Reviews from

in the past

Praying for the day Capcom stops packaging random multiplayer games with their games

fui testar essa bomba aqui que negocio horrível

Didn't play it but I don't plan to either I've seen what it is, CAPCOM stop packaging shitty stupid spinoff games like this one onto your actual games, no one cares about them.

It's a fun game, with friends of course. Great idea, poor execution. Prepare to be stun locked every 5 seconds!

A fun multiplayer game to play to kill time.

I didn’t pay for this, but I still feel robbed after playing it.

meu deus, tinha que ser filho do VILLAGE

É um jogo divertido, mas escondido como uma DLC gratuita. Uma pena, tinha potencial.

Fun for like 10 minutes but because Capcom had little faith in it, they barely added any content so you get what the game has to offer very quickly. If I was making it, then I would have just cut the humans and just made the whole game based around monster fights, that would actually be pretty fucking sick. It is a sin that the only new characters we got where all just the idiots in Chris's goon squad.

Can't FINISH this game ig but i played a good bit. It's dumb fun, awfully design, but I at least had fun.

Uma tentativa falha de criar um jogo serviço da CAPCOM, nem é o conceito que seja ruim mas foi muito mal executado! Além da demora para seu lançamento o jogo foi lançado pela metade praticamente, faltando conteúdo e com uma gameplay bem datada e travada, pouca variação de personagem e cenários. Sou grande fã da franquia e sei que é um mundo muito rico que poderia ter sido algo bem melhor que isso mas não parece que estavam preocupados em faze-lo.

This game truly and utterly sucks, but in a way that fascinates me. Capcom wants a Games As A Service Resident Evil so very badly, and their latest attempt is... a Deathmatch Arena Shooter that directly adapts the mechanics of the Resident Evil Remakes with no regard for how they would work in a multiplayer setting? In what world did they think this was going to be the new eSport that audiences clamour for?

I could talk about the individual mechanical decisions here that are not very good, (Chris having an ability that just lets him be invincible for 3 seconds, Ada spawning with a one hit kill crossbow, how its a score based game that is entirely based on getting Last Hits on enemies) but most importantly, There's a perk you can unlock in this game that protects how much MMR you can lose in a match. If Activision or EA ever realises this is a mechanic that they could sell to consumers this industry will be broken forever.

capcom please stop giving me these free packaged in re games i cant handle them anymore they are so bad

i mean its alright, just has lack of players and executed poorly.

J'aurais voulu tester de son vivant (s'il l était) Encore une fois ce jeu n'était disponibles qu'une fois après avoir acheté le dernier Resident Evil pour ensuite être décalés de 1 an pour des améliorations de gameplay finalement aucune amélioration n'a été faites et ce jeu est mort dès les premières heures de sortie et puis le principe ne donner vraiment pas envie bref du temps perdu pour le studio

Joguin online tenebroso de RE.

This game starts out unbearable with the need to log in to Capcom ID I don't know why, and when you enter the game you'll wait 20 minutes to be able to play because no one plays this crap anymore apparently... The gameplay is horrible, boring, empty , there is no fun playing this... there is no need for this game to exist!! and Capcom, if you want to make a decent online Resident Evil so badly, listen to the fans and remake Outbreaks!!

Given the fact that this game is supposed to be celebration of Resident Evil's history its a shame it only really shows off the last 5 years of the franchise not even including the latest release. a lot of people are quick to dismiss this one given the reputation of multiplayer focused resident evil games but unlike a lot of them this one is competent and could easily rival RE5's Versus Mode & RE6's Survivors Mode with the main distinction from those modes being the lack of zombies and inclusion of transforming into BOWs on death. this game suffers from immense lack of variety in maps (the fact that they missed out on including downtown raccoon city and the umbrella facility from 3 alone is puzzling) and more characters from the franchise that haven't gotten the opportunity to be shown in the RE Engine (Rebecca, Sheva, Josh, Barry, jake) on top of side characters that people have grown fond over (Krauser, Luis, Carlos, Kendo, Tyrell). its a shame Capcom isn't putting dedication for a game that's supposed to commemorate one of their biggest franchises when all it needs is a bit more gameplay balancing and content to really make it worth picking up

Diversão ejaculação precoce

O game vai te entreter por exatos 2 minutos. Isso porque uma jogada em um modo demora uns 5 minutos, então os outros 3 vc vai se perguntar "o que caralhos eu to fazendo jogando isso aqui?"

Mais uma vez a Capcom não conseguiu fazer um game multiplayer decente. Inclusive acho que já passou da hora dela desistir. Tudo aqui é chato, desde a necessidade de ter que logar em uma conta Capcom ID para chegar no menu do game e se decepcionar com a gameplay vazia, cansativa e totalmente desinteressante.

A única coisa de bom é a boa seleção de personagens, mas que falha miseravelmente ao fator de que não é divertido de jogar com nenhum deles, uma vez que o jogo não tem alma. Quando se acha uma partida para jogar, todos escolhem a bugada Ada para jogar por conta do desbalanceamento dos personagens e seus poderes especiais.

Um ultraje esse game!

This title feels like a shady company has stolen all the assets of the modern RE games and quickly released a multiplayer shooter shovelware on Steam, using a half-baked toon-shader to give it a different look.
Except that it's an official Capcom game.

rip :( te weinig liefde
wel goed idee

This is terrible. The gunplay makes shooting spitballs seem like actual combat, there is 0 feedback when shooting and when hitting your target, and the UI just sucks. Please avoid this at all costs.