Apesar de todos esses pontos, com o tempo o combate acaba se tornando repetitivo e os tipos de inimigos nao contribuem pois não são tão variados quanto poderiam. Os personagens e as missões são bem especiais e interessantes. É um jogo que realmente te motiva a realizar as missões secundárias. O ponto negativo é de novo na mecânica. A enorme a quantidade de missões em que é necessário procurar por pegadas que levam a algum lugar e em seguida de um combate. No final das contas é um jogo que vale a pena jogar principalmente se é fã da cultura japonesa.

Me gusto bastante la manera en la q trabajan la historia y el mundo abierto

Being Mongolian, I was excited to try out "Ghost of Tsushima" when it came out. It was kinda cool to take down virtual versions of our ancestors.

The game's gameplay, graphics, and fighting are all spot-on.
Visually, the game is a masterpiece. The graphics are breathtaking, bringing the island of Tsushima to life with stunning detail. And don't even get me started on the combat—it's fluid, dynamic, and downright addictive. I'm definitely up for another playthrough.

But the story left me feeling a bit meh. When the game ended, I was like, "Wait, is that it?"

Overall, "Ghost of Tsushima" is an incredible experience, but I hesitate to label it a masterpiece solely due to the story's shortcomings. Nevertheless, it's a journey I'll gladly embark on again and again.

This game can get boring fast. If your not fighting your “pretending” to be stealthy which is just NPC enormous ignorance if you will. Great mechanics! Has a lot of potential but very empty and slow. Great if you want to get started up for a nap.

deciding to call it a figurative day after about 15 hours in. while I deeply enjoyed this game's UI, visuals, combat systems, upgrade trees, fast travel system/load times, and character customization, combined, it wasn't enough to overshadow my inability to deal with this games awkward & uninspired cutscenes, mission designs, writing, copy-paste open-world, and story.

missions fell within a number of small categories, as most games within this genre do: talk-travel-kill; trail an npc; or search for a random item somewhere; all of which felt like I was working on the same objective, even if the characters, storyline, setting, and enemies were tweaked. cutscenes take this strange approach of crafting what seems like a portrait with Jin & whoever within, which may have been done to showcase the games' visuals, but ends up having me feel like missions are stagnant/don't matter, due to my feel of being removed from the characters & exposition. Jin feels uninspired and contradictory, as he holds himself up to this standard of supporting those on the island, but is quick to dispatch of any person that so much as bats an eye at the wrong quest-giving npc. the only interesting character (in my opinion following completion of the first act), Ryozu - showed some sense of direction & emotion, eluding to what great writing could have been thorughout your experience as opposed to tucked away in 1/5th of an act's missions.

from reading other reviews as well, ive also become too aware of this force-fed narrative of honor within samurai life, specifically within this game. while I am not one to speak historically on this, I would've wanted something that felt a bit more genuine, as opposed to hearing each important npc tell you about how important it is to fight/die with honor. at some point, it feels like an exhausted buzzword as opposed to a critical component of how one carried themselves within their business & relationships at a time in history.

for the first time in a long time, I feel greatly disappointed in a game that holds so much promises in certain spaces, but is lacking on other major ones.

Such a beautiful game with some great story moments and sequences. The duels and some of the hidden shrines and super interesting and fun to get to play. Does get kinda samey and way too bloated after a while though, didn’t need to be as long as it was and the side quests are incredibly hit or miss. Super keen for a sequel, could be a masterpiece if they make things much tighter

Originally played about 20 hours and got burnt out. Recently picked it back up after a probably year long break and had fun for another 20 hours but started getting burnt out. This game is absolutely beautiful and very cinematic. The story is pretty good for an open world RPG. My main issue is that this game is both very long (if you do everything which I always feel like I have to) and repetitive imo. The main story quests are great but after raiding your 20th random mongol camp, it starts to get old. I hope to finish this game as I'm still just in the middle of act 2 but I might have to take another break.

