Reviews from

in the past

Kanye Omori West
Didn't like it

I first heard discourse around this game around people who are generally terminally online, who praised this as the second coming of Undertale. so much so that there were people in my college classes who were inspired by this! and as a terminally online zoomer, i was instantly captivated! I actively avoided anything regarding this game as to not get spoiled, and put off playing it for a while until i had a good enough excuse to try, and i finally did!

Needless to say, it didn't quite live up to the expectations i originally had. If i had to describe this game, i would call it "Girl-Core", as the only people i know who like this game are all women.

I clearly didn't get the appeal, i don't think this game is for me. Maybe i'll come back to this at a later date and finish it to see what it's all about, but for now i'll leave it on the shelf.

amazing narrative, excellent psychological horror, solid game mechanics but some portions of the game were an absolute slog to go through (sweetheart's castle)

This counts for the switch version too.

Those who forget history...

So much though put into it. The levels, the characters, the story, the music. In my 200+ hours of enjoying every tiny detail of the world I could feel the love... But I'll leave it at that. Even tho I enjoyed it so much I had a lot of doubts about posting a review given the past and recent E V E N T S (pretend I used wavy text) with the dev team.

But if we just talk about the game: It is very good.

... are doomed to repeat it.

No me importa que un juego esté enfocado en la historia si no deja de banda el gameplay, no es el caso. Se me ha hecho muy pesado y lo he tenido que dejar. No es para mí, aunque el arte me parezca magnífico y su historia interesante, no compensa el gameplay sin sustancia y tedioso.

rlly good art music and characters, gameplay is super slow and not thaaaaat fun.... Aubrey is awesome though shoutout Aubrey

allow me catch thou playing this and the consequences shall be moe dire than any human mind is e'en capable of producing e'en a fraction of the intelligence needed to fathom it

This review contains spoilers

"Guys, vocês me perdoariam se eu matasse minha irmã e fingisse que foi um suicídio por quatro anos? Eu já consegui perdoar a mim mesmo com memórias boas e determinação >~<"

É um pouco engraçado que o quirky rpg about depression mais famoso de todos os tempos não fala sobre depressão no final, só usa ela como uma máscara de profundidade vazia que é destruída no final pelo twist mais ofensivo imaginável. Incrível estudo de como não entender nada que torna as suas inspirações boas.

Gave my heart a toasty oatmeal raisin cookie, warm glass of milk, tucked it in to bed...and then proceeded to stab it thirty-two consecutive times.

I am writing this review out of emotion, on the one hand, the game is very similar to a standard role-playing turn-based game about a seemingly standard adventure of children in a fantasy world, but after a certain time, you are trampled into the dirt along with the reality of what is happening inside and outside the world of the main character. The game honestly made me cry for 20 minutes at the very end, I don’t want to experience this anymore, but I’m very glad that I came out with a good ending, I probably didn’t survive another one.

Пишу эту рецензию на эмоциях, с одной стороны игра очень быть похожа на стандартную ролевую пошаговую игру о вроде стандартном приключении детей в мире фантазии, но после определенного времени, тебя втаптывают в грязь вместе с реальностью происходящего внутри и вне мира главного героя. Игра честно заставила меня рыдать 20 минут в самом конце, не хочу больше такого переживать, но очень рад что вышел на хорошую концову, другую я наверно не пережил.

OMORI is a narrative given story that's mostly told from inside the creative mind of the main character fighting through a countless cast of characters with a charming cast of friends that you'll easily learn to love and a tragedy hidden just out of sight you're sure to be pleased.

undertale for mentally ill people, oh wait.

I am 4 years late and I really could've used this game with what I was going through around that time. But it still hits all the same for me.

I felt I needed to play this and I just kept putting it off. Im not sure why But Im glad I finally sat down and played it and went on the emotional journey that was instore for me.

Really fucking good but not perfect.

Great game with a great soundtrack. Highly recommend.

Definitivamente não é a perfeição que os fãs fazem parecer, mas é sim um bom jogo, sua gameplay chega a enjoar na reta final, junto da história que enfraquece um pouco, mas os plots finais conseguem resgatar o jogo e nos dar uma luta final que me fez chorar rios de lágrimas.

People love love love shitting on this game on Twitter but it's a genuinely very good and heartfelt story that just so happens to have an annoying fandom.

Steam just added the steam families into their beta and i got added to my friends and then removed within 10 minutes because they saw i owned this game

grande influência entre o ensinomediotwt

the only game that made me cry

Praticamente o mesmo sentimento do que com Undertale.

Jogo com gameplay maçante e focado em lore chata não me pega muito. Ainda gosto mais do design dele do que de Undertale.