Reviews from

in the past

one of the best final bosses I've ever played in a game and that's not an exaggeration love a bit of goat sim me

Alles total banane, aber im Multiplayer eine ziemliche Wucht. Ausversehen einfach so am Stück durchgespielt
+ "100%" lohnen sich
+ Keinerlei Boundaries, alles ist offen und bietet Kram zu erledigen
+ Seamless Multiplayer

They fixed all the problems in the original, this is a genuine tragedy.

Dae wacky sandbox game. I had fun for a few hours with this, they did a decent job recreating the feelings you might experience playing the first game but I think the original had more interesting level design and character. Still, this one is fine if you like wandering around an open world and doing random quests. It runs well and looks pretty good.

Genuinely what happened. This is trash.

it's like saints row 4, but with goats.

Definitely a really good stupid game. Fun, but no real reason to pick up again if you 100% it.

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Warning: spoilers

Absolute legend of a game.

After playing the hilarious joke that is, Goat Simulator, Coffee Stain Studios did it again. It all starts with the title, in which they skip the second part and call their game: Goat Simulator 3.

Goat Simulator 3 is a ridiculous, funny and epic game. It is intended to be one big joke and succeeded in this goal. You are just a goat, set on a big map and need to do “stuff”. There is not much of a story, although in this game, you build a secret society of goats by upgrading your goat tower (which was a simple side quest in the first game) and break the seals of the gateway in the middle, which leads to the boss fight. To do this, you must complete “important tasks” and secret missions to earn points that eventually break the seals. So technically, this game has a clear goal and/or story.

The main goal of the game is to collect enough “Illuminati points” to open the door to the final boss. You do this by completing various tasks and secret missions that are spread out over the entire map. Discovering the quests, figuring out what to do and seeing the fruits of your labor is the best feature this game offers. You spawn half of the Swedish population from badly build Ikea furniture, you help Hobo the Grey, a homeless wizard, with building a tent from trash bags and boxes, you yeet a whale back into the ocean and you summon aliens by activating 5G cell towers. It is just epic; I have no other word for it.

There is a load of other things to do, collect and discover on the big, open world map. For a game that costs around twenty euros, it is packed with content and worth every penny. You collect goat figures, spread all across the map, can do glorious stunts on ramps and find many pieces of clothing. These clothes are just as ridiculous as the first game, and I think, they are even better.

The clothing is hilarious. You can wear dresses, wigs, change the color of your fur or go in your birthday suit. You can carry a grandma with a wool cannon on your back, can wear everything as a silly hat, can spawn fish that you lunge at people, can fart yourself ten feet in the air and the list goes on. There is no limit. You can also turn into a banana that kicks people, a scarecrow and a shark on a skateboard. They were on drugs when creating this game.

Goat Simulator 3 is not a game that you must take seriously, it is not intended to be. Everything in this game is a joke or something ridiculous. I don’t know how the developers do it, but every time I thought I had seen it all, they surprised me with something new. I honestly believe that the people at Coffee Stain Studios have the most creative masterminds on their payroll for coming up with this stuff. It is just amazing to think that someone there thought: “You know what we need to include? A mascot statue for an oil company that squirts oil from its vagina on you when you tickle it under its legs”.

The graphics are good enough in Goat Simulator 3 and the viewing distance is nice. There is a lot going on in the game at once, so it is quite demanding for a game this silly.

The sound effects are nice, but I liked the music better in the first game. Although the tracks in this game are not bad at all, the first game offered soundtracks that sounded so silly that it really enhanced the feeling of playing something so ridiculous as Goat Simulator.

There are tons and tons of references and quests that relates to popular movies, other video games, superstitions and controversies. One moment, you collect the “Purity Ring” from Bilbo Baggins little hobbit home, travel to “Mount Inferno” and throw yourself and the ring in it. Next thing you know, you are in the train station of the Harry Potter movies, the last dreamworld version of it, when Harry died from Voldemort. On your walk through the woods, you see some hippies hugging a tree. You need to save the poor trees and kick off the hippies. It is just all over the place.

I really like that all the results and outcomes of your quests stay behind when you complete them. The map gets filled with new NPC’s that you encountered/unlocked, some effects, like breaking the Hoofer Dam stays in place for the whole game and the Aliens you summoned with the 5G towers keep hovering over your head. It becomes more of a mess with every passing second.

The best part of this game is that you simply cannot complain about it. Every complaint you might have makes you think: “Oh yeah, that’s right, I play as a freakin goat, of course this doesn’t work”.

The boss battle was epic and, like usual, was one big joke and mockery of the game, its creators and the studio itself.

I think this game is even better than the first one and the creativity is stunning. Coffee Stain Studios outdid themselves with Goat Simulator 3 and never have I laughed more than with this game. It was the most fun I had with a game in a long time.

Definitely worth it.

Sat down to play it for a little while with my partner, 3 and a half hours went by in the blink of an eye. The next day we sat down to play at 3pm, stopped for dinner then started playing again and stopped at 11pm. Theres something about this game that just keeps you saying one more thing before we stop. I had so much fun with this game!

é certamente um dos jogos já feitos. não sei muito o que dizer. isso aqui no multiplayer deve ser insano.

Em geral é um ótimo jogo, sério eu chego a falar que é até melhor que o iconico Goat Simulator 1 em vários aspectos. Mas se você entra pensando em por acaso fazer o 100% do jogo esteja pronto para uma experiência que no começo parece ser uma boa ideia mas fica muito chato.

Mas tem uma referência a Wolfeinstein que é bem legal.


Really fun multiplayer game. I enjoy games I can just fuck around in.

It's fine, I guess? Pretty much the same deal as the first game (despite the 8 years since the release of the first game) though this is what I signed up for to be honest.
There's nothing too amazing to be had with this but it's a pretty fun play while it lasts.

eu não queria ser cabra nunca nessa vida

This is exactly what I wanted and expected to get when I bought this game. A goofy, incredibly fun and buggy simulator game (buggy in a fun way)

What a treat this was. If you don’t go in expecting the world you will be delighted in what you find. The exploration is rewarding with funny interactions and hidden bits galore. The game doesn’t take itself seriously and shouldn’t. Recommend you play this coop as I did the majority of the game with my wife (doesn’t play anything) and it just added to the charm.

muito melhor que o primeiro omg hihi

This game is really fun when it isnt trying to be funny, but when it is, it can be a little painful. Other than that, this is a PERFECT turn your brain off game.

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Sometimes the goofs hit, sometimes they don't. I think the amount of humor in this game that lands just depends on how invested you are in meme culture and if you don't mind fighting with the intentionally bad physics.

Didn't love how sometimes you complete side missions that actively make the game harder due to world events.

Final boss was a bit amusing, but ultimately not a challenge. Watching the game self destruct throughout the ending is clever, but at this point I just feel like I've seen everything done in video games so it didn't necessarily feel original.

Not enough enjoyment to see it through to 100%, but enough enjoyment that I finished the game. Perfect Game Pass fodder.

You're getting exactly what you expect, a sandbox platformer based in a city and its surrounding areas, filled with visual gags and references to other games. And you play as a goat obviously.

There is an ending to this game surprisingly, which you'll naturally get to just by doing the events and exploring.

It's mindless fun and there's plenty of equipment to experiment with, as well as collectables scattered around each of the playable areas and other secrets to find.

This is probably one of the buggiest game I have played and wouldn’t ask for less