Gameplay got pretty stale at the end, but was fun enough to where it took 5/6 of the game to get stale. Story was excellent. Truly a message I will remember forever. A message about deriving self-respect and honor from your own actions and what you do for others, rather than from outside opinions or rules.
Far too often we derive our honor from how respect traditions, rather than the good we do for others.
Graphics quality aside (geometric, lighting, textures) the art is some of the most beautiful in any game. It strays from reality in that while it uses scenery derived from the real world, it uses an artificial level of hand crafted design to the scenery that ensures every scene is astonishing. Using some of the prettiest natural elements available to create environments prettier than real life.

Ghost of Tsushima is one of the most beautiful games I have ever played. It is quite literally one of the greatest games of all time when it comes to the graphics, environment, atmosphere, and cinematics. But that's about it... The characters, in this story-driven game, feel hollow and are deeply uninteresting the majority of the time. The story feels contrived, paced poorly, and doesn't know what story it's trying to tell. The quest design is bafflingly boring and the open world is full of nothing to do except collect and kill the same mongols over and over. The only real substance it offers is in its admittedly beautiful vistas. And the combat, while satisfying and fun, had little depth and felt very repetitive by the end of the game. Amazing Samurai game, must be played on a 4k tv, but if you need a good story with flawless combat, go play God of War or something... Still amaing game 4.5/5 stars

probablemente top 5 exclusivos de ps4 (ya va a salir pa pc XD) aunque el side content se vuelve bastante repetitivo a finales del juego la historia principal es una belleza

When I saw the trailers and that "Sucker Punch" was making it, I knew this was gonna be something special and now thanks to the PS Plus Extra I finally got my hands and tried it.. and My God this was one of the best games I've ever played in my life. Now, could you make a point that much of what's done here was already done in other games? Sure, but in this way and probably not as good as this. The combat is some of the most satisfying and engaging ones I've ever played, it starts out a little weird until you get used to it, but once you do and you get good at it you'll feel as powerful as a Samurai can get. The animations looks stunning, it's brutal and impactuful as it should, it never gets old and I was having the time of my life. And as for the map and the visuals, this is just beyond gorgeous, the colors are mind blowing, the characters look great and the amount of detail put into the wind is just breathtaking. The main story is excellent, the acting is super strong, the stakes keep getting higher and higher and the side quests are just as engaging. I have zero issues, this is one of the best games to ever come out of hte PS4 and a must own for everyone who has it. I'll save the content on the Director's Cut for when I replay it on the PS5 and I can't wait for that.

i actually got the platinum trophy for this lil fella, fun and pretty.

Base Game: 9/10
Iki DLC: 7/10

It’s simply more of the same in a new small area, which is good but the story is completed so there is little motivation left other than collectibles etc.

The Legends multiplayer however was 8/10.
It was great fun playing with a friend, it gave you chances to show off your moves and excel with teamwork. The raids were too much though, they were 2 hours+ with no option of pausing.

Wow i didn't expect to enjoy this as much as I did.

Ghost of Tsushima isn't a groundbreaking openworld game, but it is REALLY REALLY fun :3

Easily the weakest aspect of this game is it's story. While I wouldn't call it bad, it is very bland. The game has the pieces to a good story with Jin's weakening honor, his quest for revenge, and his pursuit to free his people, but it doesn't say much with any of this. The acting is pretty much the same. Very serviceable, with only a few stand out moments.

But the gameplay? That's a whooole 'nother story.

While exploration is also kind weak, that is wear the faults of this game end. Ghost Of Tushima's traversal is actually really fun. Sure it's not groundbreaking or anything. It doesnt come close to a game like TOTK, or Spiderman 2, but it's much better than GOW or FF7 remake.

While riding your horse, running, jumping, and climbing are all ok, it's how these aspects mix together with the grappling hook that really make things fun.

There's these optional shrines that can give you a strong charm if you

My only problem with the grappling hook is that the game barely takes advantage of it, so ends up feeling missed potential. Sure there's a few enemy camps, and Iki island puzzles where you can do some cool platforming, but I would've liked more.

