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in the past

" Brainstorm - is that some kind of spell? That could be useful..."

Graveyard Keeper is an odd one. Imagine Stardew Valley, but instead of farming, you run a medieval graveyard! It's got a super dark sense of humor, and there's a ton of crafting and tasks to juggle. It's fun expanding your graveyard and finding...creative ways to make money. The grind kicks in HARD though, and it gets repetitive after a while. If you have a twisted sense of humor and enjoy crafting games, Graveyard Keeper is a quirky, unique ride.

I truly can't belive I spent 110+ in this game, love it.

Chega uma parte onde basicamente é: Vc precisa fazer X, mas tu só pode fazer isso numa "Mesa de X", então pra construir uma "Mesa de X" vc precisa de um Y, mas vc só pode produzir um Y numa "Destiladora de Y", que você constrói usando um Z. E tu acaba esquecendo que tu é um coveiro.

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Abandoned it several times for being too grind-y and the materials and crafting stations being too annoying to memorize what’s from what, finally stuck to it this time to complete the quests and get to the end, and also max filled the graveyard just to have a self imposed goal, zombies did help with the repetitive annoying stuff but even then it was still repetitive just the repetition turned to alchemy material making, im hella disappointed cause that was all there was to the quest? 😭the plot was just that? Feels like a huge waste cause the artstyle is nice for the theme and detailed and consistent and most aspects of graveyard related stuff was interesting but are there no other quests and things to do outside the main branching questline? Are there no npc independent quests that have nothing to do with the main quest? Feels empty 😭 or like the way the dungeon takes zero skill, you can just repeatedly die and go back in and chip away at the enemies slowly, and they’re just one time enemies? You go through dungeon once and it’s done? And I was nearly done with it by the time I even unlocked the best swords… and there’s severa Times things are talked about by npcs that are nowhere to be found or how the priest just sells red candles you can’t use… or merchant says fame will raise selling prices but really nothing happens… and merchant selling is really needed only a couple times and after the few high cost things are bought you never again need that much money again 🧍🏻‍♀️and fishing was entirely useless 🧍🏻‍♀️ there’s too many places where quest needed items can just… be bought and doing it your self is just so annoying no amount of “I’m gonna challenge myself to make everything myself and not take buying from npc shortcuts” mindset will make u wanna do that.
And like at first I thought I like the characters not taking themselves seriously thing with the modern references into the medieval world amd 4th wall breaking but now at the end I feel like theyre not serious enough, it could be a cool game if there were deeper connections with npcs outside the main quest cause now they’re just,,, tiny scattered shops there to send you to go around buying stuff,mno other purpose no lore nothing and I’m just sad 🧍🏻‍♀️ wdym you keep talking about wanting to go back to your love and finally the game ends and all there happens is donkey saying some unserious line about dlc-s 🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️

I thoroughly enjoyed this game but the way it just throws you in with like 0 handholding makes this game infinitely overwhelming at times. The first 40 hours there was not a single moment where I didn't have atleast six things to keep track of, with a dozen wiki pages open. But after hour 40 it slows down to the point of being just a waiting game for the next opportunity to do something without ever finding an even middle ground. Definitely fun and would recommend to some people, but only those who are well adept at getting stressed at games lol.

3.5☆ - Got recommended to me because of Stardew Valley and I never finished it, but it was pretty damn good.

Let's start with the good first; it is rather pretty, the pixel art is crisp and functional, the sound design is nice - aesthetically it's there.

However; feature creep is just far too rife. I can confidently say I've never felt a game had too much content until now. Furthermore, the content is rather repetitive as the mechanics of doing almost anything don't change - though you can automate some things later.

It needs trimming in certain places; and filling out in others, it's just a weird beast.

That said if you're in to this sort of thing, it might be your jam. Not sure if I'll ever revisit it, but maybe one day I'll really crave a grave-digger themed isekai.

