Reviews from

in the past

I'm a big fan on this game. Fun first-person platforming with nice art direction and music. The few times you have to engage with the shooting mechanics are pretty bad and shouldn't have been in the game. The story is very poor, but I love that the big twist is just that the cops are also learning how to parkour. It's also a real shame that the cutscenes are all very low budget animations that looked worse than the Erin Esurance commercials of the era.

The combat is bad, there are many times where you can get lost while traveling through the levels, the story feels like it had a lot of cuts, leaving major loose ends unresolved even by the end, and what the story itself is trying to tell nothing to write home about.

And yet, when everything works—when you're jumping through these perfectly clean rooftops while avoiding gunfire and admiring the color palette of the city—there's no game quite like it. Since this game released there may be better alternatives in regards to the parkour, maybe with all the problems I listed at the beginning solved, but there's no game that feels so liberating to play, yet so soothing to just stop and contemplate the world around you, while listening to the OST that fits the atmosphere perfectly.
There's only one series that can make me feel what i felt playing Mirror's Edge, which is... Mirror's Edge. Just for the experience it's already worth playing, because there's nothing quite like it.

This is the best bad game. At times it's frustratingly janky, with bad levels, unreliable controls and forced terrible combat, but when it clicks, and you're running along the rooftops of this starking utopia, with the soundtrack blasting and the camera perfectly capturing the weight and feel of your actions, it turns into an unforgettable game that is worth experiencing.

Para a época que esse jogo lançou é uma obra de arte.
Os visuais com cores vibrantes no meio da vastidão de branco dos prédios, arranha-céus e da cidade num geral ficou LINDO, as animações das cutscenes com um estilo visual bem diferente além da gameplay insanamente inovadora e até que complexa são seus pontos fortes. Mas me frustrei um pouco com a movimentação e level design, às vezes eu empacava numa parte sem saber aonde ir ou por eu não acertar algum movimento múltiplas vezes, mas deve ser skill issue meu mesmo e pelo pouco que joguei do Catalyst esses meus problemas foram consertados.
A história é previsível, mas ao mesmo tempo gosto dos personagens e me importo com a Faifh e Merc.

ficou cansativo depois de poucas horas de gameplay, esperava mais

this game has two types of cutscenes: esurance commercial and skyrim mod. what more do you need

Cool world, core gameplay is sweet. The story is fine, and the devs know that combat isn't what people come for, so they don't put too much of that in there. I'm in no way good at speedily getting accross a level, but it's still super fun, and no other game has achieved this implementation of freerunning.

The actual gameplay is way more fun than I expected from what I remember seeing friends play it around its initial release. The aesthetic and story were a lot weaker than I had remembered(although there's still a bit of unique charm to its relatively subtle style). It had a lot of bugs and awkward bits since it was mostly first person parkour, always a bit of a struggle, but it was still a cool experience overall.

Mirror's Edge is a game about everything, but a little about everything. A little parkour, a little fist fighting, they even let you shoot with a sniper in one mission, a little shooting. Still, it would be better if this game focused on one aspect, but in principle this is the only complaint about this game.

Mirror's Edge это игра обо всем, но обо всем немного. Немного паркура, немного кулачного сражения, даже из снайперки дают пострелять в одной миссии, немного стрельбы. Все же лучше чтобы эта игра сделала концентрацию на каком то одном аспекте, но в принципе это единственная претензия к этой игре.

feels like a time machine back to the fever dream that was the 2000s

da pra passar um tempinho nesse aq

you can hold guns in the first game???

Best parkour game in the market after all these years despite having some flaws. Loses a star due to the following:
-Really short game.
-Story was building up to something grand and just ends immediately despite the radio announcer teasing some stuff at the credits (Don't know, felt like they ran out of budget or something.).
-Sometimes momentum and collision wasn't working as intended leading to some dumb deaths.
I haven't played catalyst yet, but I'll see if that improves anything from this game.

The movement is fun and smooth once you nail it, and it's stunning - wish it had a bit more combat stuff!

Combat is poor but that's not why you play this game, the freedom to make your own route through the level design and move set is fantastic. Even tho it's linear it feels open in a unique way, definitely one to play to attempt to complete in as fast time as possible!!

This game is so insanely fun and challenging at the same time.

Mirror's Edge is one of the smoothest games I've played. Each section of parkour is satisfying and gives you a feeling of bliss. the game also just generally looks good and holds up well with the minimalistic art style and cell-shaded textures. The game is also very open when it comes to decision-making and how you approach each playground of obstacles, with multiple paths and techniques you can use to succeed. Eventually, you just get to a point where everything starts to click and you understand what makes this game so special. The only slight issue with the main story is that it's a little flat, but it gives much-needed room to the atmosphere and worldbuilding which makes this game so memorable and a worthwhile experience.

Mirror's Edge is such a unique and stylish game! It's all about first-person parkour, so you're running across rooftops, jumping between buildings, and finding the perfect flow. The visuals are clean, the soundtrack is pumping, and when you nail a crazy jump it feels incredible. But man, the combat sucks, the story's barely there, and if you mess up your timing once, you're just awkwardly flailing around.

Mirror's Edge is the game I always come back to every few months and beat it from start to finish (it helps that it can be beaten in a session or two). The core gameplay is momentum-filled first-person parkour that still to this day stands out, and is surprisingly easy to learn. For the most part, the levels compliment this with the player having to improvise their own path through city rooftops whilst almost always being pursued by the police. The levels are not just great for containing the gameplay, but also the fact that you are interacting with a space that diegetically was not made for you yet you make it your own anyway. Areas like the mall are a prime example of this, and the beautiful design of the monochrome city also helps. However, there are definitely level design aspects that get in the way of what makes the game fun. Escaping and dodging enemies is fun, but actually having to engage them in combat slows the pace down drastically and is not fun. 90% of the time you can figure out the correct way through the levels by the environmental design, but there are times I have to turn on the runner vision guide to show me the way. The boat level is claustrophobic small which limits your momentum. I do understand why they are in the game, and aspects like this should be refined if another sequel happens, rather than cutting them out. The game is short, but I do believe it gets everything it could have out from the core gameplay and it is hard to imagine what a longer campaign would have been like. None of these ruin my experience, and I believe the core gameplay and aesthetics are so strong that I am always drawn to come back to it. And the story? I have no idea

لعبتها عشاني ابي العب شيء زي

nobody liked those platforming sections in half life yet these mfs decided to make a whole b-team game out of it?

feels like the stuff I'm doing in my dreams.

The death sound also really didn't have to be this realistic. Hearing Faith`s bones cracking and her body splattering everywhere every single time I fail a hard jump tilted me to insanity.

Combat is super boring and bad, the story feels like a cheap version of a teen's dystopian book and the lightning burns out your eyes if you play it in the evening.

Movement feels crispy clean most of the time and I was amazed at how intuitive it became after a few hours. Actually made me want to try out other parkour games. The music is solid and the overall look of it is pretty stylish even today.

The last 2 levels had no business to be that hard to beat. What had been a great time turned into a frustrated retrying of the same jump 20 times and not knowing where to go half of the time.

You have to play this game to see how great the momentum feels but don't drag yourself through all the levels this game hits its peak at level 5 to 6.

The most 7/10 game of all time.

un des meilleurs gameplay du jv

+1/2 star because faith could use a gun