Reviews from

in the past

Okay, you know those weirdly satisfying videos of people power washing stuff? PowerWash Simulator is basically that as a game, and it's way more fun than you'd think! Cleaning up filthy houses, playgrounds, even Mars rovers – it's oddly relaxing, and the before-and-after is super gratifying. There's a chill co-op mode with your friends too. Sure, it can get a bit repetitive, but for those days when you just want to zone out and make things sparkly clean, this game does the trick.

The concept is interesting, but I don't have 30 hours to clean the virtual world where the shitdemon lives.

Концепт интересный, но у меня нет 30 часов на уборку в виртуальном мире, где живет какадемон.

legal de jogar em call com alg de madrugada falando de coisa laeatoria


simulador de ser mujer por un dia

A cool game, I was able to play it thanks to the game pass, with music in the background we have fun, it's chill, I recommend.

I appreciate this can be therapeutic for some people but GOD IT'S SO BORING

The perfect game to play with friends online while enjoying a few beers.

Extremely chill game picks up some weird story elements near the end but is a blast to play throughout, love the seasonal content and the paid DLC is looking pretty good right now :)

Jogo muito legal com mecânicas de progressão muito interessantes, seria um jogo 5 estrelas se não fosse por um problema muito específico, quando você está em 99% de um trabalho, os lugares onde faltam ser limpos podem ser tão pequenos e escondidos que são imperceptíveis causando um problema que faz a fase não poder ser completada, simplesmente por não conseguir achar onde ainda está sujo.

This game tricked me into thinking power washing is remotely fun IRL.

I expected this to be chill, something to throw on if I'm really bored, but this game legit makes me anxious to just get hte ufcking place done alreafy whrwer the fuck is the last sepcjk of dirt what the fucjmk

Eu não entendo pq esse jogo é tão bom kkk

Wondering what my ten year old self would think of me for enjoying a game about cleaning

Cansado de ouvir podcast enquanto se ocupa de algo produtivo como limpar sua casa? Experimente ouvir podcasts enquanto limpa a casa virtual dos outros e postergue qualquer serventia real que vc poderia ter no mundo!


This is fun, It's my "I'm on a discord call and I need to move my fingers". I'll not say it's a cool game for everyone, but if you're into those oddly satisfying videos, I think you're gonna like it.

When you dont want to do chores in real life but this game also makes you hate doing chores ingame...

Has some incredibly monotonous moments, but it finishes on an incredible high note. The last couple of cleans are some of the best in the game.

i can get waaayy too addicted to this.. i literally love playing this when im bored.

é muitoo bom pra passar o tempo, no começo jogava diversos níveis e nem percebia o tempo passando, mas atualmente eu acabei cansando um pouco do jogo, quem sabe algum dia eu continuo...

The perfect video game for those who focus on the carpet cleaning part of the Tiktok instead of the Family Guy clip

Not accurate to the source material. Why don't they have me haggle an old women for five dollars for cleaning her house?