Reviews from

in the past

isso aqui é pica. cada mapa é seu próprio mundo semiaberto cheio de vida (literalmente) e cada bicho é mais foda que o anterior. jogue com uma party completa com seus manos e se delicie.

Me and my cat about to f this dinosaur up

Monster Hunter: World is the first game in the series that makes its way to PC, and it does a pretty good job while retaining most of the original Monster Hunter mechanics.

It's mostly still the same Monster Hunter as all of the others in the series, with some new features and quality-of-life improvements. It's significant;y more accessible than previous Monster Hunter games, which is both good and bad. Veteran hunters will probably sigh and groan, but most new hunters will still feel the challenge. PC graphics look amazing, and I didn't have to sacrifice quality for performance too much (with a GTX 1080). Multiplayer is fairly simple, send a signal and people join up, or create a session with friends and hunt together. There is also a fairly wide variety of monsters to hunt from, along with the promise of more in the future, and most are new and several of them are unique in both behaviors and attack patterns.

There are several issues as well, including lots of server errors, although the most recent patch fixed a lot of those issues for me. It is a bit frustrating to suddenly disconnect in the middle of a hard hunt and have to slug out the rest of it solo. Also, some of the new mechanics really take away from the hardcore Monster Hunter experience most people are familiar with, like scout flies and other things. The interface for the game is also fairly confusing and the game doesn't always explain everything clearly, although that's a persistent Monster Hunter problem across multiple games.

In conclusion, Monster Hunter: World brings a lot of loved mechanics to PC and delivers a pretty good cooperative experience, but it's flawed by interface and server issues and for some people, it's easier than normal, which can ruin the hardcore Monster Hunter experience.

The most fun I've had online with friends

Lacking in monster variety but otherwise basically perfect (except for the ancient forest, worst mh map oat)

Le gameplay qui nous plonge plus dans cet aspect chasseur c'est vraiment une bonne idée malgré le fait que ça facilite le gameplay mais le mode en ligne qui nosu force à faire des passages solo c'est franchement saoulant

Great game that modernized the series. Monster roster lacked a bit and there was too much story focus but overall an amazing game.

1.2k hours+ and counting! One of my most played games and still playing it! I love it so much. Pretty slow start though.

a experiência desse jogo é sem igual, caçar monstros, grindar gear, o conteúdo late game desse jogo, mais uma história bem gostável tornaram esse jogo um dos melhores pra mim lançados recentemente (tanto que acumulei 500h+ com meus saves no pc e xbox one), eu recomendaria jogar com amigos visto que a experiência solo e cooperativa desse jogo são bem diferentes, e no geral, jogar com mais 3 pessoas torna tudo bem mais interessante.

Considero esse minha primeira experiência com MH... joguei o 3 no PSP em japonês quando era criança e não conseguia jogar e achei chato... já esse meus amigos, simplesmente perfeito. Não é pra todo mundo, jogo bem nichado, mas tenho mais de 2k de horas nele.

Essa foi minha primeira experiência na franquia, e acho que é bem viável pra quem quer começar a franquia, esse jogo é quase um "reboot" das ideias.
Essa coisa de rastrear os monstros incrementa e muito pra sua imersão, e como mapas muito bem ambientados, o jogo não fica parecendo apenas um jogo que tu só mata bosses e só.
E as armas, é uma variedade bem boa, tem pra todo mundo, todas elas tem uma excelente variedade de combos e efeitos passivos que incrementam ainda mais o combate
A katana é a arma dos sojados.

Adorei isso aqui, admito, eu fiquei puto com uns monstros, mas a glaive inseto, oooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh tesão, meu sonho ainda é aprender a dínamo.

I love this game and everything is perfect, with the exception that, being a inherently multiplayer game, it does not let you multiplay until 5 hours into the game.

- repetitive
- hunting
- tracking
- habits of monsters
- huge enemies who have great fights!
- the equipment is stylish but a little sexist, sad
- the weapons are enjoyable, their combos are different and adapt to different monsters, different timings, fabulous
- superb maps
- a well-made nature

An autistic game when u try to find the perfect way to slay a kaiju,
love it!

This review includes the Iceborn dlc.

I enjoyed it. Solo. I was running like a headless chicken at first, and by refusing to use items and just wielding my bard ass guitar-mace-axe-didgeridoo thingy I actually started to have fun so much I couldn't put it down. I will be doing more playthroughs in the future with other weapons... Maybe. But it is worth grabbing.

It is not a perfect score cause it has some really pesky details that quality of life mods fix, but since the mods make it better and the base game still doesn't fix them, it's a 4/5.

História triste com esse game aqui, fiquei namorando ele por anos esperando a melhor hora pra comprar, quando consegui comprei a versão mais completa e dei uma de presente para um amigo meu, jogamos um pouco junto, ele amou porém eu não, o combate não me agradou e eu terminei a história empurrando com a barriga, mas ok fiz 100 horas de jogo então acho que valeu o gasto.

The better game from the fifth gen. It's not perfect by any means but it is a beautiful game with a serviceable story and awesome monster and weapon design, held back by some weird mechanics (Why is stun a thing?, the clutch claw problems, etc.), artificial difficulty and some minor performance problems.

Não acaba nunca, entendi nada, mó chatão.

A pretty fun game with constant and rewarding progression that's monster fights really feel like you're fighting a monster. The game succeeds in making a gorgeous world but fails in making it interesting enough to play for 20+ hours with a very mediocre main plot-line. Fun, but too long without feeling like it earns it. I'll probably come back to it.

Monster Hunter World is the first game of the series that managed to interest me enough for me to buy and play it. I even managed to beat it and plan to play the addon as well some day, I already started it, but needed a break from the game for now. There is a lot of depth in this game and it is quite fun to check out how the many different weapon types actually play. The main story is one of the weakest points of the game, there is a lot to be desired here in terms of presentation, storytelling and character building. Also the multiplayer is horribly implemented IMO. If you want to play the main story in coop, then you need to finish every mission alone beforehand, like who thought that would be a good idea... All in all this is a fun game though that I have spent quite a lot of time in.

мой первый монхан не считая пары часов в p3rd
хорошая игра но ощущается огрызком без айсборна, нескипаемые катсцены ненужного сюжета и сеты/оружия защитника будто нивелируют смысл основной игры

Have not played much MHW yet but I plan to and so far I have been loving it

Incredibly fun and my first Monster Hunter game. The combat feels weighty and satisfying and was a great introduction to the series. The best of the game's content, however, is contained in the Iceborne DLC.

El mejor monster hunter de todos los tiempos y una obra maestra en todos los sentidos, un juego perfecto.

Sua perspectiva desse jogo muda quando você pega um martelo de 2 toneladas e maceta a moleira de um kirin viado repetidas vezes até ele falecer no local sem chance de reagir.