Reviews from

in the past

Rapaz se ele não fosse tão pesado eu jogava de boas, mas aí PS4 Slim não tanka e a gente chora

Jogo é muito divertido com um sistema de loot muito gratificante, História simples, mas interessante e uma gameplay no estilo Gears 5, o multiplayer é bem completinho com você podendo fazer literalmente tudo com seus amigos, mas o unico problema do jogo é que ele queria ser um jogo de serviço no estilo destiny mas infelizmente a distribuidora não conseguiu alavancar o jogo que por isso teve apenas uma dlc bem fraca e morreu, indico para quem curte jogos LooterShooter para passar o tempo pois como ele está sem suporte e não receberá mais novidades pode se dizer que o jogo acabou.
Nota: 7/10

Super divertido pra jogar com os amigos, um bom looter shooter. Recomendo pra jogar com os amigos
Obs: zerei com 30h

tbh, not much to talk about this. I honestly didn't pay any attention to the story, but the gameplay loop is surprisingly fun. So much so I only finished the game due to the gameplay's satisfaction.

Best played with someone else otherwise you will die alot. Grew on me over time

Copying my review on steam from late 2021. Thanks to the person who put me on this game, you made me waste money on a piece of shit.

After so many months waiting for this game to fix its incredible issues, I was left disappointed. The white-knights who claimed this game would never die, that nerfing the players and buffing nothing was a good thing, and that because they "probably" didn't experience any bugs it meant the game as a whole for EVERYBODY shouldn't be dealing with bugs... all of you, this is your fault for encouraging this studio's behavior because everything you claimed absolutely was not the case. This game is still a bug-riddled unplayable mess, just being able to play the game past the title screen is a gift from god. The nerfs were eventually walked back because they very much were NOT a good thing, but far too little and too late. It still wasn't enough after all the nice buffs they did. The game is a shallow seedling compared to how it started, being currently outlapped in terms of active players by 5 year old fighting games, XCOM 2, and Monster Hunter games not even a full 6 months after Outrider's release. The game has no roadmap ahead of it as all the devs do is abandon their subreddit and constantly push "bug fixes" that don't seem to really do any bug fixing but somehow add new bugs to the game. Such a shame that the game was insanely enjoyable and had so much potential with free updates down the line when it launched, ignoring the bugs and TERRIBLE servers. Within two weeks, PCF decided to kill their own game with a terrible nerf update, fixed nothing for months, blamed the players for "simply not understanding the drop rates" when they knowingly hid drop-rate information from the players, and then remove future support for this game. This game needs some voodoo, dark magic, blood-signed deal to save it. The way I see it, this is a bigger failure than Anthem ever was because at least the Anthem team PRETENDED to care instead of ignoring their own subreddit for so long while the listed admins were CURRENTLY ACTIVE in other subreddits (ironically enough this included the Destiny subreddit).

The story is insufferable. The pacing, the dialogue, the characters, they all suck to the highest degree. BUT... I will say the backstory and the lore are far more interesting and in fact outright pretty good. The Wanderer was clearly going to be a heavy focus on any planned expansion or DLC, if there ever was a plan to begin with however is up for debate now. The locations are actually interesting. The armor and gun designs are insanely well made, the skills/mods and the ability to move mods over to other equipment you can level up was a genius design choice. I would rather outright have transmog or layered armor but, this is a pretty close second. The skills, when they weren't all nerfed and then poorly rebalanced as an apology, felt incredible to actually use and the skills themselves were really creative and interesting. There WAS plenty to love about this game until future support was killed off, bugs ran rampant and made the game unplayable for most, and the overall design of the balancing and the endgame (which consists of TIMER BASED MISSIONS, aka the fucking DEATH of interesting and fun builds as now its DPS or nothing) being left the way it is leaves Outriders in the camp of "What Could Have Been Great 2 Electric Boogaloo" alongside Anthem. Rest in piss, Outriders. Eat your heart out PCF, sticking to your guns isn't usually a bad thing. But in cases where the majority of your playerbase was complaining about legitimate concerns and the ground you stood on was anti-fun? Standing your ground only works on solid ground, and I hope you see now how spoiled and rotten that ground you chose to stand on is.

The only thing that could save this game is going F2P after fixing your game, and then making DLC expansions, akin to what Destiny 2 did. I wish I were kidding but that's honestly the only future I see for this 2,000 concurrent players on average mess.

Oh, oh right the co-op. It constantly crashed my game. Consistently. I've heard from many people this has not changed. So, it's not even worth it as a co-op game. Yeah, sorry. Sucks, huh?

Muy similar que con Destiny 2, perdí el interés al poco tiempo de intentarlo y me aburrí, no es lo mío.

