Reviews from

in the past

Um dos primeiros Halos que joguei e o que fica no meu top 2. Campanha foda e trágica, gameplay bem feita, que é uma prequel de Halo CE, mas que consegue fazer um baita trabalho com um novo leque de armas antes da primeira aventura de Chief num Halo. O início da campanha pode ser meio lento, mas depois que engata, é um turbilhão de tristeza e momentos de ação épicos. Multiplayer extremamente divertido (por mais que meio desbalanceado e considerado noob friendly na comunidade) que ainda tem gente jogando (graças ao MCC). Um dos melhores jogos de Xbox 360 e que sempre será lembrado como o último jogo ótimo que a Bungie fez, o último respiro do que Halo foi antes da 343 assumir

Can't believe I haven't reviewed this yet... very fun multiplayer, I didn't play the campaign but I won every 1v1 with Walter 100% fact (trust me)

Although I have some issues with the Halo Reach meta, this is in my eyes, the best Halo game. And what ignited my love for Halo, a beautiful game to end the Bungie era on... The Soundtrack, the Campaign, everything about Noble Team. It is a magnificent game, and should be praised as such.

Me and my brother beat this campaign in co-op so, so many times when it released. What lovely times...I miss those times...

A terrific FPS and bungie's last hurray at Halo

My first Halo game and the first game I owned for a non-Nintendo console. Peak story, mostly peak multiplayer, best Forge mode IMO. Its a great game that I think even non-Halo fans should try.

Great story, great gameplay, amazing multiplayer

Um dos melhores halos se não o melhor!

This game is so fucking raw dude, the story is so good and the character work is actually out of this world. Every single member of Noble Team is crafted perfectly and is so likable, Jorge, Emile, and Carter especially.

As a Nintendo child growing up, my only frame of reference for FPS games was Metroid Prime. This Halo reminded me of Metroid Prime, and therefore it's my favorite.

História muito boa com um final bem triste. Apesar da gameplay ser inferior aos anteriores.

One of the best movie games ever made.

as much as i love halo 2-3

reach always has a spot in my heart

Story was amazing, I got really immersed with the side characters and love the weapons. Multiplayer really fun, but the abilities sucks.

This review contains spoilers

i love this game to death however i dont think its campaign in execution is as good as everyone makes it out to be

the idea of playing a war that has been alluded to as an absolute disaster in previous games and side material countless times, playing through the campaign knowing full well this is a losing fight and everyone dies and every sacrifice made has zero meaning is genuinely so fantastic and interesting. i think halo reach comes close to living up to it but kinda falls flat due to its runtime. the atmosphere is gloomy and hopeless and the cutscenes are absolutely gorgeous but we never really spend enough time with ANY of noble six to feel any real sympathy for them in the moment the only emotion really evoked from me is the pre existing despair thsts already established from everything else. it sounds amazing explaining the concept in words but i feel the only death i really cared about (except noble six) was jorge's and he was literally the first to die .

i also feel the campaign in level design is quite lame compared to previous halo games, especially 3, and take a lot more of a linear approach rather than the sandbox thst you kinda hopes gets expanded on from halo 3. i assume this was probably to make it fit in with the shooters like call of duty in the time, as shown with other stuff like the addition of sprint but thwts nlt to it's benefit at all i think .

kats death should NOT be as funny as it is it should be a brutal showcase of the reality of war and a reminder to noble six of how badly they really are losing (even though they get plenty literally right before and admit they've lost) but ultimately its just funny as fuck because this game doesnt give us a chance to give any shit about the characters at all and their personalities are kinda shallow jorge is the only one thst really shows much humanity

however i will say that lone wolf is my favourite final mission ever oh my god its sk good in concept AND execution

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I finished this around the same time as ODST, so the two impact each other in how I think about them.

Suffers from all the same problems all the other games in the series fall victim to, while buffing out a few others. It's wonderful to see a story set around a squad, as I think this is the more natural structure for the halo universe. Showing a group of soldiers impacted by this war is the story I think the Spartans should be telling. Jorge is far and away the most satisfying of the character stories, and his loss is felt. Sadly, the first 1/4 of the game is spent building Jorge into a character you feel for, while the others are merely background decoration. So when Kat is killed, it feels cheap, lacking any punch.

This game definitely benefitted from the experiments that ODST started. The new powers add a great dynamic change to the missions, squad narrative, and a protagonist that actually speaks are great improvements upon the previous Halo entries.

I still find myself a little lost from mission to mission. We talk to Halsey, then we run around trying to destroy the super carrier (to protect the planet?), then get back to Halsey's mission. It often just feels like a 'go here do this, repeat' and no overarching desire for the characters.

O que Halo3: ODST erra, esse jogo acerta. Mesmo sendo uma prequel, que por si só já é arriscado de se fazer, é emocionante, os personagens são bem mais carismáticos e você se importa mais com eles, o combate é tão ou até mais variado que em Halo 3, e a campanha te faz sentir o peso da perda de cada um dos seus companheiros do Time Noble. Falar do combate nesse jogo é chover no molhado, é tão bom e variado como em Halo 3, definitivamente um must play para qualquer um que goste de Halo.

Halo: Reach was my first Halo game and is subsequently the one I feel is the best. Its tragic narrative, diegetic cutscene design and introduction of the DMR as the signature precision weapon are just a few of the choices that elevate this game over the others.

Good way for bungie to go out in the halo series

Well shit... that was depressing.

I think new Halo players should play Halo Reach first. The gameplay is fun and action-packed even though it gets repetitive somtimes. The story is fantastic and the ending was very emotional.

meu halo favorito e é só isso que eu tenho a falar

Só tenho recordações boas dessa pedrada. Tem um lugar especial no meu coração <3

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