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Eu poderia muito bem dar um copia e cola da minha review do Super Lucky's Tale e colocar aqui, mas eu não vou fazer isso.

Ele melhora os gráficos do primeiro e a câmera, que atrapalhava de mais.

Mas ainda é o mesmo jogo, com as mesmas fases, mudando pouquíssimas coisas, o que faz dele o mesmo jogo genérico de plataforma que o outro era.

E como eu zerei o original, não tem motivos pra mim zerar esse! Então, se querem jogar Super Lucky's Tale, joguem esse e deixem o original de lado.

decent game that suffers from game design identity crisis

An excellent "chill out" platformer and was a breath of fresh air when it first came out on Switch. I'd still consider it one of the more polished small-scale 3D platformers to come of the renaissance, but as others have pointed out, you're not going to get Mario Sunshine levels of challenge out of it. Unless you're one of those people that thinks easy=unfun, you should have a good time.

Solid collectathon platformer with some very fun and precise movement. Most of the game is very easy except for some endgame content but it's an overall good experience.

New Super Lucky's Tale is not bad; i can't tell you that you won't enjoy it. if this kind of 3D platformer is your thing, you'll have a good time.

it's just so basic. there's no substance here in any way. any personality is nonexistent; the theming here almost feels like a template. all the bossfights - scratch that, the game as a whole - is pitifully easy. i think i may have lost 5 lives through my entire playthrough. the music is just fine as well.

i dunno, this game feels like a unity game template made by some expert as an example for beginners. there's nothing here that i feel compelled to go back to, ever. this one's probably gonna rot on my shelf for the rest of time.

Precisava de um jogo fácil pra pegar umas conquistas e ganhar os Microsoft Reward Points e acabei zerando.
Bem gostosinho de jogar.

While it doesn’t bring anything new to the table, New Super Lucky’s Tale is a very solid platformer that borrows various platforming styles from games like Mario, Crash Bandicoot, Spyro and Sonic (with a dash of Billy Hatcher for some levels) and provides a varies experience that is fun throughout.

Each level has four objectives to unlock “pages” (the main collectable), one for finishing the level, one hidden somewhere in the level, one for finding the letters that spell “LUCKY” and one for collecting 300 coins. Typically, these can be done the first time in the level, apart from the 2D autorun levels that feel a bit like a modern Sonic segment.

The variety does help mix things up. You’ll get some levels that focus one exploring the area, some A-to-B levels (3D and 2D), a few maze levels and some more objective-based levels. All of these, while feeling familiar from other games, are very well made and makes it a solid game.

La unica pega que le puedo poner es que en la versión original Lucky corre a cuatro patas y en esta por algún motivo lo han dejado bípedo durante toda la aventura.

Quitando ese detalle es un plataformas colorido, simpático, divertido y con una variedad constante que aprovecha muy bien todas sus mecánicas y permite usarlas con creatividad para recorrer la mayoría de los niveles. Una revisión del título original que reordena, rehace, añade y retoca para hacerlo una experiencia más pulida y fresca.

Si en Playful sacan una secuela voy de cabeza.

I bought the game
I cant move
google how to fix
cant find anything
bought the remake
still cant fcking move

one of the cutest 3d platforming collecthons out there with fun mechanics. maps are not always the best but the enemies and npcs are silly & fun to look at and interact with

Super underrated 3d mascot platformer, any fans of 3d platforming should play

Duuuude, there's like a... world, that is based on the rural parts of America and dude, the characters in that world? They speak in gibberish that resembles a southern american accent, dude. For real, it doesn't get anymore charming than that.

It was ok, but I couldn't really get into it.

Started the game on Xbox Game Pass. Probably will never really play it.

Polished, tight, and a blast to play the whole way through. The only issue I had with it was that the theming and artstyle were solid but not super exciting. Aside from that, though, totally a worthy successor to 3D Mario games.

Super Lucky’s Tale é um jogo de plataforma que cativa com sua simplicidade e charme. Vamos explorar os pontos positivos, negativos e outros aspectos relevantes:

Pontos Positivos:
Design Encantador: Os ambientes coloridos e personagens adoráveis criam uma atmosfera alegre e nostálgica. A estética lembra os clássicos jogos de plataforma da era PS2.
Controles Sólidos: A jogabilidade é acessível e responsiva. Lucky, o jovem raposa protagonista, tem um conjunto de movimentos simples, incluindo um salto duplo, ataque com o rabo e a habilidade de cavar sob o solo.
Níveis Bem Construídos: Os mundos são repletos de desafios variados, desde plataformas até quebra-cabeças. Cada estágio oferece quatro trevos para coletar, incentivando a exploração e a repetição.
Câmera Aprimorada: A versão do Switch corrigiu problemas de câmera presentes na versão original do Xbox One. Isso torna a experiência mais agradável e menos frustrante.
Pontos Negativos:
Dificuldade Baixa: Para jogadores experientes em plataformas 3D, Super Lucky’s Tale pode parecer fácil demais. A falta de desafio pode desapontar alguns.
Duração Curta: Completar 100% do jogo não leva muito tempo. Se você busca uma jornada longa, talvez se sinta insatisfeito.
Jogos Semelhantes:
Se você gostou de Super Lucky’s Tale, considere experimentar outros jogos de plataforma, como:

Yooka-Laylee: Um título inspirado nos clássicos da era N64, com personagens carismáticos e mundos expansivos.
A Hat in Time: Uma aventura encantadora com uma protagonista fofa e uma variedade de cenários criativos.
Duração e Campanha:
A campanha principal de Super Lucky’s Tale pode ser concluída em cerca de 10 a 12 horas, dependendo do seu ritmo e do quanto você deseja explorar. A busca pelos trevos adiciona replay value.

Vale a Pena Comprar?
Se você aprecia jogos de plataforma leves, com uma pitada de nostalgia, Super Lucky’s Tale é uma escolha sólida. A versão do Switch é especialmente recomendada, e o preço acessível torna a compra ainda mais atraente.

Inoffensive platformer, polished, and plays okay. No particular charm - honestly, you could've told me Lucky was promoting a breakfast cereal, TV show, toy range, toilet paper... I would've believed you as he's so generic. The cast of boss enemies are a bit more fun, although trope-y. Ultimately it's been a good game to dip into a level or two of between other things. It lacks depth and ends up being very pick-up-and-playable as a result, but I've felt no particular compulsion to prioritise it over more interesting games. Just fine.

A 3D platformer which works fine but feels basic and lacks any charm. Kinda feels like if AI made a 3D platformer. It's good but uninspired.

fun game, need some improvments on a few things but overall is fun.

se tivesse um pouco mais de carisma e criatividade seria um dos melhores do gênero

New Super Mar... Oh wait, wrong game.

Help, I've completed the game and got all achievements, what do I do now?

É ok. Nada que chame a atenção mas também nada objetivamente ruim.

Conker Twelve Tails vibes if it had ever come out