Reviews from

in the past

Defusing's the easy part. Figuring every way on how to fudge up is the real challenge every bomb defusal expert worth their salt must overcome

One of the first and best games to come out of Greenlight on Steam. In short, the game is cynical, terrible (in a good way), sarcastic. The gameplay is quite simple, save the day in 20 seconds by combining or using certain things (including old people, children) on the level in order to defuse the “bomb” during the action. The game is very short, and will definitely appeal to fans of dark humor.

Одна из первых игр и лучших, которая вышла из Гринлайта в Стиме. Если кратко, игра цинична, ужасна(в хорошем смысле), саркастична. Геймплей довольно простой, спасать день за 20 секунд совмещая или используя определенные вещи(в том числе и стариков, детей) на уровне, чтобы в процессе действия, обезвредить "бомбу". Игра очень короткая, и обязательно понравится любителям черного юмора.

Genuinamente um dos piores jogos que joguei na vida.
Pensei que fosse entrar em algum jogo estilo WarioWare que apesar de nada mindblowing fosse divertido. Diversão não é uma componente deste jogo. Isto é só um monte de microníveis inconsistentes, não intuitivos e com o humor mais random = funny imaginável. Além de ser feio que doi.
Demorei apenas 85 minutos a terminar mas precisei de 2 pausas porque cada minuto pareceu uma eternidade.

Not as fun as I had hoped, the trailer was a lot more fun than the actual game, but it's just there to be a rather silly game for random fun.

Edit: There isn't too much to really add to this. I can't think of too much as I haven't played it in so long and it is a small and short game that is just kind of...there.

ElRubius brought me here, good times.

It's kind of like when you played Putt-Putt as a kid and would click on background stuff to see a bird fly around.

it's a silly mindless way to waste a couple hours, what else do you want! i mean yeah it's pure trial and error but the charm makes up for it, a bit of immaturity aside

Fun to play while listening to something else

Eu não sei bem o que McPixel realmente queria ser. Pra um jogo focado em micropuzzles, tudo é bem repetitivo, não tem boas dicas e geralmente eu acabava na tentativa e erro. Pra um jogo focado em humor, ele não tinha graça nenhuma - "hur dur olha só ele bateu com o outro com a dinamite" é só um pseudo desenho do Pica-Pau sem alma. Uma pena.

O primeiro jogo indie da steam, de cair o cu da bunda.

Sos I showed you my playstation 3 please respond

Ei niin hauska tai nokkela kuin McPixel 3

McPixel's a charming point-and-click variation on the WarioWare formula. Not a ton of replayablity, though. BOOM Okay, McPixel's the greatest game I've ever played. Bar none. ... Whew.

Um daqueles jogos "engraçadinhos" curta duração, gameplay de point and click, não recomendo além de ser bem esquecivel

I spent approximately 3 hours on this game only to entertain myself during short breaks. It's one of the dumbest games ever. Some puzzles can be solved by randomly clicking certain objects, some of them indeed have inner logic. People say this game is pure comedy gold, but in my opinion most of the gags aren't funny at all, they're just "situations". However, the games is pretty cheap, so the amount of fun I get for my money seems fair. It's 2.5/5 from me.

Não importa quanto tempo se passe, McPixel é um marco em meados de 2012, e conhecendo melhor apesar de ser antigo, eu diria que envelheceu como vinho! A quebra de expectativa em ações do jogo com seu humor quebrado ainda me tirou risadas.
Fazia um bom tempo que queria jogar, e agora tendo a oportunidade me senti aliviado e foi uma experiência divertida, valeu a pena matar a saudade e passar horas e horas

Absolute peak of human humor evolution.
It's more than just a point and click game, it's an experience.
Even though gameplay is 100% rng guessing and clicking random objects until you trigger the right cutscene, it's rewarding seeing all of the animations and scenarios possible.
Sosowski is a genius and misunderstood artist.
I love McPixel

heavily inspired by warioware but not as good.
i’d still recommend it to anyone who loves havin a silly lil time

Bought this shit for like $5 in 2012. One full star since I sat through it. Although that's probably more a testament to my patience than the quality of a game. Process of elimination sim. No clue why this was one of the original greenlight projects.

El Inferno Cop de los videojuegos