Reviews from

in the past

I have two favorite things from this game, the weight and impact of throwing and catching back your axe, and the stories Mimir tells while you are on the boat. Those were making me happy constantly through the game.

But also the story was amazing, the performances great, the scenarios dreamy, the combat was fun, and all the little artistic details make my heart flutter and my obsessive head look through the portfolios of many artists.

I did most of what there was to do in the game, the only thing left to do was beating all of the valkyries. And I intended to do it, but I had to give the console back to the person that lent it to me before I could.

bom em tudo que se propõem fazer

Para os amantes de mitologia nórdica eis um JOGÃO, mas principalmente para os amantes do Deus da Guerra, um jogo PERFEITO, gráfico lindos, história cativante desde o início, aquele velho ódio aos deuses, no geral um baita jogo

I've briefly played with a friend but not enough to include in played.

This was my first God of War game and I think it is just as enjoyable for new fans. I fell in love with Kratos and Atreus and their adventure. The combat is also pretty fun. I also platinumed this game, the Valkyries kicked my ass but I prevailed.

Kratos change in character was one of the most impressive things and ambitious things I've seen in gaming. It was done so seemlessly that you forget how angry, obsessed and brutal Kratos was in the previous games.
He still has the rage and brutality, but it's directed in a a controlled manner and it's for protecting instead of revenge. The journey you are brought through in this game is so so special.
I have nothing but perfect praise for this game.

Jogo gostosinho pra caralho de jogar, você consegue perder umas boas horas nele e a história te prende bastante.
Gostei muito da mudança do estilo de jogo em si dando uma caída no estilo RPG, a trilha sonora é bem gostosa, a direção de arte é muito boa.

Pra ser sincero, joguei apenas a introdução, não me chama muito atenção, mas no que pude jogar é bem daora, um dia volto pra zerar

new game with the name "god of war".

great story with some repetitive enemies and gameplay interactions, however it's not enough to even kind of ruin the game, give this one a try!

Um bom começo fresco á franquia.

Did not beat this game but played enough of it to know I think it's fun but very overhyped. The combat is where it shines but there is not much enemy variety and the side stuff inbewteen fighting is just boring and tedious

Graphics - 10/10
The graphics in this game take a realistic but stylised approach as is common with most PlayStation exclusive games. It is impressive how good they got this game to look on the PS4 and it looks even better on PS5.

Performance - 9/10
Never had a single performance issue with this game on PS5 with the game running at a steady 60 fps. However, the game does stutter quite a lot on my PC even with it installed on an SSD, although I haven't tried it in at least a year so it may have improved.

Story - 10/10
The story in this game had me hooked the entire time and I didn't want to put it down after I started.

Gameplay - 8/10
Combat can be difficult at times and the animations make it satisfying to play. There are large parts of the game that are just walking and either looking at the pretty scenery or listening to a character talk which can get boring at times. However, most of these sections are broken up by exciting combat before they start to get boring. There are a few of these sections that do go on for too long though.

Completionism and Endgame - 7/10
You will get the majority of the achievements for this game for just going through the story and there are a couple of achievements linked to the collectibles and beating postgame bosses which I won't mention for spoiler reasons. The collectibles can get tedious to collect though and I personally do not like doing them.

Esta guapardo nada mas que decir

Sem desculpas. Foram melhores.

Here there will be a text about another joke about the relationship between the father in the form of Kratos and the son of Atreus. But I'm lazy. The game is very well made, but I liked the classic meat grinder in Greece better.

Тут будет текст про очередную шутку взаимоотношений бати в виде Кратоса и сына Атрейя. Но мне лень. Игра очень качественно сделано, но классическая мясорубка в Греции мне больше нравилась.

This review contains spoilers


The story was great the boss fights were great yet the low level enemies were a bit lackluster yet an overall fun experience

maluco não to acreditando nisso a gente pegou a blade of olympus devolta viadoooooo

Perfeito na renovação da série, acompanhar isso desde criança foi incrível, história madura e empolgante, desenvolvimento de personagem absurdo mas achei os elementos de rpg muito forçado ou pouco explorado, parecem q colocaram por colocar e isso deixa meio sem sal

loved the story and thats what kept me going through the slog of the game play. I don't enjoy having low level enemies feel like massive bullet sponges

Got it for free as a monthly game but was surprised by just how bloody incredible the game was.

Level design: 10\10;
Gráfico: 10\10;
Gameplay: 10\10;
Diversificação: 10\10;
Trilha: 10\10;
História: 10\10;
Fator replay: 10\10;
Motivo de não zerar: Joguei a primeira 1 hora, mas meu Windows deu pau e eu perdi o save dele e o jogo da steam verde, desanimei e desisti. Mas um dia irei zerar.

Superestimated, but really good.

One of my favourite games of all time. Great story of redemption and father son relationship and trying to teach your kids to be better than you were, with probably my favourite action combat in any game so far.

Will replay this until I die.