Reviews from

in the past

If you don't take it serious it's fun. Not by yourself though... not by yourself. It's not amazing... but it's not bad either.

An advanced form of Stockholm syndrome, I hate this game, I don't enjoy playing it, and I play more...

Eu tive esperanças que OW2 poderia ressuscitar os bons tempos de OW1 que tive. Por um tempo, eu estava gostando muito do jogo, mas bastou algumas horas para me desanimar.

Filas demoradíssimas e o sistema de ranqueada por classe não fomentam a minha vontade de jogar e subir os elos. Não joguei o suficiente para ter uma opinião sobre o balanceamento, mas, bem, o jogo é basicamente o mesmo, então não vejo como não teria os mesmos problemas do seu antecessor.

Eu tive esperanças que o sentimento que tive jogando OW1 no seu início renasceria aqui. Infelizmente, eu estava errada, mas quem sabe um dia eu dê outra chance para OW2...

unfortunately ow always remains here i hate it (will still play)

i will never escape silver but i will play this everyday till servers die.

A multiplayer game that will either make you hate it or feel apathetic while you play it out of obligation because it’s the big thing. Not irredeemable but depressing, especially in relation to its predecessor. This is Overwatch 1.1 and the .1 is a battlepass.

Divertido porém promessas não cumpridas e questiona o porquê da sua existência.

£30 for a skin. Enough said.

Não é a pior coisa do mundo, mas é abaixo da média, enjoa facilmente. Aliás é blizzard.

fui enganado pela blizzard denovo

esse jogo seria bom se não fosse da blizzard ou se n tivesse existido

Nunca tinha jogado Overwatch mas já sabia da situação que ele se encontrava. Odeio jogo multiplayer competitivo, mas olha só, tinha visto que ia sair uma skin de Cowboy Bebop para Overwatch 2. E como já falei, eu odeio jogo multiplayer competitivo, pórem, amo Cowboy Bebop, porra, olha minha foto de perfil. Então pensei em dar uma chance, baixei o jogo, fiz o tutorial, brinquei um pouquinho; e descobri que se quisesse pegar as skins eu teria que pagar uns $50 que são aí R$250. Ha... e aqui estamos... esperando um jogo multiplayer competitivo bom...

The biggest drop of the fucking century. I can not think of a worse flop in my life. All the good devs must've (rightfully) quit

this has to be the single most insulting release of all time. It's not a sequel it's a justification to replace Overwatch's existing monetization with far more predatory monetization.

This is the best argument against the "games as a service" model that exists. The original Overwatch is dead and lost to time, the people who spent $40 on it can go get fucked according to Blizzard. What had potential to be a beloved casual and fun game beloved by many like Team Fortress 2 was milked dry of any potential it had by corporate greed. Forced eSports and enough in-your-face monetization that the game's UI may as well be an advertisement.

Muito superior que o 1, mas vcs não estão prontos pra essa conversa.

i used to play the shit out of this game back in 2017 i was so bad and still am. i don't really enjoy playing this game but i tend to come back to it every now and then to play with friends which most of the time enjoyable.

Antes de vivar o 2.0 dlc edition eu tinha uma enorme vontade em o jogar, mas estragaram tudo

I didn’t play Overwatch 1, so it’s hard to compare, but generally the game isn’t that bad as people tend to say. It’s still funny and balanced

Divertido, amo jogar com amigos!!!!!!

Look, this is just not good at all, doesn't mean its terrible but also this sucks.
Changed my mind this is terrible but anyways
I will give it credit for all the aspects of the original game that it "ported" over but that is not an excuse for this just being wack.
1. This was sort of a problem with the first game but why does it take like 5 minutes to get into a game. Yes you can play deathmatch and some other stuff but they aren't gonna be fun to play forever also speaking of multiplayer....
2. Bit minor but why do players just randomly leave when you play deathmatch, like all of them?
3. They didn't change anything from the last game in terms of multiplayer.
4. The PVE is just ok. Don't care for it.
5. Loot boxes... really
6. Ok, this really made the game feel worse but why delete the first game? You would have probably made more money from the first game being available as well because you like that.
7. Also no sprint.

1. The gameplay is great
2. It's free so I don't have to spend my money on this.

So yeah don't play this game, please don't
I give this a 2/10

A myriad of false promises and terrible update changes with there being zero point to this sequel existing now apart from greedy micro transactions to make it so you have to pay thousands just to get all the skins you used to be able to get for free