Reviews from

in the past

My childhood
This game captivates me to this day

The Pokémon game with the best story, and it's still pretty awful. The entire endgame, designed to be excruciatingly challenging, is only for diehard fans of the genre.

The best Pokémon game of all time, and proof that the majority of game journalists have absolutely no competence.

shame I can't add a sixth fav game, this would be it

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Qué decir señores, es símplemente épico.
Dusknoir putero borracho más malo que diarrea con tos si enladrillaras tan bien como mientes no faltaría trabajo en la obra

Possibly the best spin-off of all time

La mayor obra maestra que he jugado en mi vida y seguiré jugando sin importar las veces necesarias porque jamás me aburriré.

Pokémon fans discovering basic roguelike trends and even more basic storytelling for the first time and hailing both of those as a masterpiece because they clear the low bar of mainline Pokémon slop

Definitely not for everyone, but one of the best stories Pokemon has ever told. One of the very few games that has managed to make me cry.

If it's not Pokemon Heartgold and Soulsilver, this is probably the game that first got me into pokemon and why I love it so much <3

pas fan du gameplay malheureusement

Juego de Pokémon diferente a los demás

i think this was the first game that made me sob really bad

This game is amazing. The graphics are impressive, the storyline is surprisingly good and well written for what is supposedly a children's game, and it makes you want to play more and more even after the end of the main storyline. A must play !

I mean if this isn't the peak of Pokemon, I don't know what is.

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It's always the worst feeling whenever you play something that everyone else likes...and you just don't get it. All I ever hear anyone say is "Oh, Explorers of Sky is so good, it's beautiful, you'll love it so much" and man...really man? People really love this game for it's story and uh. This shit is not great man. The first half just doesn't matter, and when the story finally starts going places, it's predictable and uninteresting. The only part where I felt anything was the ending which, I will admit, is extremely well done. The characters are all just annoying or stock generic characters (besides Grovyle, I liked Grovyle) and it just really didn't move me a ton. I guess it does some cool time travel stuff? maybe? I feel like most people judge it exclusively off of the end, which is amazing in a vacuum, but even then SPOILERS THE MC COMES BACK SO WHO CARES? The gameplay is even worse. There is nothing going on here. Mystery Dungeon gameplay BLOWS, I hate this shit so much. Honestly, if I didn't have the save states on the WII U I would've lost my mind this shit SUCKS. All luck, only really fun and playable if you have a ton of really good items, and it's just a slog and boring. The fact that there is a non 0 chance that every room I walk into could be a Monster House and just kill me is one of the worst design decisions I have EVER seen. It's incredibly awful. I understand the love for this game to an extent, but I feel like no one ever stops and actually looks at it as a whole. Look at the whole game. Not just the final scene which carries this game on it's BACK. Music does slap though I must say.

Je suis si fier de l'avoir complété, c'était long, recruter tous les Pokémon, faire tous les donjons, y compris la terrible Tour du Destin.

Le jeu est dur comme pas possible mais ça fait parti de son charme.

Et cette histoire, mama, j'en reste retourné.

The best Pokémon game of all time.

The best pokemon game by a mile, they gotta remake this.

Shoutout to all my fellow furries who realized they were furries because of this game.

I think I might genuinely have more love in my heart for this game than any mainline Pokemon game. Deep seeded nostalgia and oh so many tears shed.

El mejor spin off de la saga y fácilmente top 5 de la misma así en general.

Tiene una historia interesante, con varios giros inesperados y misterios sobre los personajes.

El gameplay es el de un dungeon crawler, así que tiene objetos y demás cosas únicas, como misiones en mazmorra, para hacerlo más rejugable incluso después de pasar la historia, la cual es bastante larga, el postgame es una especie de epílogo/continuación que aclara más cosas de la trama.

Música increíblemente buena, con temas muy pegajosos y jefes bastante retadores si no vas bien preparado, con objetos curativos, de mejora de atributos o de azares en el escenario.

It's got a stellar soundtrack, a deep and engaging story, and beautiful pixel art that is expressive enough to convey so many emotions. The gameplay is the best in the series, due to a combination of good balancing of enemies/items and reasons to replay dungeons. Additionally, the content tacked on from Time/Darkness is significant, adding more fun game mechanics and story content that feels genuine. The pinnacle of Pokémon games and a guaranteed spot on my top 5 list.

Damn. I am an adult and this still made me cry. Good game, gameplay can get annoying and kind of RNG-based but yknow, that's Mystery Dungeon for you. Really well written game for something made for children.

Mi juego de Pokémon favorito :)

Tiene las mismas mecánicas que equipo de Rescate rojo y azul, pero mejora en todos los aspectos y añade más contenido respecto a exploradores del tiempo y la oscuridad. Tiene una historia interesante, los Pokémon tienen más carisma y en general es un juego entretenido y buenísimo