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Esse jogo me dá dor de cabeça

quero muito voltar a jogar essa porra

this game... is odd.
on one hand, i can't stop playing it. it's really good, and i enjoy the systems. on the other, there's obvious flaws with the game that are overshadowed by the solid, core gameplay loop.

i don't know who made this game, i've never heard of them before, other than the fact that they're russian. it shows in some parts of the game, especially in the dialogue, and even though the game is solid, will always be, i can't help but notice the flaws.

this game is clearly made to grind in, and not to have a fantastic experience. the only way i can describe it is from a steam review of this game, which is thinking that "this is stardew valley with a graveyard" at the beginning of the game, but it's not even a third of what stardew is. it's an okay-at-best knockoff with a similar aesthetic and elements that are similar, where everything i liked about stardew valley is almost non-existent in this game.

don't get me wrong, this is a good game. i'd recommend it on a sale or something, but the grinding and the lack of content due to the grind are too big of a downside for me to recommend at full price.

muito bom de vdd, só nn zerei ainda pq sou um zé bunda

Gráficos e conceitos interessantes, manusear o seu cemiterio enquanto lida com outros problemas e quests, muito parecido com Stardew Valley nesse aspecto, porem o jogo falta mais instruções e direção, fica muito confuso quando vc joga pela primeira vez sobre oq exatamente vc tem que fazer e como fazer.

Muito promissor, mas me decepcionou. Ótimo no brainer, mas tem um grind massivo pro tipo de jogo e uma progressão esquisita. Tinha bastante potencial, mas acaba do nada e é lotado de DLC aleatória, mal pude explorar a última árvore de habilidades. Apesar de engraçadinhos, nenhum personagem é particularmente marcante... Um desperdício de uma ideia boa

so far its actually really silly and interesting, i like that the dlc is references to shows (such as breaking bad and better call saul) which is super cool, it's def a game you'd get confused tho if you don't look up tutorials

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The thing that kept me hooked on this was the ability to have your own zombies working for you. For some reason, that really made me want to build a massive horde that did all my busy work for me.

Es exactamente como Stardew Valley, te deja a tu suerte sin muchas presiones para que te vayas aclimatando y tomes la historia con la misma calma que el juego toma en avanzar. A veces puede parecer que hay largos periodos sin un solo personaje que te hable, cosa que no me gusta tanto, pero como los demás sistemas son tan entretenidos, no genera aburrimiento narrativo. Además... no hay que pedirle eso a un gestor de granja tan bueno.

La progresión se siente lo más lenta que se pudo gestar, pero sigue siendo de una u otra forma gratificante. Como si hubieran medido con un termómetro el punto justo para que no te resulte ni tedioso, ni apresurado. Puede que los puntos azules no aparezcan en las primeras 10 horas de juego y que veas el fin de tu juego pasadas las 60 horas, pero se nota el balance justo en casi todas las mecánicas del juego.

Lo único que no puedo perdonar son los grandes espacios de tiempo que uno pasa caminando y durmiendo. Lo entiendo al principio, pero pasadas las 30 horas, deberíamos tener alguna forma de pasar ciertas rutas más rápidas que los malditos atajos. Te juro que me genera un tedio o más bien una ansiedad que me dan ganas de arrancarme los pelos. Y la energía tampoco se modifica mucho, así que siempre estamos durmiendo como si fuéramos... como si fuéramos... Bueno... UN TIPO NORMAL.

‣ 9.5/10 – An endless dopamine simulator.

‣ Thoughts: I never thought I would come back to finish this. The first time around I quit after more than 50 hours of playtime, because I simply felt overwhelmed and mentally tired of all the tasks that were thrown at me. Thankfully a random YouTube video that got recommended resurrected my interest in the game and I restarted my playthrough after 3 years.

I am so happy that I came back to Graveyard Keeper, because I truly think it is a fantastic game. There are a lot of fetch quests and random tasks thrown at you without any real guidance, but once you get into the rhythm of the gameplay your brain becomes an endless factory of perfectly calculated maintenance tasks. Imagine your daily routine in Stardew Valley: taking care of your animals, planting corpses, watering them, visiting your favorite villagers, buying supplies etc. but then quadruple that mind process and try surviving. Every task requires pre-planning and every execution of said task needs correct timing, resources and acquired supplies. Forget just one step, run out of food, leave an item and you might miss out on a quest and be forced to wait 7 in game days. It sounds brutal, but that timed week loop forces you to always think ahead which in turn rewards you every time.