Some slight B-game vibes aside, Outriders is a more-than-serviceable looter shooter, and that's probably selling it short a bit. The story reminds me quite a bit of Mass Effect Andromeda's, but here it's more engaging, and more of a exploration of the depths of humanity. Meanwhile, the gameplay (which I experienced solo) can get pretty samey once you get the hang of the overall loop, but it never came off as particularly easy or tedious.

the story was meh it was cutscenes and shooting back to back felt a bit repetitive even tho i really hate puzzles its a good rpg but the fact that u cant jump throws me off so much took me around 10 hrs to beat the game 3/5

Well, this game is average. The story started promising but it became super predictable afterwards. The sound design is terrible(might be the worst I've ever experienced.). The gameplay is very ordinary but fun. Endgame is boring. Overall this is good if you wanna do something while watching a movie, listening to a podcast, etc.

I played this game when it dropped but i really couldn't stick with it. It has fun gameplay though

coop is fun but game still caca

Practically free on XGP. Great for old men like me who just want to casually stroll around sightseeing like a tourist, with easy gameplay as a side dish. Graphics runs pretty good on my RTX3050. Cutscenes suck tho.

Infelizmente abandonei. O jogo é estranho, jogabilidade não empolga, história não te cativa e o design de mapas, inimigos, armas e missões é bem fraco. Talvez quem procure um jogo pra passar o tempo se divirta, não foi o meu caso. Uma pena!

Typical looter shooter mechanics with a story better than the first Destiny. Top tier AA title.

Não tenho palavras para descrever o desastre que foi esse jogo.

Ele tem uma premissa muito boa ligada a um novo planeta que a raça humana está a se apropriar dele já que conseguiu destruir a terra. E nesse planeta seu objetivo e descobrir o que tem nele depois de um grande muro que divide as áreas seguras da anomalia presente no planeta, até então sem justificativa para sua existência.

A sua campanha é bem estruturada com personagens legais com histórias que são contadas ao decorrer da campanha, tem alguns plots interessantes até.

O grande problema do jogo é que ele funciona a base do servidor online, e eu nunca vi um servidor tão deplorável quanto o desse jogo. Durante os três primeiros meses do lançamento, o jogo estava injogável ainda mais quando se trata de um jogo que a premissa dele é jogar em cooperativo com outras pessoas, entretanto era possível jogar solo mesmo com o servidor estando em péssimas condições, porém o jogo ainda sim era bastante desafiador quando você não tem experiência com esse tipo de jogo.

Enfim, não tenho muito mais o que acrescentar sobre esse jogo, apenas que a experiência de milhares de players foi estragada por contar com um jogo coop e até hj não conseguir jogar, além da DLC paga que foi lançada por um preço absurdo e não ser nada além do mesmo, uma vergonha de jogo com potencial que foi inteiramente jogado no lixo.

Nota: 0,5/10 sem condições que jogo ruim

A refreshingly straight-forward looter shooter that doesn't aim to be a GAAS mess. For once.

I played this game almost at launch day (thanks to game pass). So i can absolutely assure you , i saw the brunt of all the jank and buggy nature of outriders from day one.
Yet, ofcourse i have rated this game as above average. Thats exactly what it is , a very flawed , old timey looter shooter. The gameplay is alright really , the guns and abilities worked well together, the enemies provided an acceptable challenge and the story too had me interested and intrigued.
Ofcourse the kind of game it is , there were glitches. The dialogue writing was average at best and the story did not pay off whatsoever (i can bet they were hoping for a follow up in dlc or sequel).
Still i really cannot fault it from my eyes , specifically because i did not pay full price for the title, and it was fun for most of the run , a good story through interesting biomes.
I understand its a bit of a nothing game in a way , neither good nor bad enough to get your attention. But it is not the worst thing in the world , and should you pick it up , you can potentially have a good fun time !( maybe get it on a sale !)

I abandoned Outriders. Why? I originally played the demo/beta, whatever it was that released for Outriders. The beginning of the game is much more story focused with a little bit more cinematic presentation and actual characters. So I was interested in seeing more from the game and learning about the world. Unfortunately, that cinematic presentation was only kept in the prologue of the game.

Rest of the game, the actual game is all about killing wave after wave of enemies. And while the gameplay is solid, it’s not as fun as something like Destiny. Or even Division. At least alone. Because there are 4 different classes in the game so playing with your friends that has other classes equipped might be more fun.

I think Outriders is for sure a co-op game. You can technically play it solo as well but it was too boring and too repetitive for me. And I am someone who can platinum Ubisoft games by the way. So my tolerance for repetition is probably much higher than your typical gamer. I, just couldn’t do it with Outriders. Played around 5 hours I think.

Exceedingly boring and repetitive gameplay

This game epitomizes the 'push forward' style of action games: you can only win by applying relentless pressure. The pace of combat is high, the flow of gameplay from shooting to skills to shooting is very well designed. There are some balance issues, and the endgame is terribly repetitive, but the core gameplay is more than enough to keep things interesting.

Free on PS+, scratched an itch to "shoot thing but on controller" for a couple days. Nothing really to say about it.

Was great to mess around with friends while shooting aliens up. Had some issues but was fun overall.

