Reviews from

in the past

Você ta aqui procurando reviews para saber se o joguinho, melhor... jogão é bom? Obvio que é!
Jogue e depois venha me agradecer

how you expect me to review minecraft

Literalmente, sinto falta dos momentos felizes quando jogava, não preocupava com faculdade, trabalho e outras responsabilidades da vida adulta, digo com propriedade, fui muito feliz nessa época, pena que os tempos não voltam mais, mas fico agradecido por tudo que vivi e as amizades feitas no game...

Whether it's the old beta versions or newer releases, 10/10 always

this is just a game that i always end up coming back to its that good

It genuinely upsets me how little Mojang / Microsoft are willing to add to this game when mod makers make 10x the content in such a shorter time frame. They're literally spitting on us but nostalgia and the fun with friends gives it its rating.

Melhor jogo de fábrica/gerenciamento de recursos/construção com modding

Been playing since before the horse update. Always a place in my heart. ‪♡

I didn't know how to crack games when I was super invested in Minecraft as a kid.

I would watch Paulsoaresjr about how to play the game from scratch and would love him explaining every detail and it became a homely vibe.

I then played Minetest which was an alternative to Minecraft and loved the ability to freely build whatever I wanted but that world would get very oppressing.

However, I finally ended up getting access to Minecraft and it opened a whole new world for me. Survival, SMP, The Hive, Mineplex, Splegg, MCSG, Bedwars, Factions, Hide and Seek, etc etc etc.

There was so much limitless potential of what could be done in the game alone and with people.

I spent hours making Resource packs, playing custom adventure maps, ranking up in Hunger Games, playing Super Smash Mobs.

It was the highlight of my childhood and I still come back for the 2 week Minecraft session to enjoy SMP with my friends and see what other new things and mechanics Mojang added to the game.

There are so many precious memories of unironically creating an army of dogs to kill mobs on the open plains at night because I didn't know or care about building mob farms.

Now I have a mob farm, gold farm, xp farm, automatic sorter, gunpowder farm, farm farm, animal farm, etc etc etc

So much optimization is possible and it can be so rewarding to even just explore and find diamonds.

aaaaaaah such a good game

O jogo mais importante da minha vida.
Não importa quantas vezes eu zere-o, nunca irá vai ser o mesmo.
Minecraft é tão colossal que, para mim, não existe nenhum jogo que supere a qualidade criativa e têcnica que esse game tem a oferecer.
Parei de jogá-lo há anos atrás, criei um novo mundo com meus amigos e simplesmente jogamos mais de 100 horas em menos de um mês.
Pode ser o mesmo em sua base, mas sua essência sempre se modifica.
Teve a capacidade de marcar minha vida, sendo o game em que tenho mais horas, apenas criando, modificando e experiênciando constantemente essa obra prima e o maior marco da indústria ano após ano.


Acho difícil não gostar de Minecraft, adulto ou criança, é simplesmente sensacional, fez parte da minha vida, as minhas maiores amizades eu fiz por causa desse jogo
Devo muito a ele

Sûrement le meilleur Sandbox avec terraria un nombre incalculables de possibilités et un super commu

Minekraft jogo bloco legal, abelha melhor criatura

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Oh, Minecrap! I cannot wait to play Minecrap. Do you know what my favorite thing to do is in Minecrap? I love building bricks with Minecrap. Building bricks with Minecrap is the best thing and the most amount of fun you can have while playing an app. I understand why all the kids are playing this game these days -- it's because they like to build brown bricks with Minecrap. I also like to build brown bricks with Minecrap. It's the most fun you can possibly have. What is the point of Minecrap? 

simplesmente um dos jogos de todos os tempos. É aquele tipo de jogo que nao perde a graça

On server with friends easy 5/5 but singleplayer kinda boring

Minecraft could be considered the best game of all time. If someone were to say that it was, I wouldn't disagree. The 8 year old's were right, this game is awesome. If I remember correctly, Minecraft was the first game I ever played. So of course I got some nostalgia for it. But it's not just that. IT's the fact that anyone could pick up Minecraft and have fun with it. Like survival games? Of course we have that. Wanna survive but no monsters? Yep. Just wanna build? Yep. Even people who are super competitive can join servers to play games like bedwars. And on top of all of that, it's awesome to play with friends. And even if you get bored of the game, there's mods that add unlimited amount of playability. I just don't see a big flaw in this game. Except maybe the graphics but who really cares. Minecraft is awesome, and there is nothing that can change that.

The most creative game of all time, it's insane how much I like and enjoyed this game, althought i don't play nowadays

It’s Minecraft wtf do you think anyone has to say about this game at this point? Its always going to be fun

No matter how rocky life can be, you will always have the stability of Minecraft waiting to embrace you. Even if now you're afraid to visit bedrock because it became a horror game somewhere in your break. It's like Endermen all over again.

Character - Slime will always be my bff. But Mooshrooms are up there.
Moment - The excitement of a fresh server, of new patches, new mods, of discovery and friendship.
Music - controversial opinion, but we prefer the caves and cliffs ost. The original music is forever legendary.

Imortal e atemporal. Queria poder apagar da memória só para sentir de novo os sentimentos de descoberta e aventuras proporcionados por esse jogo.

The classic video game that will never die!

Game's really fun I can't lie, especially with friends, but I can't force myself to play it single player sorry yall.

Oh, the sweet childhood memories...

It is so cool and amazing overall