The game is absolutely ridiculous in almost every aspect. It has the most unfair fetch quests, the most bizarre characters and a completely unhinged story that ends in the most generic way possible. However, getting to these moments has you doing so many varied tasks that are all equally rewarding that you just can’t stop. Every little item crafted, potion brewed, burger cooked is given with a beautiful pop up and flashy skill points that are all sucked up like a vacuum with amazing sound design. And that’s why Graveyard Keeper is a dopamine factory. I am genuinely surprised how memorable most characters in this story are. They have funny and serious dialogue and actually make you care. Sadly, there is no real input you as a player have besides just giving them what they ask for. After all the DLC’s I wonder if there’s more to see, because the developers seem to hint at that.

In any case, this was a wild ride and one of the most addictive games I’ve played in the last year. If you enjoy games like Stardew Valley or Animal Crossing even, this might be an interesting alteration of the genre. It doesn’t take itself seriously but has a lot to offer if care to dig deep enough. And I mean who doesn’t love communist donkeys?

Gameplay boa e piadas Incríveis, mas lá pelo mid game começa a ficar maçante mesmo depois dos upgrades de automatização

As someone who loves Stardew Valley this game scratched an itch for me that I haven’t been able to reach in quite some time. The art style is great, the gameplay is fun while also being kinda morbid but in a comedic way. I love watching the numbers go up as I improve all the different areas.

I know a lot of people don’t like how grindy it is but I honestly didn’t mind. If I could change one thing though I would make it easier to get around faster. I did play the game with all the DLCs so the zombie one did help quite a bit and the others were a lot of fun too even if I didn’t make it all the way to the end of them.

While not a game for everyone this was definitely a game for me!

I am a simple enjoyer of chill, management games. This was not chill.

You don't have to work around seasons, thankfully. But you do need to plan your days accordingly, because certain characters are only available on certain days. I was pleasantly surprised when I discovered you have a skill tree. This allows you to use more tools, gather more items, etc. It can be very overwhelming until you get an idea of what you are working on.

You have to manage your days, supplies, skill tree, currency for skill tree, quests, etc. I had a notebook and the official GK wiki on my phone. Be prepared. Thus, it was not chill. I did have fun with the gameplay, but I didn't want that stress while experiencing the DLCs.

Plus the game did not seem to like running on the PS. I had crashes while in the game, loading the game, and saving the game! I did not need to go through that for the extra content. I'll stop with the base game platinum and move on.

As most would state, this is Stardew Valley but with a graveyard. I loved the concept of the game and the dark themes along with the story although the amount of grind it eventually develops into was almost miserable for myself, I ended up modding it and with mods it became significantly more enjoyable. The mods didn't take away from the game, just felt like simple "quality of life" changes that made the game way more fun for me to play. Overall a fun and enjoyable experience.

jogo de fazendinha de presunto
artwork linda, excelente, bela, perfeita
a lore consegue prender bastante o jogador e cada progresso você sente realmente que anda fazendo progresso
tive alguns problemas de save em uma das dlcs onde simplesmente meu jogo travava, só houve patch de correção quando lançou uma nova dlc (demorou muito, muito mesmo lol)
se não fosse por essa situação graveyard seria um 10 pra mim
um salve pro(s) envolvido(s) na tradução PT-BR, as piadas são o toque do chefe

I'd say Graveyard Keeper is like Stardew Valley, except it strips much of the serotonin and replaces it with pure dopamine. Exercise caution with this game - I could not put it down. At times, I wasn't even having fun, but I still couldn't get this game out of my hands because my reward pathway was so wired to build the perfect graveyard and dissect corpses perfectly and make money. The start is slow (as with most crafting games). It's a great game, but I probably shouldn't play it again.