Combat is fucking FIREEE thooo. Sure it's not as crazy as something like Bayonetta or DMC, but it's still really fun :3

The game really shines when it gives you an enemy camp, and says "Go". Ghost of Tushima gives you soooo manyyy options to kill your enemies. You can stab them, blow them up, shoot them, assassinate them, trample them with your horse, and sooo much more.

The boss fights in the game are pretty great too! Again, they aren't insane, and they do take away all of your combat tools other than your sword, but I didn't mind that. Ghost of Tsushima's combat system is honestly strong enough to make pure sword fights really fun.

You can get pretty fancy with you combos if you know what you're doing, and mixing up your attacks on a boss with a Ghost stance, or a dance of wrath never got old.

Oh, also the clothing in this game is FIIIIREEEEEEE

La version ultime et certainement la seule à faire de « Ghost of Tsushima ». Cette monture « Director's Cut » magnifie le jeu de base avec une version PS5 quasiment irréprochable grâce à un 60 FPS constant mais aussi et surtout par le biais d’une énorme amélioration graphique. Les panoramas, les combats, les chocs des armes et les décors n’ont jamais été aussi beaux que sur cette nouvelle itération. Le périple reste inchangé mais les émotions sont les mêmes. Si ce n’est pas assez, la galette propose également de parcourir un tout nouvel arc narratif qu’est « l’Île d’ Iki ». Imparfait certes mais il a le mérite d’apporter un grand vent d’air frais sur son récit tout en le complétant de façon essentiel pour notre héros Jin. Au final cette version est certainement la seule et unique à retenir de l’excellent « Ghost of Tsushima » tant celle-ci est à la fois différente et surtout supérieure à celle présente sur PS4. Juste un immanquable !

Ghost of Tsushima is an open-world game of a type I like the least. It gives me freedom to run from point A to point B all the time, and if something goes off plan... game over, return and do it the way the game wants you to do. Unfortunately, not even the samurai theme managed to captivate me, even though it's a theme I like. I love learning things about Japan in any media; a good example of something I played because of this is Ghostwire Tokyo. However, with this title, I felt like just a bot; there are many good ideas here, but none of them were enough to hold my attention.

Amazing. The story is engaging from start to finish and the combat is actually pretty good. Is now 1 of 2 good over the shoulder action games from Sony.

Actually amazing, I didn’t think I would like a game set during such a feudal period but it was a good surprise definitely a slow burn but the ending is so powerful.

Pretty great, even when the narrative takes incredulous leaps and the open world design hides unique quests among repetitive encounters. The art direction is something else, and the combat is excellent, especially on Iki Island, where enemies force you to keep switching stances. If you're going to play one open world game, make it this one.

Terminei de Jogar GHOST OF TSUSHIMA (na versão de PS5 com as DLCs)
Mais um grande jogo que a SONY lança pro seu CONSOLE LINDO S2

Okay so where do i begin. I suppose it is AC samurai, but it does tell a compelling story about the rigidity of the honor code and saving the ones you are sworn to protect. Some mechanics in this game like the guiding wind, showdowns and map marker types are insanely innovative. Such as the bamboo strike that increase resolve, or the hotsprings that increase HP. But it does have ALOT of outpost and the gameplay specifically got stale at the halfway mark. It feels like i have played this game many times before but what kep me playing was to see the story through. Needless to say i did not liberate the entirety of Tsushima and i don't think i will for an easy platinum either. I think this type of game has so much potential but there has to be more innovation, and consistent ones at that, that will make gameplay fun and engaging.

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I came back to this version of the game to play the Iki island expansion and decided to play the main story again for the first time since 2020. This remains as one of my favourite games of all time, a mix of a powerful story, amazing combat and breath-taking visuals from start to finish.