Medal System
Broken medal - 0.5 or 1 star - Technical disaster or bad design
Bronze medal - 1.5 or 2 star or 2.5 star - The games not for me/below average/badly aged(nostalgia)
Silver medal - 3 star or 3.5 star - Doing well
Golden medal - 4 star - Above average games
Platin medal - 4.5 star - Might've masterpiece but somethings missing
Diamond medal - 5 star - The Masterpiece or just special for me
---> Medal: Platinum
---> My Game Time: 18 hours 26 min (story)

this game starts off was an uninteresting story with repetitive gameplay and the gameplay does stay that way but as the characters develop more the crew becomes more and more interesting and our own character isnt just a soulless mute like a lot of other titles like this so i do think this game does develop well in some areas.

È facile mettere Outriders nel dimenticatoio dei looter shooter e cancellarlo dalla storia dei videogiochi come uno dei tanti. E infatti succederà. E a ragione. MA:

Ogni tot mi trovo a dover cercare un gioco co-op online a campagna da condividere con un mio amico con cui ci sentiamo praticamente esclusivamente per questo motivo e in questi anni ho giocato un paio di Far Cry, un The Division e ho pure ripreso in mano la mia amata saga di Borderlands. Nessuno di questi sparatutto mi ha preso come Outriders (se la gioca The Strange Brigade, altro gioco dimenticato da Dio).

Outriders mi ha attratto inizialmente per la sua freneticità cazzona (dovuta soprattutto alla cura basata sul proprio danno) ma ci ho trovato molti altri punti a favore:
- Enoch è spettacolare, ogni area è ben distinta dalla precedente ma tutte di alto livello nel colpo d'occhio, mentre giocavo ho scherzato sul fatto che avevo quasi completato una checklist di ogni bioma possibile.
- La trama non è niente di spettacolare ma c'è abbastanza mistero da voler seguire le scene di intermezzo con interesse. Queste sono poi ben recitate e ho amato molto la regia (!) tutta basata sulla "telecamera" a spalla. La sceneggiatura (anche delle secondarie) è pure abbastanza sorprendente, nessuno è al sicuro e le morti non sono spettacolari, sono crude, veloci, reali. Ho dato spesso degli schizzati agli sceneggiatori per come non avessero alcun riguardo delle vite di alcuni personaggi che, nonostante fossero importanti, morivano come stronzi, come dei comuni NPC.
- La parte RPG è abbastanza profonda, le armi sono ben personalizzabili e sono molto soddisfatto della mia vera e propria build del personaggio, che a incastro ha tutte abilità che sfruttano lo status Emorragia, il sanguinamento per capirci. Ho le armi che la causano, alcune skill offensive che ne sfruttano la presenza e delle abilità che ne aumentano il danno e mi fanno curare. C'è parecchia parametria che può risultare pallosa ma che sfruttandola mi ha portato a vedere cambiamenti tangibili nelle battaglie. Il che mi porta a:
- La difficoltà. Intanto il sistema di livello del mondo che bilancia loot alla difficoltà, cambiabile in ogni momento è proprio figo, ma la cosa importante è che Outriders è impegnativo, non impossibile ok, ma almeno ti porta a fare diversi tentativi e a giocare con criterio, sia nell'azione, sia nella parte ruolistica. E dopo, soprattutto ma non unicamente, Borderlands 3, che è disgustamente facile, questo è stato una boccata d'aria fresca. I nemici sono ben distinti (seppur riciclati all'infinito da una fazione all'altra) e vanno affrontati in modo diverso. Gli umani armati necessitano skill diverse per essere affrontati rispetto alla fauna aliena, i boss principali hanno tutti un pattern da studiare e attacchi da capire, così come i miniboss, seppur in minor misura, essendo anche loro abbastanza riciclati.

Detto questo ci sono alcune cose che avrei preferito sistemassero. Per prima cosa non ho mai visto un gioco per console girare così, i menù sono lentissimi nei caricamenti, gli spostamenti anche, spesso alcuni poligoni vengono caricati in ritardo o addirittura mai, come le ruote della camionetta dei protagonisti. Niente che comunque abbia rotto il gioco costantemente nelle 70 ore circa giocate.
E, a proposito, 70 ore sono troppe per uno shooter comunque ripetitivo, e sono davvero troppe le ore passate a guardare il loot, a smontarlo, a cambiare l'equipaggiamento. Mi rendo conto che questo è un looter shooter ma non voglio perdere un quarto d'ora dopo ogni missione per sistemare l'equipaggiamento. Questo onestamente è un problema che ho riscontrato anche con l'ultimo Borderlands (continuo a citarli perché è il più vicino mio metro di paragone).
Per quanto siano giochi diversi, un sistema alla Monster Hunter, dove ogni pezzo di equipaggiamento è sudato dà molta più soddisfazione.
Equipaggiamento che qui poi pecca parecchio in design, anche se capisco che si è voluta intraprendere una strada "realistica". Fa comunque sorridere la personalizzazione estetica dove si sceglie cosa mettere addosso al nostro personaggio, visto che tutto è molto anonimo e c'è un sacco di semplice recoloring.

Detto questo, titolo dimenticabile forse, ma ottimo e divertente per il co-op (e ottima la presenza del cross-play).

Genericamente bom para se jogar com um Brother de madrugada enquanto conversam trivialidades e fazem piadas que facilmente levariam a um cancelamento na internet.