To start with the story, the game is set in the late 13th century on the island of Tsushima off the coast of Japan during the Mongol invasion. You play as Jin Sakai, a Samurai who has to grapple with sticking to the Samurai code or breaking it to defeat the invaders. The main game was a lot shorter than I remember it being, with 24 main missions, 25 if you include the prologue. From the second this game starts, you are hit with everything that it has to offer, The Battle of Komoda Beach is probably the best opening in any game I personally have played, the sheer hopelessness as the Mongol army cuts down every Samurai fills you with dread. From here on the game has Jin gathering allies in order to defeat the Mongol invaders and their leader Khotun Khan. During this, Jin deviates from the Samurai code and becomes "The Ghost" in order to safe his people. This is the backbone of the games story, having Jin put in places where he has to break his code to get one over on the enemy whilst being stuck between his allies and his uncle, Lord Shimura. There are a few notable missions but most do feel quite similar but are made better by the combat, My favourite missions is the battle in Yarikawa and the scene where Jin unlocks the ghost stance. I really like how they portray "The Ghost" part of Jin's story as while he thinks he is doing the right thing, it isn't as clean cut as that. In particular the scene where he poisons the Mongol troops in Castle Shimura, he ends up giving the Mongols the ability to make his poison, I like how there are both good and bad sides to what Jin is doing and it isn't as clean cut as Jin good, Samurai bad. One complaint I have is that Jin very easily breaks the Samurai code and I wish they had spent more time having him grapple with the decisions he makes. I also think that they could have maybe made the game a few missions longer as Act 3 ends very quickly only being like 5 missions long. The final missions however, where Jin duels Lord Shimura is so perfectly crafted, similarly to the prologue mission, it has everything that makes this game amazing present. Powerful story, amazing combat, breath taking visuals and a sensational score.

Jin is a really interesting protagonist, considering the whole game revolves around him, he is great in the leading role. Daisuke Tsuji gives an amazing lead performance. Khotun Khan is a very imposing villain, appearing very few times but his presence is felt throughout. Lord Shimura is a great side character, his relationship with Jin is a main focus of the story and is hit out the park. I also really liked Yuna and Lady Masako both being very good side characters and Masakos side quest was my favourite of them.

This game also has my favourite combat system, I think that the sword combat in this game is amazing and it makes the bordering on repetitive missions fun regardless. Jin has 4 stances he can use that are effective on specific enemies, those enemies being regular swordsmen, shield users, spearmen and brutes. The stances are obtained by killing a certain number of Mongol generals, I like that they arent locked behind story progression and effectively you could unlock every stance as soon as you finish the first act. There are also a number of other weapons/items like bows, kunai's, powder bombs and dart guns , providing you with enough weapons to make every encounter unique. I like the horse traversal but half the time it is unnecessary as the fast travel in this game is absolutely insane. Taking seconds to travel from one side of the map to the other, rivalling spiderman 2 for quickest fast travel, and this game game out 3 years before it. I like the way the boss battles are done in a duelling way. Playing on normal, I found most of them quite challenging. I do wish there was a bit more mission variety as most consisted of attacking bases of enemies or tracking someone, It does get a bit repetitive near the end.

Visually this game is stunning, full of vibrant colours and beautiful landscapes. If not for The Last of Us Part 2, this would probably be the best looking game on last gen consoles. Im not sure how accurate the map is to real life, but I think SuckerPunch managed to capture the beauty of Japan really well. The score is equally as amazing, each track fits the moment perfectly, especially in boss fights.

The PS5 directors cut adds enough content to satisfy the price. The Iki island DLC is a good story experience with Jin travelling to the island where his father was killed. He is faced with "The Eagle" who poisons him and forces him to face the guilt he feels over his fathers death. Jin also comes face to face with the man who killed his father and has to overcome his desire for revenge and help the people of Iki island defeat the Mongol invaders. It also adds a couple new side quests, new collectables and minigames to play whilst travelling the island. Very fun experience.

Ghost of Tsushima still sits high on my list of favourite games, it is enjoyable from the minute you turn it on. 100% recommend

Aqui é a elite ne, melhor jogo do ps5 com sobraaaaaaaaaaaaa

Artistically; it paid my rent, gave me sloppy head, and slipped some cash into my wallet on the way out. But mechanically; it's just like every other girl.

Absolutely amazing game, from the gorgeous world design to the slick combat. The last area in the north is a little lacklustre, but the ending makes up for it in spades. Played in Japanese for the most authentic experience.